Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Recently, a very proud Teacher was honored at the White House and was presented to the Public as the Teacher of the Year.  She was introduced by the President of the United States for her dedication, her drive, her desire, her determination, her discipline, her dignity, and her diplomacy in creating a learning environment at her school.  In effect, this Teacher of the Year recognizes that all Teachers are creators of effective learning environments by their sincerity in making a difference in the lives of each of her students.  Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts graciously congratulate this wonderful Teacher of the Year for her inspiring effects to enhance the ordinary learning environment into an extraordinary atmosphere impacting the future of our wonderful Country. Each Teacher makes possible a 100 percent Achievement Ladder if they care.

Hopefully, all Educators in all disciplines and all levels of educational schooling will be encouraged to incorporate and to renew their commitment to providing an effective learning environment to a higher level of achievement and accountability.  In spite of all of the current and future breakthroughs with technological advances, the Teacher is the one who creates the learning environment where learning has an opportunity to grow and grow and grow.  In the On The Job Training (O.J.T.) and the "College of Hard Knocks," there are many trainers, mentors, tutors, and co-workers who affect the learning of the inexperienced with effective and experienced resources.  The "Classroom with Walls" and the "Classroom without Walls" exists in our current learning environments with human beings who care about the learning skills of their prospective learners.  To become a Nation that really cares for each unique individual in whatever learning environment that exists, the Learning Facilitator creates an effective learning atmosphere where true learning takes effect.  The Creative and the Critical Skills for each person must include a holistic approach in every person willing to be open to learning.  What may work for one person may not work for another person.  What motivates one person to learn may not necessarily work for another person who has a unique Learning Style.  

Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts salute and congratulate all Educators who make a difference in the Learning Environments that shapes unique Learning Styles.  "Always remember what you have learned.  Your Education is your Life.  Guard it well!"  (Proverbs 4:13)

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