Monday, August 13, 2012

Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts Applaud the 30th Olympiad's Host Country, London, and the 204 Countries who sent Olympians

Every four  years, we are treated to the skills, talents, aptitudes, and achievements of men and women who compete in the Olympics.  In addition, we are given an inside look at the host's city and surroundings that make the many venues successful.  For London, this was their third opportunity to host the Olympics; and the challenges that bring with 204 countries participating in the various Olympic Events.  From all indications, the safety concerns were handled professionally; and the Olympians presented an outstanding image of competitiveness that was beyond superior.  Many friends were reunited and many new friends were discovered in 2012.

For all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who were unable to be physically present in London, the television coverage was exceptional and exploratory in many respects.  The age range of the Olympians was vast from the middle teens to the senior members.  Overlooked, yet behind the scenes, were the mentors, coaches, family members, and friends who positively cheered on their favorites and their adopted Countries who gave their very best.  The human conditions were observed and respected from many angles of human intelligence.  Beautiful were the smiles, the tears, the hugs, and the respect for the Countries who were recognized for their participation.  The general media at times tried to create some "controversies" by their uninhibited comments; however, in general, the media recognized their responsibility to report what was really important. The people of London were gracious hosts; and their spirit of enthusiasm was noted by all who watched the normal human reactions that were associated with enjoying competitive events.

Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who were there in London agreed that the location of the 30th Olympiad presented a positive and enthusiastic appreciation for the opportunity to host the 2012
Olympics.  Thank God for the weather that cooperated with the many events that were scheduled for the past two weeks.  At the Closing Ceremonies, the Olympic Flag was presented to the 2016 Summer Olympics Host, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  Long live the Olympic Spirit from Olympiad to Olympiad!  All are winners in spirit by being an Olympian! Thank you, London!  Cheers!

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