Saturday, September 24, 2011


During my grade school days, September 24th was always a blessing in disguise. My instructors were members of the Sisters of Mercy Congregation; and these dedicated nuns were an inspiration to me during my eight years of grade school. On the 24th of September of each year, the Sisters of Mercy celebrated their special Feast Day on that day. Yes, for eight years my birthdays were celebrated as free days, thanks to the Feast Day of the Sisters of Mercy. Walking to and from grade school every day was a special opportunity to enjoy the metropolitan City of Philadelphia. Our home was located in the ghetto of South Philadelphia; but we were proud of our heritage as Americans in the City that was the birthplace of our Nation. As an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast, my privilege was to have a total holistic education from dedicated educators who assisted the learner in gaining the basics for life. Thank you, Sisters of Mercy, for giving me the tools that have enhanced my total life during these past 76 years. For those dedicated Sisters who have gone to their eternal reward, may your souls and all of the souls of the faithful departed through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Also, on this special birthday, my thoughts go to the parents who gave me an opportunity to gain the tools to meet the challenges of life. Thanks, Mom and Dad, for the gifts of life and love...IT IS GREAT TO BE ALIVE! In addition, thank you, Paul and Kathleen, for your continued support of my endeavors over the years. May you continue to enjoy life eternal with God forever! And to my only living brother, Rich, thank you for being a loving brother to me for all of those years of adventure. May you continue, Rich, to be happy in this life and to gain the eternal happiness that you richly deserve for all that you gave to others and to me. For those who take human life lightly by their limited understanding of the value of human life, may you some day believe in the dignity and the respect that is due to each human being with potential, unborn and born. Choose Life!

Friday, September 23, 2011


For all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who are celebrating their birthdays on the 24th of September, 2011....CONGRATULATIONS AND BLESSED WISHES! For me this has been a very rewarding year since my celebrating last year for my 3/4 of a century celebration with my family. Yes, family is the most important fabric for any true celebration. How many 9/24 Club members will be alone this 24th of September? How many 9/24 Club members have gone to their eternal reward since last year? Moving forward with all the gifts and graces of human life, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts remember the past but live in the NOW! Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their Country.

Tomorrow for me is the beginning of a new year, "The Spirit of '76." Growing up in the City of Philadelphia, PA, the birthplace of our Great Nation, my thoughts and memories of all the family gatherings brought sincere solace even in challenging times
. The choices that have been made over the past 75 years for me and others have been good, better, and best depending upon who evaluates those choices. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts focus on the NOW and prepare well for the next moments as a great challenge for our use of time, talents, and treasures. "His Kingdom come; His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." Our Blessed Country is experiencing many challenges that have been brewing for some time. The outstanding human resources that our "melting pot" has attracted are being challenged as never before. Yet, that is time to step up and to remember the "Spirit of '76." Our Country will survive these challenges when all men and women of good will realize that the value of each and every human being is sacred, unique, and worth dignity. Human life is continuum from conception to natural death. To interfere with this natural process for whatever reason will continue to haunt all Americans until the attitude changes regarding the value and worth of each human being, unborn and born.

Congratulations to all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who will be celebrating and sharing their time, talents, and treasures with their family and friends on their special day...THEIR BIRTH DAY. For me, my theme for the upcoming year will be "The Spirit of '76" as a reminder that we, Americans, are proud of our multiple heritages. However, we will step aside with being "hyphenated Americans" and enjoy FULL FLEDGED AMERICANS accepting the challenges of the coming days and years. Remember to Bless God who has already blessed America from its 1776 beginnings. May 2011-2012 bring a new, positive attitude toward the value and respect for all human beings, unborn and born, if we are to come out of our negative attitudes and choices about BEING ALIVE...and feeling free... and having everyone in our Family...a Family that loves stays together!

Saturday, September 3, 2011


"Come to Me all you who labor and find life burdensome; and I will give you rest. Learn from Me for I am meek and humble of heart. For My yoke is easy and My burden light." (Matthew 12:28) During this year's remembrance of what the working person has accomplished for our beloved Country, let us all remember where the time, the talents, and the treasures are deployed to benefit all Americans. With the emphasis on the Global Economy and the interdependence that all of the world's population depend upon, the positive and forward looking visions of entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs have contributed to all holistic persons from multiple cultures. Making use of the land, the labor, the capital, the entrepreneurship, the technologies, and the service-oriented driven economies, the world's population shares in the human resources that are achievement driven to benefit the common cause of all human beings. However, what is often overlooked, is the Divine Presence that allows the human resources to discover and to re-discover the Ultimate Cause of all that is good and positive. With discoveries like "recycling," "re-engineering," "long-term research," "cultural awareness," and "individual differences," the world community respects the rights for the sacredness and the dignity of the human resources that make the Divine Plan of Action come into collaborative practices.

When peace exists in the hearts of persons of good will, the world community gains an internal peace that only the Divine Source can and will give to those who ask for and work for that peace. Wars destroy human resources, natural resources, innovative resources, and investment resources. "To the victor belongs the spoils" was a saying that was allowed to exist with little positive meaning. Self-determination with Divine Guidance makes the road ahead more positive for the benefit of the Common Good. There have been wars that have existed for centuries without any concern for peaceful settlements. Understanding one another takes effective communication at all levels especially with multiple languages and cultures to be studied and respected. Famines exist because greedy human resources hoard all of the "factors of production" for selfish ends. Giving dignity and respect to the lowliest of all human beings is expected for all persons who have been given multiple talents and treasures. Adversary climates and relationships create a negative effect for all concerned. Turning the atmosphere to a more positive approach takes "work" and "genuine effort" in a collaborative manner. Respect gains respect when the dignity of the work place is honored and appreciated. "If a job is worth doing, the job is worth doing well or not at all." Completing the ordinary job in an extraordinary way is the opportunity for all human resources to consider and to put into actual practice on a daily basis. We all benefit from the multiple human resources throughout the globe. "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me." The Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts salute the human resources who daily make a difference in their respective work places and communities. Make this Labor Day Weekend your resolve to be the best of who you are rather than what you are. Give a hand up rather than a hand out!

The Best Treaty America Ever Signed

The Best Treaty America Ever Signed