Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Congratulations on April 1, 2009! All of you wonderful Achievement Ladder enthusiasts have something to celebrate! You are observing the many "fools" of this world who are deceiving others by their lies and their spins and their rhetoric. YOU ARE NOT FOOLED! You realize that the Higher Power in your life directs you to seek the things that are not of this world. You are in the world, but you are NOT OF THE WORLD! You are free to be what your Creator has designed and destined you to become...THE UNIQUE PERSON THAT KNOWS WHAT LOVE IS AND HOW TO LIVE THAT LOVE IN YOUR LIFE ON A DAILY BASIS BY YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS UP AND DOWN THE LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT! You are not deceived by the MASTERS OF DECEIT who want to take away your freedom and your rights as a Human Being as God intended. You desire a HAND UP rather than a HAND OUT that limits growth.

IN GOD WE TRUST is the rallying cry for all freedom lovers! Our Father, our Daddy, our Abba, our Papa who is in Heaven is hallowed by His Creation and respects His name...His Kingdom is here...His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven...We ask Him to give us this day...our daily bread... "Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of God..." and forgive us our sins...our turning away from the God of all Creation by our selfish we forgive those who sin against us...the foolish of this world who are deceivers and who have lost our trust...and allow us not to enter into temptation...the world's ways, the flesh allurements, and the Prince of Darkness...but deliver us from ALL EVIL....the inhumanity of monsters who prey on men and women worldwide...Amen...So be it!...FOR GOD IS LOVE AND WHERE LOVE ABOUNDS...THERE IS GOD!

Let us be FOOLS FOR GOD AND TO GIVE OUR LOVING DADDY A PLACE IN OUR HEARTS. LET OUR HEARTS BE ENTHRONED AND FOCUSED ON HIM FOREVER...Amen..."If you are my followers, you will show love for one another."

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