Now that the results are in from yesterday's elections, the challenges begin for all voters to listen, listen, listen and decide on November 2, 2010 the fate of our American Free Enterprise system as we know what that legacy can and should be for restoring confidence in our Republic. The working relationship with the public and private sectors of our great Country strive on the uniqueness of each Achievment Ladder Enthusiast's active participation. Even though "negativism" may be the way of some candidates, the voters are looking for the "positive thrust" that is expected from candidates who will represent the American People in all matters that have impact on the dignity and the respect for all concerned persons. The Founding Leaders of our Republic left the Amerian People with a principled legacy that is still appropriate in the 21st Century. Eroding the values of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution with a Bill of Rights opens the door to oppressive dictatorship that strips away natural and human rights for imposed bureacratic and secularistic humanism without effective representation for the individual.
Starting today and continuing until November 2, 2010, all registered voters and prospective registered voters are expected to read and to discern the TRUTH that will shared by the various candidates for public office. The holistic intelligences of the candidates need to be studied and understood to have an informed electorate that will make choices that go beyond the "obvious and the transparent." Consider all of the issues that are impacting our Republic in 2010. What are the priorities that need to be effectively addressed and accomplished by the "servants of the People" after the election on November 2 is over? Read, listen, research, and evaluate all of the information that will most important to the transformation and the renewal of the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts focus on climbing up and down the Ladder of Achievment that will again bring America as a Country that can be trusted and appreciated.
Your vote always counts even when you think that vote is overlooked. History has taught us many lessons about Countries who have lost their individual involvement in the political process because of dictatorships and citizen's apathy. All Achievment Ladder Enthusiasts will exercise their privilege and their opportunity to vote for the candidates of their choice in the most informed manner possible. Using many sources of information will open the minds and the hearts of those American Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who "care enough to send the very best" to represent their interests and concerns in public service.
November 2, 2010, will become the Transformation Day for all true American Patriots who accept their responsibility to make a difference for their America!