Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas & Advent 2009

Christmas & Advent 2009


Today Spiritual Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts celebrate a New Year that is preceded by an Advent in preparation for what was achieved during the very first Christmas, the Coming of Emmanuel, God is with us. Over 2000 years ago, many A.L.E.I.A. members were waiting for the coming of the Messiah. Yes, the Messiah, the God-Man, was conceived by a virgin as was prophesied by the early writings of the Bible. He came as a Jewish child who was born of a spirit-filled woman through the power of the Holy Spirit. Mary's "Yes" to God's messenger to become the Mother of the Messiah was predicted by many prophets who were in tune with God's plan of salvation for His people, His Creation. Jesus Christ, the Messiah, was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit in the womb of a humble, courageous, and dedicated woman to the inspirations of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). O Come, O Come Emmanuel and ransom captive all of the members of the Spiritually Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts.

To focus on the reason for the season of Advent means to prepare well for the second coming of Jesus Christ for each member of the A.L.E.I.A. To remember the memory of the first Christmas is a matter of record. However, the distractions of the world, the flesh, and the devil overshadow the depth of why we all celebrate the memory of the very first Christmas. Commercialism and secular humanism has clouded the REASON FOR THE SEASON. The focus is to remember the three phases of the coming of Emmanuel, God is with us. The first HOLY FAMILY indicates the mission to be accomplished in the very short span of time for all members who accept the mission and the vision of the Messiah's mission, His Way, His Truth, and His Life.
The Messiah's mission was the Redemption of all souls back to God's way, truth, and life. For all who say, "Yes," to God's plan for their unique existence means to allow the Messiah to dwell within their very being to continue God's plan on earth as it is in Heaven. "I will not leave you orphans....I will be with you always until the end of time, which no one knows when that will be."

Today begins the transformation and the renewal that prepares each person to be reconciled with the Creator of the Universe. His enthronement in each home and in each heart means a transformation that has far-reaching effects. "Love one another as I have loved you." Love came down at Christmas. Love died on the cross to save all persons from eternal damnation. Love rose from the dead to bring about an "ALLELUIA PEOPLE." Love continues to be the reason for the season. Love changes all persons into the image and likeness of God. For GOD IS LOVE. When love is missing, God is missing. When love is ignored, God is ignored. For love on the divine level demands a different attitude than the animalistic misuse of human beings definition of what love is. "Love is kind, love is patient, love is eternal. Faith, hope, and love remain but the greatest gift is Love." As Alleluia People, let us learn the meaning of Love!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Today is the last day of the Spiritual Liturgical Year for all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who are members of the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts' International Association (A.L.E.I.A.). Today is an opportunity to look back over the past year to discover what spiritual progress has been made and what spiritual plans need to be adopted to transform their future actions to a positive spiritual growth and development. Since all members of the A.L.E.I.A. are committed to maximizing their climb up and down the Ladder of Achievement, emphasis needs to be focused on being IN the world but not OF the world. To be caught in the dragnet of the world, the flesh, and the devil keeps A.L.E.I.A. members from soaring like "eagles rather than being confined as "turkeys" in the muck of the transitory and of the secular distractions and anxieties.

To bring PEACE, JOY, AND LOVE to a world that resents any mention of the Uncaused Cause of this Universe is the greatest challenge for A.L.E.I.A. members. To bring HOPE to an environment of distrust and discouragement means that A.L.E.I.A. members must WALK THEIR TALK by their daily living and challenges. Anyone can GIVE UP, but the focus is to GET UP and continue on the road to the Heavenly rewards offered for those who choose HIS WAY, HIS TRUTH, and HIS LIFE. To be LIVING MEMBERS OF THE MYSTICAL BODY OF JESUS CHRIST means to offer time, talents, and treasures for the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven. This can be accomplished when the new members of C.F.R. (Courage, Faith, Renewal) are aligned with A.L.E.I.A. members. The Courage is live the uniqueness that their Creator has given to each A.L.E.I.A. member strengthens the resolve to accept all challenges as gifts from God to grow. The Faith that requires a Living Faith to understand that the Providence of God is involved in every dimension of human living until death and then on to eternity. The Renewal sparks the conversion and the transformation required to become the NEW PERSON, the NEW CREATION as intended by Divine Providence if our wills are in tune with the Holy Trinity in our everyday lives. To respect that human life is a continuum from conception to natural death is the beginning of TRUE WISDOM endowed by our Creator for those who really Love Him...Our Emmanuel...God with us. When the New Spiritual Year starts tomorrow, let all A.L.E.I.A. members commit to following the Divine Plan for all Creation rather than the secular, elitist, humanistic fallacies that destroy the mind, the heart, the body, and the spirit of all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who strive to attain the maximum potential in their human lives. O Come, O Come Emmanuel and ransom captive A.L.E.I.A. members from hopeless promises of the world.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Let us be "Eucharist" to each other...members of the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts International Association (A.L.E.I.A.). May the sacredness and the unique dignity of each human being on Planet Earth be respected from conception to natural death. May we THANK THE CREATOR of the UNIVERSE for all that He has done to bring Everlasting Peace, Joy, and unconditional love to all those who give of their time, their talents, and their treasures in the service of being instruments of God's peace to all those who seek His Way, His Truth, and His Life in their daily walk wth their Brothers and Sisters. Jesus Christ's Kingdom will always exist for all eternity. His Kingdom and His Kingship over all of us for eternity begins with each new day. May His Eucharistic Presence be a Beacon for all to see and to touch the transformation of all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts with the power of the Holy Spirit. May the Holy Spirit bring the Eucharistic Presence to all those who need the transformation the most and to those who think they need the Eucharistic Presence the least.

