With so many secular world leaders offering proposals to solve the global problems, the materialistic responses lack the enthusiasm and the credibility that holistic intelligence provides. Focusing on spending leverage monies through deficit financing seems to be the primary tools that governments believe that will best resolve the dilemmas that the 21st Century presents. Ignoring what the return on those investments in five, ten, or as much as twenty years from now may end up being another waste of time, talents, and resourceful treasures. Carefully calculating the impact on the future is another example of crystal balling that ends up on the "dung" heap. The often neglected notion is that these leaders have a long way to go to really understand the plight of the typical human being in their day to day struggles with providing the basic necessities of life. Most human beings are humbled by the give-a-way programs and the freebies that governments like to sponsor with taxpayers' resources to achieve as dismal end in the long run. Spending others' investments in a wasteful manner assures that the results will also be wasteful and without any merit. To take advantage of the people is another way of controlling the people.
Human Beings International Association in its worldwide occupation with solving the ordinary challenges of its membership relies on the understanding of the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who utilize their entrepreneurial and their intrapreneurial aptitudes, altitudes, and attitudes. Going beyond the natural level based on pure reason to the supernatural level based on faith requires spiritual encouragement and unconditional love risks. There have been many examples of human beings who lived lives that were based on both levels. This gives balance in accepting and in coping with the challenges that every day life gives to each person. One of the greatest examples in the 20th century was Blessed Mother Teresa whose mission in Calcutta, India, was to be the poorest of the poor to achieve the goals of providing for the basic needs of those left out of any government concerns. Blessed Mother Teresa was awarded the Noble Peace Prize, and she gave all of the funds to the human beings that she and her followers cared for on a daily basis. Each human being was given love in action that was priceless and without any pretense or selfish motives. All of the poor were treated the same, but all of the poor were given the sacred dignity that each human being has received from their Creator and Unconditional Lover. We also witnessed the work of Pope Paul the Great as he traveled the world in bringing about the message of Peace, Joy, and Love to ALL HUMAN BEINGS without any exception. He loved the unborn, the dependent, the handicapped, the sinner, the saint, the elderly, the forgotten, the war-torn, the wealthy, the poor, the leaders of the world, and the ordinary persons who lived life simply for love of God.
In a world that is trying to rediscover why economies have gone "sour" and to "reform health care" to provide for the social needs out of justice, the greatest concern still exists in the Human Beings International Association's agenda. How will each human being get the encouragement to reach out to their "neighbor" by giving an "agape" love that has been replaced by anger, by hate, by bias, by prejudice, by greed, by secular humanism, by extremism, by terrorism, and by selfishness in general? When a committed human being who has found what "agape love" means in their life, their examples multiply the world over and impact more than just "spending monies" to eradicate the problem with "band aid" solutions. Imagine if all of the human beings throughout the world really understood that the total love that exists for a human being reflects the unconditional love that is inherited from their Divine Maker, their Creator of all human life. Evil exists in the world in great abundance because there are scarcities of "agape love" that transcends all of the negativity that human beings have inflicted upon one another. "Love God and Love your Neighbor as you Love yourself" is a divine covenant that each human being is totally capable of completing if each human being simply says: "Yes, I do want to live my life fully out of love for God, for my neighbor, and for myself."
Yes, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts that exist throughout the world do understand the challenges of the Human Beings International Association because the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are living their commitments to being a TOTAL HUMAN BEING based on faith, hope, and above all, LOVE. Let us all try to climb up and down our global Ladder of Achievement by remembering four easy words in our every day life: LISTEN (with the head), LISTEN (with the heart), LOVE (with the head), and LOVE (with the heart).
Human Beings International Association in its worldwide occupation with solving the ordinary challenges of its membership relies on the understanding of the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who utilize their entrepreneurial and their intrapreneurial aptitudes, altitudes, and attitudes. Going beyond the natural level based on pure reason to the supernatural level based on faith requires spiritual encouragement and unconditional love risks. There have been many examples of human beings who lived lives that were based on both levels. This gives balance in accepting and in coping with the challenges that every day life gives to each person. One of the greatest examples in the 20th century was Blessed Mother Teresa whose mission in Calcutta, India, was to be the poorest of the poor to achieve the goals of providing for the basic needs of those left out of any government concerns. Blessed Mother Teresa was awarded the Noble Peace Prize, and she gave all of the funds to the human beings that she and her followers cared for on a daily basis. Each human being was given love in action that was priceless and without any pretense or selfish motives. All of the poor were treated the same, but all of the poor were given the sacred dignity that each human being has received from their Creator and Unconditional Lover. We also witnessed the work of Pope Paul the Great as he traveled the world in bringing about the message of Peace, Joy, and Love to ALL HUMAN BEINGS without any exception. He loved the unborn, the dependent, the handicapped, the sinner, the saint, the elderly, the forgotten, the war-torn, the wealthy, the poor, the leaders of the world, and the ordinary persons who lived life simply for love of God.
In a world that is trying to rediscover why economies have gone "sour" and to "reform health care" to provide for the social needs out of justice, the greatest concern still exists in the Human Beings International Association's agenda. How will each human being get the encouragement to reach out to their "neighbor" by giving an "agape" love that has been replaced by anger, by hate, by bias, by prejudice, by greed, by secular humanism, by extremism, by terrorism, and by selfishness in general? When a committed human being who has found what "agape love" means in their life, their examples multiply the world over and impact more than just "spending monies" to eradicate the problem with "band aid" solutions. Imagine if all of the human beings throughout the world really understood that the total love that exists for a human being reflects the unconditional love that is inherited from their Divine Maker, their Creator of all human life. Evil exists in the world in great abundance because there are scarcities of "agape love" that transcends all of the negativity that human beings have inflicted upon one another. "Love God and Love your Neighbor as you Love yourself" is a divine covenant that each human being is totally capable of completing if each human being simply says: "Yes, I do want to live my life fully out of love for God, for my neighbor, and for myself."
Yes, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts that exist throughout the world do understand the challenges of the Human Beings International Association because the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are living their commitments to being a TOTAL HUMAN BEING based on faith, hope, and above all, LOVE. Let us all try to climb up and down our global Ladder of Achievement by remembering four easy words in our every day life: LISTEN (with the head), LISTEN (with the heart), LOVE (with the head), and LOVE (with the heart).
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