Friday, September 18, 2009


Recently a questionnaire has been circulating throughout the United States of America to all Americans who are interested in seeing CHANGE in the most positive and effective way as promised to the American People in the 2008 Congressional and Presidential elections. The American People now have an opportunity to VOICE their responses to various questions that are currently being deliberated by Congress that will affect the future of our wonderful Nation.

Here are the questions that appeared on a recent questionnaire for critical and creative thinkers in America:

1) Do you agree with Congress's budget plan that will lead to a $23.1 trillion deficit over the next ten years?

2) Do you believe the federal government has gone too far in bailing out failing banks, insurance companies, and the auto industry?

3) Do you support amnesty for illegal immigrants?

4) Should English be the official language of the United States of America?

5) Are you in favor of granting retroactive Social Security eligibility to illegal immigrants who gain U.S. citizenship through an amnesty program?

6) Are you in favor of the expanded welfare benefits and unlimited eligibility (no time, education, or work requirements) that Congress is pushing to pass?

7) Do you believe that nominees for federal courts should be immediately and unquestionably approved for their lifetime appointments by the U.S. Senate?

8) Do you believe that the best way to increase the quality and effectiveness of public education in the U.S. is to rapidly expand federal funding while eliminating performance standards and accountability?

9) Do you support the creation of a national health insurance plan that would be administered by bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.?

10) Do you believe that the quality and availability of health care will increase if the federal government dictates pricing to doctors and hospitals?

11) Are you confident that new medicines and medical treatments will continue to be developed if the if the federal government controls prescription drug prices and sets profit margins for research and pharmaceutical companies?

12) Are you in favor of creating a government-funded "Citizen Volunteer Corps" that would pay young people to do work now done by churches and charities, earning Corps Members the same pay and benefits given to military veterans?

13) Are you in favor of reinstituting the military draft, as Congress has proposed?

14) Do you believe that the federal government should allow the unionization of Department of Homeland Security employees who serve in positions critical to the safety and security of our nation?

15) Do you support Congress's drive to eliminate workers' right to a private ballot when considering unionization of their place of employment?

You may answer the preceding questions with a Yes, a No, or No Opinion plus add any comments that may be appropriate for your informed decisions. Yes, these preceding questions and many more questions similar to these are being pondered by the elected Representatives and elected Senators in the Legislative Branch of our United States of America government. If any of these questions become part of a legislative bill for the President's signing, these bills would immensely impact the future of our Republic as we now know our Country.

As active members in a free country, the American People have the right and the duty to voice their concerns, their opinions, their affirmations, their adversarial voice, and their patriotic courage to STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE. THIS IS A MATTER OF TRUST....A MATTER OF CONFIDENCE....A MATTER OF SURVIVAL...A MATTER OF PATRIOTISM...A MATTER OF HONOR. There is no room for apathy and ignorance when we are positively climbing up and down the Ultimate Ladder of Achievement for ourselves, our communities, our families, our future, and our UNITED STATES OF AMERICA...We pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and for the Republic for which it stands...ONE NATION UNDER GOD ...with LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. IN GOD WE TRUST IS OUR RALLYING SYMBOL AND SIGN!

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