We all hAve many reasons to be THANKFUL in 2009. Yet, we all need to be actively involved in bringing the Thanksgiving Spirit to those who are active advocates of enhancing the Thanksgiving Spirit of the Eucharistic Presence to all members of the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts International Association (A.L.E.I.A.) throughout the world. Let us Go in Peace to serve one another and to serve God's Kingdom on Earth and His Kingship over us and our neighbors who are counting on us to be LIVING TABERNACLES OF THE EUCHARISTIC PRESENCE.


Friday, November 20, 2009


Since 1973, the United States of America through the Supreme Court has legalized elective abortions until the cord is cut to avoid infantcide. The premise of the entire case was based on the interpretation of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States indicating that women have privacy in all concerns regarding reproductive rights. Although the timing was right for the "feminist movement" in America, the end apparently justifies the means to achieve the interpretation. For almost 37 years, the issue of Pro Life versus Pro Death has entered every aspect of discussion in the political arena with the "Pro-Choice for Death" getting the most support from a variety of well-funded resources. However, with the advent of medical science in the area of sonography, a woman now can see that an independent human life begins when the sperm meets the egg (otherwise known as fertilization/and or conception). Visually identifying an innocent human life (often called an embryo and eventually a fetus), the growing and developing human being with potential to full development and maturation with the genes of the Father and the Mother. To ignore the existence of human life before birth is an afront and an ignorance to medical science and the basics of Anatomy and Physiology I plus Human Genetics.

This "civil rights" cause may take years to eventually resolve because of the "irreconcilible differences" involving the sacredness and the human life continuum from conception to natural death. Even the "death peddlers" are working on the other end of the sprectrum regarding the elderly, the disabled, the dependent, the dying, the homeless, the unproductive, and the "drains on society." Euthanasia is considered a viable method to "terminate" human life with dignity from a secular humanistic religious point of view. History has taught us many lessons during the 20th century regarding the extreme attitudes of persons who have a negative attitude against anyone who gets in their way of achieving dictatorships, socialistic agendas, and total domination.

With more than 50 million innocent unborn babies killed since 1973, the time will eventually come to this Nation that enjoys considerable personal freedom in many aspects to suffer the consequences of negative attitudes toward human life from conception to natural death. These cause and effect circumstances will include extreme economic downturns, distrust in the political arenas, loss of confidence in leadership at all levels., religious intolerances and anti-God policies, and numerous greedy and selfishness that impacts the "grassroots" of a free society. Yes, there can be a turnabout from these negative attitudes by persons willing to "transform" from their former habits and to be "converted" to the TRUTH that will set these persons free and save their neighbors, friends, and the general community from the tyranny of the "elitists."

Until the Law of the Land regarding Human Life is transformed to agree with the Divine Law of all Human Life existence, individuals may desire to ADOPT SPIRITUALLY an unborn baby who may be a victim of an elective abortion by the mother and uninformed reproductive advocates.
To help stop the "Pro-Choice for Death" in the world, the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen encouraged the spiritual adoption of an unborn child. This is done by praying that one particular but unknown child's life be spared elective abortion and be allowed to continue to live. To help accomplish this, an individual may say the following daily prayer for a period of nine months.
"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion." The name I wish to give my baby is:_______________. During your earthly life this spiritually adopted child of yours will be known only to God but in the world to come it is hoped that you will meet the souls your prayers saved and spend eternal happiness with them. "Jesus may your peace and your love embrace the hearts, the minds, and souls of the family, friends, and loved ones who encourage this elective abortion and lead them all to your sacred and eucharistic heart."

