Thursday, August 13, 2009


Although the Members of the United States Congress are presently in recess, they are making their voices heard concerning the various legislative proposals that they wish to convince their constituency to support and to endorse. However, the Members of Congress are well aware of their challenges to be heard in various town halls and venues throughout the United States because of the "controversial nature" of many of these legislative bills before the current Congress. The constituency want to be heard and to be listened to ....ALL OF THE CONSTITUENCY...not just the selected few who have a vested interest in the passage of some of these controversial legislative bills. For all registered voters and for all Americans the time has come to have an active voice in the government that seems to be ignoring the people and the constituency of many congressional districts. We can all agree to disagree about many insignificant "window dressings" and the typical "political spin" that has little substance except for pure rhetoric to sound good and promising. However, when basic principles regarding our Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights are misinterpreted and displaced with ideological jargon that is typical of "masters of deceit," the public has the RIGHT TO KNOW the TRUTH...SO THE TRUE CAN SET ONE FREE.

When the constituency's basic freedoms and rights are being replaced by CHANGE, the CHANGE may be a 360 degree turnaround from what the Founders of our Country envisioned for the future. Members of Congress have the responsibility and the duty to listen to their constituency even when these people disagree with the proposals that are being "rammed" through the Halls of Congress based on "hidden agendas" that will be carried out by Agencies of the United States of America to implement passed legislation. When you put "foxes" in position of authority for guarding the "hen house," we have history to remind us of what the consequences will be for the typical American citizen who trusts their elected legislative representative and senator. When the public loses trust, the confidence level of achieving the climb up the LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT is endangered and compromised by the actions of unprincipled Members of Congress who ignore their constituency to feed the coffers of the special interests that legislators are indebted to and support in full measure. Money speaks volumes and tainted money speaks greater volumes of unethical conduct that is immoral and phony.

We congratulate all Members of Congress who really take their responsibility of representing their constituency to the maximum with ethical conduct that is laudable and courageous. You have earned the confidence of your voters by your actions rather than your words. You are being recognized as the IDES OF AUGUST 2009 ACHIEVEMENT LADDER AWARD RECIPIENTS. May the following prayer guide you in all of your upcoming challenging procedures and votes in Congress.

"O Lord Jesus Christ Who, before ascending into Heaven did promise to send the Holy Spirit to finish Your work in the souls of Your Apostles and Disciples please grant the same Holy Spirit to the Members of Congress that the Holy Spirit may perfect in their souls the work of Your grace and Your love. Grant the Members of Congress the Spirit of Wisdom that they may despise the perishable things of this world and aspire only after the things that are eternal; the Spirit of Understanding to enlighten their mind with the light of Your divine truth; the Spirit of Counsel that they may ever choose the surest way of pleasing God and gaining Heaven; the Spirit of Fortitude that they may bear their crosses with You and that they may overcome with courage all the obstacles that oppose their salvation and the constituency's salvation; the Spirit of Knowledge that they may know God and know themselves and grow perfect in the science of the Saints; the Spirit of Piety that they may find the service of God sweet and amiable; the Spirit of Fear that the Members of Congress may be filled with a loving reverence towards God and may dread in any way to displease Him. Mark them, O Lord, with the sign of Your true disciples and animate them in all things with your Holy Spirit. Amen."

1 comment:

Ladder of Achievement...Ladoach... said...

What is the Truth about Health Care Reform? Why are so many persons opposed to changing the status quo? Why are the proponents adding amendments to the House Care Reform Bill to include paying for elective abortions and making private, religious hospitals and staffs perform unethical and immoral abortions under such provisions? Why are the professional health care providers so adamant about restructuring the pricing policies of health care costs? Why is the federal government working toward monopolizing health care insurance and provision and thus eliminating any competition? The current White House Administration is pushing "Socialized Medicine" and offering "placebo tablets to soften the blow of changing our economic philosophies with one swift signing of a Health Care Reform bill that will literally bankrupt the Country in the years ahead especially for our grandchildren. What are the real costs of Health Care Reform? Congress has a tremendous responsibility to make sound decisions in matters that loom large for ALL AMERICANS....from conception to natural death. LISTEN TO ALL OF YOUR CONSTITUENCY IF YOU WANT TO BE RESPONSIBLE AND COURAGEOUS...THE LIFE YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN, IF YOU ARE BENT ON PASSING A HEALTH CARE REFORM BILL THAT IS FLAWED AND DISHONORABLE.