Friday, April 24, 2009


When my reading is focused toward the Journals that members of my class are sharing from week to week, my discovery is that these students are attempting to find themselves in their daily lives and to find themselves for their future careers. In a few weeks, another group of students throughout the United States and especially in Florida will be gathering their knowledges that they have achieved during this past academic year. For those who are graduating from high school, their goals will be to obtain a job and eventually a career that they will enjoy. Many of these students have already been exposed to the work world on a part-time basis. As they commence on their journey to find themselves and their chosen career, they will meet many persons along the way who will assist them in networking, partnering, and collaborating activities to maximize their learning potential and their unique opportunities. Hopefully, these enthusiastic persons will locate professionals who will lead them in the right direction regarding admission, financial aid, career counseling, shadowing work areas, and in their career search for their skills, their talents, their interests, their aptitudes, their altitudes, and their positive attitudes.

On the average, many students of lifelong learning discover that they will select at least 6 to 8 career changes in their lifetime. For the minority of these achievers they may be lucky to come across a career that best suits their time, their talents, and their treasures. Lifelong education has no walls except for the walls that individuals set up for themselves as hazards toward their academic and personal goals. Knowing that there are professionals who are available to assist in their adventure is half the battle. In addition, students will find other students who will provide a positive atmosphere to move ahead with creativity, innovation, and persistence as they climb up and down the LIFELONG LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT. Encouragement is meant for all persons at all levels as they pursue that ambitious goals to be happy with themselves and to enjoy their chosen careers. Even in difficult times and challenges, a student of life will rediscover their avenues that best meet their current situation. Changes occur every day without warning and without any expected consequences.

When we reflect on our own families as they continue in their challenges with lifelong learning enhancements and setbacks, we again rediscover that each person needs to make their own personal decisions even without total financial security in the balance. Each birthday reminds us of our growing older but hopefully growing wiser in what we have learned along the way of climbing up and down the Ladder of Achievement. Life experiences can be an excellent Educator. The College of Hard Knocks has many graduates that have succeeded in their lifelong learning challenges. The "Sheep Skin" diplomas and the certificates that are earned along the way toward a particular career gives us confidence in the printed word. However, the concepts that we learned are born out in our daily living the life that will make a difference in our lifelong learning achievements. We learn from one another, and we spread that learning to all that we meet and greet over the years.

May each birthday be a landmark for our continual growth in peace, joy, and love in our lives that will impact the greatest number of persons. May our birthdays give us a legacy to strive for ONE DAY AT A TIME and recognize the Uncaused Cause of this beautiful Universe. May God continue to bless America with all of its richest human resources that have yet to be tapped into service. May America bless God who gives us the human resources with their unique talents and treasures to accomplish those goals that will make our Country truly a UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of which we can all be proud to be a part.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Congratulations to all of the members of Mother Earth who are doing their mission of making the inhabitants of this God-given Universe aware of their stewardship responsibilities. When we are committed to a cause or to a challenge, we find ways of accountability to all who use our limited resources in the most effective and efficient way. Pointing fingers at those who ignore their stewardship responsibility does more harm because of its reactive approach. Taking the proactive approach to s0lving the challenges that men and women have created in their selfish and greedy utilization of natural resources gives the person with a positive attitude in achieving and responsibly maintaining the balance that Mother Nature has endowed on our Mother Earth. In discovering methods of recycling natural resources and manufactured, discarded packaging, we have found ways of renewing the Earth and its limited resources.

In achieving the successful Ladder of Achievement over the years, we who live and prosper with the limited natural resources become aware of the tons and tons of waste that are being filtered through our most precious natural resources. Pick it up, America. Littering is creating waste and a blight on our beautiful environments by persons who are unaware of what they are doing. Pick it up, America. Avoid tossing your cigarette butts out of your automobile windows and causing a potential fire hazard. If you appreciate your Country, you will avoid TRASHING that Country. Attitude...Attitude....Attitude. Wake up, America. You are creating a DUMP everywhere you go by your negative attitude and selfishness. You can do better, America. Since people create the blights on our environments, then people need to fix, to recycle, to become informed, and to respect the land that God has given us to dwell and to grow.

On this Earth Day, 2009, thank you for all of those individuals and groups who are making a difference by making us all aware of our responsibility and our commitment to being better stewards. In respecting not only Mother Earth but also the Human Resources who are also our stewardship in providing care, guidance, and total respect, we intend to live as civilized persons in a free land of opportunity and share those natural resources with our friends and neighbors. Remember the GREEN as well as the RED, the WHITE, and the BLUE. This is your Country, America. RECLAIM YOUR BEAUTIFUL LAND.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


In many circles of individuals who enjoy accomplishments and creating positive environments to foster their talents, you will find a host of entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs who take the initial risks to enhance the future of our American historical achievements. In an economic and political environment that sincerely encourages the advancements of its citizenry through research and development, you will notice the positive relationships through networking, partnering, and collaborating endeavors.