As an example of what an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast is willing to accomplish, my prayers from January, 2009, until the end of September, 2009, were for "Matthew" and "Mary" as my spiritually adopted children. My current spiritually adopted children are "Joseph" and "Josephine" who are anticipated to be born by June, 2010. Will you CHOOSE LIFE?

Monday, November 16, 2009


Seeking the middle of the road has often been the choice of many persons who avoided extremes in their lifestyles. However, to seek the balance in their lives many persons have soften their stand on principles to meet approval from all persons. To do the "politically correct" approach means giving up or "saving face" to avoid unnecessary embarrassments. This dilemma has caused many individuals to become "wishy washy" in any challenge that would be considered a concession of their basic philosophical encounters on a daily basis. To be a mere "puppet" for others to pull their strings makes these persons incompetent to achieve what is conceivably possible in their lives. The middle of the road approach often leads to "mediocrity." To be mediocre often is the beginning of the end of their careers and of their life's ambitions.

For Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts the goal of maximizing their total potentials as human beings means a total commitment to whatever extreme makes them "ring true." Extremists are often avoided by the opposite extremists such as "liberals" versus "conservatives." To be what you say you are means to take a solid stand for your philosophy of life. There was once an author who wrote a book entitled, "You can trust a communist to be a communist." This implies that the total commitment to the cause of being a "card-carrying communist" entitles the person to be accepted by other card-carrying communists, who will risk anything to bring their cause to fruition. You can trust "liberal politicians" to be "liberal politicians" as they focus on giving their cause the full throttle in achieving their desired agenda. These "liberal minded individuals" have often received their education and their ongoing training from "liberal leaning" institutions of higher learning.

The opposite extreme of being a "conservative" seeks to find other individuals who agree with their "conservative" philosophy. Labeling persons as "liberals," "moderates," and "conservatives" confuses the general population in determining the essence of what, where, when, why, who, how, and how much should be accepted as reliable information to make a truly informed decision. Using "planned obsolescence," "supply side economics," "demand side economics," "deficit financing plans," "invisible hand marketing," and other such terminology often requires a better understanding than what the "media in general" often gives to the general population. If we "spoon feed" the general population into believing that one extreme is better than another extreme through general media approaches, the voters and the constituency receives a distorted, deceitful, and deliberate "falsehoods" to gather strength for their respective extremists views.

In the middle stands virtue implies considering all of the information and discerning what are "half-truths," "falsehoods," "conspiracies," "and "truthful" statements that can be properly documented and validated. Since "utopia" does not exist in the real world, the typical individual must research all available documentations to be more "aware" of the total picture. To be caught in the trap of what extremists try to push off as truthful, the individual will soon determine the pattern by effective research beyond the headlines of the local newspapers or the "edited" bulletins and general media that often leaves out "vital" and "essential" information that is excluded from many published reports.

The Achievement Ladder Enthusiast discovers the TRUTH that eventually will lead to inner peace, joy, and love that this world is unable to provide. In addition, the Ladder of Achievement progression will be determined by the humble admission that there are some "philosophies" that are inconsistent and that are irreconcilable to the Ultimate Truth that the Creator of all Knowledge and Wisdom invites all to consider and to live by in their unconditional commitment to a Higher Calling than this world even wants to offer or to acknowledge as genuine. To obtain virtue means to be open to what that virtue will do to change effectively our desire to obtain the Ultimate Achievement Ladder Triumph.

Opinion: Called to Courage. Faint of Heart Need Not Apply - Catholic Online

Opinion: Called to Courage. Faint of Heart Need Not Apply - Catholic Online

The 'Catholic Hall of Shame’ - Catholic Online

The 'Catholic Hall of Shame’ - Catholic Online

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Opinion: Called to Courage. Faint of Heart Need Not Apply - Catholic Online

Opinion: Called to Courage. Faint of Heart Need Not Apply - Catholic Online


Have you heard the phrase, "A friend in need is a friend indeed."? Yes, we find our true friends when we end up in the hospital, in the prison cell, in the hospice environment, in the homeless shelter, or in any other location that most people avoid because they may feel tainted or unwelcome. There are "takers" and there are "givers" in every person's life situations. The "takers" like to absorb all that they can from individuals that they prey upon; and when the "pantry" runs dry, these "takers" are gone to another individual to continue their exploits on the innocent and the unwary. "Takers" are the least persons who know what friendship is all about.

