Today we commemorate the Supreme Court's ruling giving legality to perform elective abortions on innocent pre-born babies in the United States of America. With more than 53,000,000 pre-born babies killed by elective abortion since January 22, 1973, the time has come to reassess our attitudes about the value and the dignity of ALL innocent human life from conception to natural death. Why are the civil rights of the innocent pre-born excluded from the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Now that the medical community has available the equipment to monitor the growth and development of the human embryo and the human fetus, the natural progression is to reconsider the myths and the inaccuracies of the discussion about recognizing when innocent human life exists. Are the cultures in our communities insensitive to the needs of the innocent pre-born children through self-gratification, inconvenience, and selfish ploys rather than be responsible with appropriate and ethical pre-adult and adult behavior?
Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts agree that human life is a continuum from conception to natural death. We all start out as innocent human beings and end up as innocent human beings not "vegetables." In our USA, the civil rights movement took more than 100 years to resolve the issue of the dignity and the sanctity of human life based on color. The civil rights movement for the innocent pre-born is based on residency, dependency, and viability. With responsible parenting and solid ethical and moral guidelines, parents are able to accept the enormous responsibility of caring and loving an innocent human being in their formative and nuturing development. Ignorance may be replaced with effective parenting education that assists those who are unable and unwilling to deal with the realities of innocent human life at every stage of growth and development. For many adoption is a better choice than killing an innocent human being because the law makes it LEGAL! In a civilized society, we can do better than we are now doing to erase the mistakes of 38 years ago using a selfish motive to obtain "rights." Even though legal abortionists may kill the innocent human body, these same practioners are unable to kill the human spirit that lives on through all eternity. For all the mothers and fathers who have had the challenges of raising innocent human beings to be what they are today, congratulations for your willingness to give your children LIFE and LOVE. Let us remember the 53,000,000 pre-born babies who have lost their innocent human life through legal elective abortions since 1973 with a special prayer for the faithful departed. Eternal rest give to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, REST IN PEACE!