Although the challenges of climbing up the Ladder of Achievement slowly and methodically, the E and I persons know how to bring together the best of the best through their interpersonal relationships and their human relations connections. Through their initiative and their creativity, the E and I persons promote and foster an atmosphere in which ideas are given priority through various Adelphi and brainstorming sessions to consider all ideas as possible and probable. This positive attitude is contagious to the persons who are seeking to expand their horizons and to develop an ongoing progression to utilizing their full potential as human beings with their time, their talents, and their treasures. A win-win situation exists when all ideas are considered holistically rather than trampled upon by bullying techniques to thwart the entrepreneural and the intrapreneural spirit.

Working to your potential means to be open to all suggestions, comments, recommendations, and opinions that will be acknowledged by the proposer of those creative and innovative ideas. If everyone in America really worked to their full potential, there would be a difference that would be felt in all sectors of our wonderful Country. With a tremendous treasure of multi-cultural talents, we often overlook ideas because of the person's status, income, philosophy, religious persuasion, geographical location, and bias and prejudice that runs deep in tradition. To encourage the person to focus on taking steps in achieving their full potential as individuals, we must fashion the atmosphere to be open to new and untried ideas, solutions, proposals, and coping strategies to grow in multiple dimensions that have yet to be considered. However, many individuals often ignore the proven and the tried stategies that traditionally have been successful to replace an alternative strategy that has failure written all over it.

In a closed society which employs control on economic and political policy and procedure, the individual has a greater challenge to C.O.P.E. with this negative environment. The Challenges are well spelled out to be considered for growing as individuals and as a society. The Options are listed in a priority that has merit when implemented. The Plan that will be adopted to meet the Challenge is put into action after serious consideration. The Evaluation of the Action Plan to meet the Challenges will give all an opportunity to contribute their thoughts and ideas about using another Plan or holding on to the Plan that is working.

We are not only owners of our ideas, our time, our talents, and our treasures; we are STEWARDS of these same ideas, time, talents, and treasures. How we effectively and efficiently put into practice our STEWARDSHIP will determine our FULL POTENTIAL TO ACHIEVE THE SUCCESSFUL CLIMB OF OUR LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT on a daily basis and on a lifetime basis. We will all leave a mark by our living up to our full potential as a human being even without any recognition from the secular and humanistic world as we now know this world.

What will you do to focus on your full potential to make a difference and to leave your legacy for future generations. Only YOU can decide that action.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Today is the deadline for all Americans to file their 2008 Income Tax Returns unless they have been granted an extension by the IRS. We recognize the loyalty, the credibility, the heroism, and the persistence of the American Taxpayers who meet their civic responsibility every year to paying their fair share of revenue to the United States Treasury to support the programs of the Federal Government. In its response, we hope and encourage the Federal Government to listen to the requests of the American Taxpayer to spend these resources with responsibility and with accountability to the realistic needs of running a multi-trillion dollar enterprise effectively and efficiently with limited bureaucracy.

The American Taxpayer is fully aware of the many individuals and organizations who ignore and subvert their civic responsibility by refusing to pay their fair share to the United States Treasury administered by the Federal Government. However, there may be just cause for concern when every day there are additional examples of wasted governmental spending and favoritism shown to pet projects and entitlement programs that have lost their realism. In addition, the American Taxpayer is fully aware of the Underground Economy in this wonderful Country that short-changes the United States Treasury by more than a TRILLION DOLLARS A YEAR by their refusal to pay their fair share.

For our United States of America, we salute and honor the many American Taxpayers who contribute their TIME, their TALENTS, and their TREASURES to advance the climb up and down the AMERICAN LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT by their PATRIOTISM especially during crisis periods. We do appreciate all of these HEROES who make the day-to-day operations of the Federal and State Governments possible and operational by their sacrifices of significant portions of their hard-earned revenues to make government undertakings a reality. Our IDES OF APRIL 2009 SPECIAL RECOGNITION RECIPIENTS are the AMERICAN TAXPAYERS from all of our 50 States and Territories who LOVE THEIR COUNTRY with their active participation in the RED, WHITE, AND BLUE!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Many years ago, a famous and well-respected gentleman lived a life totally committed to the service of others. He left a legacy that has continued to this very day. He wanted to be born so that He could make a difference in this world. He desired to be open to all who would listen to Him, and He performed many miraculous deeds that were questioned by the local politicians. Even His followers had moments of doubt about His mission among the people. However, He gave them an example that is unpreceded to this very day. He gave His life for others in order to show what LOVE really is: selfless, generous, humble, patient, kind, forgiving, courageous, and untiring. His words of wisdom when He was nailed to a Cross on a lonesome hillside speaks volumes to this very day.