"Givers know how to serve the needs of strangers, the depressed, the unwanted, the ungodly, the outcasts, the imprisoned, the dying, the least loved in their communities, and the forgotten desparate souls in need of peace, joy, and love. "Givers" know how to love unconditionally by AIRING, SHARING, CARING, AND BEARING with the individuals that they serve. Givers are willing to actively listen to your every concern. Givers are open to hear and to listen to your sharing and your intimate secrets as a total confidant. People are unphased by what a person knows, but these people welcome "givers" who really care enough to give the very best. Givers will "bear" in all of their empathy "ups" and "downs" as individuals "vent" what really gnaws at their very core as a person. Yes, true friendship is a rarity for any personal relationship. However, with a positive "giver" attitude, a deep, abiding friendship will accept a person AS THEY ARE rather than remake a person into a phony. True Friendship is sincere, patient, kind, gentle, meek, humble, and all-loving in multiple dimensions.

Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts' thrive on true friendships to make their daily journey in a positive, determined, and dedicated manner up and down the Ladder of Achievement to eventually reach the ultimate goal of all true friendships, a personal relationship with their Creator. IN GOD WE REALLY TRUST, AND WHO IS A TRUE FRIEND! When we cultivate a lasting friendship, the work begins by making a friend. The next step is being a friend. And finally, by bringing that friend to the Ultimate Friend of All, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Prince of Peace, the Savior and Redeemer of all friends. By taking on the attitude of the World's Most Loving Friend, our daily attitude reflects what we see in others. The most beautiful Temples of the Holy Spirit, the very Indwelling of Jesus Christ, is honored, respected, and acknowledged in adoration and compassion. To see the image of God, the loving friendship of Jesus Christ, in each person that we meet daily means that we are discovering the greatest gift of all...THE LOVE OF GOD MULTIPLIED OVER AND OVER AGAIN in the SACRED VESSELS OF EACH HUMAN BEING THAT GOD CREATED. The Ladder of Achievement will be accomplished and achieved by the inspiration of True Friends that touch our lives daily when they accept us as we are and encourage us to grow and to blossom into the unique human beings that we are destined to be...yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Monday, November 9, 2009


"Destroy this temple and in three days, I will rebuild This Temple. He was not talking about the Temple for praying but the Temple of His Own Body." Yes, to paraphrase the Founder of the True Church built on the cornerstone of Jesus Christ, WE ARE THE CHURCH...the LIVING, SACRED TEMPLE that God Himself has put together with cooperation of a man and a woman. Our Sacred Temple, our Body, was pure and chaste from the first moment of conception. What happens to our Temple, the Body, are the choices made by those who either care for the Body in a pure and sacred way or who destroy, mutilate, or kill by whatever means that men and women have obtained to eliminate the Body, but never the SOUL, the very life of the Body. This beautiful Soul lives on through eternity as planned by the Creator, God, the Maker of all Human Life and Human Existence. "We are the Temples of the Holy Spirit...God lives in us since we all have been made in the IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD...whether we believe in the Truth or not. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts and members of the Human Beings International Association firmly believe in our original human/spiritual state from natural conception until natural death. If we are sacred, living temples to be respected, honored, and appreciated, why are we continuing to "kill innocent human beings at all stages of dependency" while living in a unique human body, another Temple made by God, the Creator? If we destroy innocent human life based on human law to make it legal, what will keep these same law makers from imposing a "death sentence" on innocent human beings at another age level or state of dependency? Why do some people insist on using the term, "vegetable," when speaking of a sacred, living temple of God when that person is dependent on their existence and caretaking from another human being who wants to "terminate human life as a mercy gesture?

We have all been redeemed at a great price by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who was a Jew who lived His life to the fullest until about the age of 33. Because of His outspoken principles of human life, which He received from God the Father, He told us if we believe in Jesus Christ then we would also believe in God the Father who sent Him to complete His Mission of bringing Life back to all of us to be LIVING TEMPLES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT...GOD DWELLING WITHIN US. And yes, Jesus Christ promised us that "He would be with us until the end of time." Jesus wanted to build up the BODY OF JESUS CHRIST, HIS CHURCH, through each of its members. We have the common Father; and therefore, we are BROTHERS AND SISTERS to one another in the Holy Spirit. Let us be reminded that we are THE TEMPLES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT and GOD LIVES IN EACH ONE OF US THROUGH ETERNITY, if we CHOOSE to have HIM live in us with HIS LIFE. Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY, THE ONLY TRUTH, and THE ONLY LIFE that is worth living. HE CAME TO SERVE rather than to be served. HIS KINGDOM is NOT OF THIS WORLD. "His Kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in HEAVEN.'

