Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts welcome the 236th Celebration of the Birthday of the United States of America on July 4, 2012.  My recollections of my childhood reaffirms my loyalty and my respect for the Founders of our Great Nation.  My visits to Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA, on many occasions reminded me of the focus and the vision that true patriots had for the future of our Beautiful Nation.  Coming out of a Revolution from tyranny, the American Revolution opened the doors for the many freedoms that are often taken for granted by those who have been duped by our modern day soothsayers.  For the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the U.S. Constitution stand today as the foundation of all of the freedoms that many other nations in the world have never known because of tyrannical government forces.  

Let Freedom Ring on the 4th of July as well as the fireworks that are used in celebration of our unique Country.  Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts honor and respect the dignity of each unique individual, born and unborn,  who accept the responsibilities of living in a community of believers in justice and in right reason.  Freedom comes with a price; and in many cases, many men and women have laid down their lives and have paid the ultimate price for keeping our freedoms of choice truly free.  For many citizenry, the acceptance of a hand out is more important that a hand up, which enriches the value and the worth of each unique person:  PRICELESS!

As we celebrate the 236th Birthday of the United States of America on July 4, 2012, let us remember all of the holistic intelligences that are unique for each American, born and unborn. Let us encourage those who strive to obtain American citizenship to be patient and to learn all that has made America great with a Proud Heritage and a Promising Future.  Let us all pray, study, and act in the best interests of all Americans, born and unborn, who value the freedoms for what they truly mean:  ONE  NATION UNDER GOD WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.  AMERICA BLESS GOD....for God has already showered His graces on America.  Let us renew our efforts to bring about the United States of America that is the Land of Opportunity for all Americans, born and unborn.  Let all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts take the  responsibility for preserving American Heritages and Freedoms by being pro-active in their environments.

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