Saturday, July 21, 2012


In one week, our opportunity to attend the 2012 Common Bond Reunion will be an exciting and a motivational endeavor to visit with friends who have dedicated their lives in serving others in various parts of the United States and the World Community.  The willingness to share with often overlooked and respected friends gives hope to the world that is looking for the virtue of hope,  justice, and love.  The Mission of each person is to be the Leaven in their environments to make a difference with their time, talents, and treasures.  This coming weekend will give each person the platform to share their experiences, their adventures, their successes, their shortcomings, and their passion for enhancing the uniqueness of each human being that they encounter daily.

For me personally, this will be my first chance to be on the campus of my bachelor's degree experiences after more than a fifty- year absence.  As an alumnus, this university gave me an challenge to dedicate my life to education in the classroom, in  office environments, and in many community-based activities.  My mission is to listen, listen, love, love for the couple of days of greeting and rejuvenating my acquaintances with so many colleagues who have touched my life in many ways over the years.  Upon return from this 2012 Reunion, my intention is to share what I learned from so many professional and exceptional persons who have made the world their Mission to bring faith, hope, and love wherever they go.  "Bloom where you are planted" has been the ongoing approach for these Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who have made a difference in many walks of life.   During my year of the "Spirit of '76," this will be a highlight worth remembering and sharing with those who are looking for answers and guidance in their careers.

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