When we begin to respect our own sacred bodies, we will respect and love on a higher level the bodies and souls of each of our brothers and sisters on earth. We will begin to TRANSFORM our minds, our hearts, and our bodies into the Person of Jesus Christ who will work through us to bring about His Kingdom on earth. WE BECOME THE CHURCH, the LIVING, BREATHING ORGANISM that will TRANSFORM our families, our communities, our states, our nation back to the TRANSFORMED COUNTRY that God has created to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world and to be happy with Him for all eternity, if we choose God's way and not the secular, humanistic way of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Our Country will impact more persons when we realize the VALUE and the DIGNITY of each human being created by God through human cooperation as was orginally designed as the way of total inner peace, joy, and love. TOTAL TRANSFORMATION will occur when all human life is in tune with divine life and the power of God's love and graces that are freely given to all who willingly accept HIS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and HIS MERCIFUL KINDNESS. Social Justice will be resolved by human beings who really care for their brothers and sisters who God created as pure and holy.

WHO IS THE CHURCH? WE ARE THE CHURCH...The living, breathing TEMPLES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT who live the messages that Jesus Christ passed on to His followers more than 2000 years ago and who live those messages through their daily living in peace, joy, and love.
Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts and members of the Human Beings International Association accept the TRUTH that we should always remember what we have learned in the past and what we learn each day. Our ongoing, lifelong education is our LIFE. Let us GUARD this LIFE with respect, honor, and the sacredness that this human life deserves in all HUMAN BEINGS and to all HUMAN BEINGS regardless of age, race, nationality, culture, gender, and uniqueness.

Friday, November 6, 2009


To make a real change in lifestyle approaches, an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast considers climbing up and down and around the Ladder of Achievement with a total transformation rather than a reformation approach. To be the NEW PERSON in a manner that is truthfully expected of a transformed person, a total conversion and a total renewal has to occur that is significantly different than the former person. For example, when an addict reaches total bottom of their addiction, the decision to really change or just go through the motions will determine the sincerity of the commitment of the desired choice of changing for the better. To "ring true" is the object of any transformation that is holistically achieved in every human dimension. Many persons want to be "politically correct" just to please their adversaries and their opponents by using a "human respect" deceitful justification. To speak the TRUTH requires an integrity that transcends the human level and approaches the divine level of honesty.

When we observe the political process in going through a "reformation," multiple theories and ideologies are impacted by varying points of view and many times an "indifference" in serving the constituency. Representative political environments consider the maximum common good rather than the "hidden agendas" of the extremists or the elitists who think that they control the decision making of their respective representatives. Often "human laws" are contrary to the "divine laws" that makes a dilemna in making a sound decision to follow transforming basic life principles. To ignore the rights of the majority in favor of the "minority" is often seen as a way of gathering votes for the next election process. To stand up for what one truly believes to be the TRUTH takes a total transformation that will alienate many dissenters and embarrass their own "party's rhetorical answers." Reforms are just what they are: "bandaids" as a popularity contest that will "put a finger in the dike" to avoid the eventual flood that will be devastating in the long run. To transform any situation into a viable option requires an honest assessment while also considering all of the consequences that have a cause and effect in the long run.

We applaud all aspects of transformation that will require an honest desire, dedication, and determination on the part of the responsible individuals who are making judgments that will affect the lives of their constituency. The Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are eager to make the move to a total commitment to the basic principles that are consistently in line with the Ultimate Principles of the Creator of the Universe. The Only Way, the Only Truth, and the Only Life that is worth living for and is worth transforming to gain requires an authentic "metanoia" or conversion that will affectively transform all environments into the Peace, the Joy, and the Love that is expected of all worthy transformations. Are you ready to be a "Transformer" in the world preparing one to be prepared for eternity or are you content on being merely a "Reformer" that is void of substance and reason and is basically a "secular humanistic religion."?

Always remember what you have learned as an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast. Your transforming lifelong education is your Ultimate Life Choice. Guard your Transformation and be Body Builders that transcends mere human existence, but also respects and admires the sacredness of all human life, born and unborn. Choose Life and Stand Up for your Principles!

Special Report/Call to Action: Act Now to Prevent Funding of Abortion in Health Reform Bill - Catholic Online

Special Report/Call to Action: Act Now to Prevent Funding of Abortion in Health Reform Bill - Catholic Online

Will Pelosi Plan Require a Monthly Abortion Premium from All Americans? - Catholic Online

Will Pelosi Plan Require a Monthly Abortion Premium from All Americans? - Catholic Online