Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Now that the results are in from yesterday's elections, the challenges begin for all voters to listen, listen, listen and decide on November 2, 2010 the fate of our American Free Enterprise system as we know what that legacy can and should be for restoring confidence in our Republic. The working relationship with the public and private sectors of our great Country strive on the uniqueness of each Achievment Ladder Enthusiast's active participation. Even though "negativism" may be the way of some candidates, the voters are looking for the "positive thrust" that is expected from candidates who will represent the American People in all matters that have impact on the dignity and the respect for all concerned persons. The Founding Leaders of our Republic left the Amerian People with a principled legacy that is still appropriate in the 21st Century. Eroding the values of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution with a Bill of Rights opens the door to oppressive dictatorship that strips away natural and human rights for imposed bureacratic and secularistic humanism without effective representation for the individual.
Starting today and continuing until November 2, 2010, all registered voters and prospective registered voters are expected to read and to discern the TRUTH that will shared by the various candidates for public office. The holistic intelligences of the candidates need to be studied and understood to have an informed electorate that will make choices that go beyond the "obvious and the transparent." Consider all of the issues that are impacting our Republic in 2010. What are the priorities that need to be effectively addressed and accomplished by the "servants of the People" after the election on November 2 is over? Read, listen, research, and evaluate all of the information that will most important to the transformation and the renewal of the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts focus on climbing up and down the Ladder of Achievment that will again bring America as a Country that can be trusted and appreciated.
Your vote always counts even when you think that vote is overlooked. History has taught us many lessons about Countries who have lost their individual involvement in the political process because of dictatorships and citizen's apathy. All Achievment Ladder Enthusiasts will exercise their privilege and their opportunity to vote for the candidates of their choice in the most informed manner possible. Using many sources of information will open the minds and the hearts of those American Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who "care enough to send the very best" to represent their interests and concerns in public service.
November 2, 2010, will become the Transformation Day for all true American Patriots who accept their responsibility to make a difference for their America!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


To exercise a person's right to vote in a free society means a privilege and a responsibility to gather the information prior to casting votes for candidates. All candidates are expecting the registered American voters to take their civic duty serious in spite of any challenges that could derail a voter's good intention to actually vote. "Your vote always counts" means a free person ignores apathy and procrastination in making time to cast their vote for their favorite candidate who has indicated a willingness to "actually represent" their constituency in all of their future deliberations in a public office.
Today, my opportunity to cast my vote was accomplished in spite of a dreary, rainy day at my local polling location. To be "thanked" by the volunteers at the polling place for exercising my right to vote was graciously accepted and appreciated. Now the time has come to wait for the results this evening or tomorrow morning to determine the candidates for the general election on November 2, 2010. This is my 50th year voting in local, county, state, and national elections, which on many occasions was a "losing candidate" in my selection process. However, my encouragement to make my civic duty more than a routine process had deeper implications. Given the information that was received and available through the media and other reliable sources, my selections were made on reflecting and on understanding the philosophical and ideological principles that each candidate espoused. Although much of the political rhetoric is basically spin and "pie in the sky" promises, the voting records and the actual accomplishment of the candidates in serving the public unconditionally had high priority in the selection process.
In a Country that has prided itself on its uniqueness and its respect for the value and dignity of each human being, the time spent to exercise my vote was more than just a choice of this candidate or that candidate. My voting practices mean my vote does have significance in declaring a candidate a "winner" or an also-ran. Hopefully, the day will come when the expense of running for public office will be reduced to an affordable budget in order to encourage more reliable and honest persons to seek public office without having any stings attached to the outcome. All Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who truly believe in our system of being a Republic and responsible to the American People will reconsider their opportunity to run for public office to make a real and significant difference in serving the American People with PRIDE, with COURAGE, with HONESTY, and with FIDELITY to the principles that have made the United States of America great during the past 234 years of Independence from foreign intervention.
Transformation Day for all American Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts is coming on November 2, 2010. Can we count on your active and total participation from now until that decisive day? Your vote always counts!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Congratulations to all of the dedicated, professional educators and administrative staff members of all pre-K, elementary, secondary, and post-secondary educational private and public school learning environments. Also, congratulations to all parents who have chosen to home-school their children during this coming academic learning year. Providing effective and efficient learning environments for all of the children of school age is the monumental task of all "seasoned" and "rookie" learning facilitators. The Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts salute all of those individuals who are assisting and mentoring student learners in their pursuit of discovering the depth of their learning opportunities at various levels of educational endeavors.
Congratulations to all of the student learners who are giving their total attention to maximizing their full potential to their interests, aptitudes, and their altitudes with their positive attitude. Whether the student-learner has a "thimble" level of aptitudes or a "gallon jug" level of aptitudes, the attitude with which you use your time, talents, and treasures will make the difference in the long run in ACHIEVING YOUR FULL POTENTIAL UP AND DOWN THE LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT in your life's adventures. Discoving your uniqueness as a human being in its holistic dimensions will be rewarding in your chosen careers or career clusters.
Congratulations to all of the IDES of AUGUST 2010 ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIASTS' AWARD RECIPIENTS. Welcome back to your Lifelong Learning goals of maximizing your unique talents and abilities in your educational challenges. "Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life. Guard it well!" (Proverbs 4:13)

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Remember the excitement of the first day that you experienced when you voted in your very first election? My experience was fifty years ago with an absentee ballot. Three years later, my choice for President of the United States was killed in Dallas, Texas, at the hands of an assassin. Although this experience was beyond words, the American People responded with an array of emotions appropriate for a Leader who was gunned down for being an American. Even to this day, a coverup of the circumstances surrounding this tragic death of a President lingers on. Yes, only in America do the American People respond to a tragedy with courage, with faith, with wisdom, and an understanding that we may have to die to prove our basic principles in American freedom.
Only in America have the minority thinking impacted the silent majority as in the case in 1973 when the Supreme Court ruling interpreted the 14th Amendment to give women only reproductive rights and allowed the killing of an innocent unborn baby (embryo, fetus, little child) as a legal status. This changed the original thinking of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution with a new challenge that has continued to this very day when more than 4,000 innocent, unborn babies are legally killed daily through elective abortion. The time has come for the reversal of such an heinous act on an American person because of residence, age, and gender discriminations. Only in America are we trying to overturn a human law that contradicts divine law.
Only in America have so many persons become addicted to the new technologies of the cell phone, the internet, and texting for whatever reason. Also, the social web sites have become a haven for finding friends and wasting valuable time and energy. The excess rather than the use has become the challenge for so many persons who are alone and make themselves vulnerable to all types of personalities that love to prey on the innocent and the unwary. There is a time and a place to use communication technology effectively and efficently. Becoming "a blanket" to carry around becomes a crutch to a real human life.
Only in America does everyone have an opportunity to attend school and learn skills that could be productive in a career choice. Only in America are more and more persons turning to home-schooling and internet courses to avoid the unwelcome social atmospheres that are a waste of precious time and energies. Also, the values and the sacredness for human and divine principles have encouraged many Americans to find an avenue to grow in their learning endeavors. Making good choices determines the future for many persons.
Only in America are we finding the loss of traditional jobs and careers going to other parts of the globe. Discovering the learning dynamics that will best meet the individual's learning styles and untapped skills is an every day challenge. Going to prestigious colleges and universities may be very costly in more ways than one. Many PHDs are working in fast-food restaurants because of the nature of their degrees and the "sheepskins" that were very costly in student loans. Vocademics has always been around through the community colleges that have responded the best in economic crisis and deep recessions. The experiences are priceless and cost effective. Only in America do we recognize the value of the community college education that provides a learning environment that brings out the best in every American who comes back to school after ten, twenty, thirty, or more years after their high school or their GED experiences.
Only in America do we find the increase in drug addiction, in alcohol addiction, in sexual addiction, in gambling addiction, and in many other crippling addictions. Yes, Americans has found outlets for recovery from effective private sources for years even for the "down and out." Homelessness is a plague on our American way of life because of many reasons. Again, many private sources have met the challenges better than any government programs that are bureacratic in nature with excessive paperwork.
Only in America can Americans speak out and to take action by voting in the primaries and the general elections. The silent majority responds effectively when push comes to shove. Critical and creative thinking gives all Americans an opportunity to express independent thinking that is to be respected and admired. Your vote as an American citizen gives you the opportunity to express your civil rights as well as your citizen rights. Getting involved with the process is what the "hippies of the 60s" discovered when they attacked "The Establishment." Read, research, reflect, and respond by voting for the candidates of your choice when given a choice. This is the mission of the Achievement Ladder Enthusiast who wants to give back to America what America has offered its citizenry. Your vote always counts in more ways than one. Yes, only in America are you able to make a difference without permission.