"Father, forgive them; they do not know what they are doing."
"I tell you this: today you shall be with me in Paradise."
"Woman, this is your son. Son, this is your Mother."
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
"I thirst."
"It is accomplished. It is ACHIEVED."
"Father, into your hands I commit my spirit."

With these seven last words of wisdom, Jesus Christ who lived for thirty-three years on this earth died and was buried in a borrowed tomb. He made His mark on this earth and He fulfilled His mission of redeeming ALL SOULS to God, His Father and OUR FATHER. When He rose from the dead on the first Easter Morning, His words to His followers were: "Why are you weeping?" "Go to my brothers, and tell them that I AM now ascending to my Father and your Father, my God and your God." And His most profound words of wisdom to His eleven followers (Apostles) after His resurrection were: "PEACE BE WITH YOU."

Today, we are all wondering how we can have PEACE in our lifetime. Peace is not the absence of war, but Peace is the union with the God of the Universe now and in eternity. However, this all comes with a price...A CROSS! In our climb up and down the Ladder of Achievement, we will all encounter disappointments, discouragements, abandonments, frustrations, alienations, and failures. What we do as human beings is to dust ourselves off, get off the ground, and try all over again. With the wisdom of our Divine Messiah who continues to live in each one of us, we are encouraged to be open to receive Him and His many brothers and sisters in our lives. He requests that we LOVE one another as HE LOVED US!


Friday, April 10, 2009


In your daily challenges to reach your ultimate goals in life, you make efforts on a daily basis that continue your adventure up and down the Ladder of Achievement. The Truth that is often left out of the equation is that you will experience "Good Fridays" before you experience a "Glorious Easter Sunday." Successful failures are often ignored, dismissed, or forgotten. Mental reservations concerning repeated trials and tribulations in our quest to master the "unmasterful" is politely set aside as though these incidents never occurred.

If you ever question an individual who has been successful in any adventure, the Truth that will eventually emerge is that repeated failures led up to the eventual success. How many sports enthusiasts have discovered the falls, the spills, the accidents, the frustrations, and the lack of confidence that often surrounds the climbing up and down the Achievement Ladder. To discover the magic of the thrill of the moment and the adrenalin rush that accompanies the excitement of achieving a desired skill, the enthusiastic achiever must accept the TRUTH that all positive struggles will require desire, dedication, and determination to have a desired end result. Yes, before you have an "Easter Sunday" glorious celebration, you must endure the possibility and the probability of a "Good Friday" apparent, negative experience. Perseverance is the key to arriving at the Truth about yourself, your acquaintances, your "true friends." and the Creator of the entire Universe Who encourages the achievement ladder TRUTHS.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


For many years we have all enjoyed the changing of the seasons in various parts of the world and especially in the United States of America. However, some variations of our seasonal adjustments have caused us some hardships, endurance, and life-theatening adjustments. Going from hot to cold and then cold to hot challenges the best of survivors in any geographic location. With tornadoes, hurricanes, violent storms, draught, and other natural catastrophes, the human endurance has been asked to C.O.P.E. with each special condition. Yes, Challenges, Options, Plannings, and Evaluations have assisted our weather specialists to rethink each movement of our natural phenomenons for future references.

However, some persons consider EACH DAY AS A SEASON IN AND OF ITSELF. Just imagine that each day brings its own challenges, options, plannings, and evaluations. We have the "Spring" of the day, the "Summer" of the day, the "Fall" of the day, and the "Winter" of the day. Whether you are a "morning" person or a "late-night" person, your season for that day still covers the peaks and the valleys that each day brings for each one of us. We begin with a refreshing attitude that starts our day with a "spring" in our walk with another day for new life. We continue through the "summer" of our day with a renewed energy that looks forward to accomplish the day's challenges. As we arrive at the "fall" of our day, we review some of the decisions that were made earlier in our day. In approaching our "winter" of our day, we wind down our activities with the hope of another day upon our awakening the next day.

YES, EACH OF US GETS ONE DAY AT A TIME....24 HOURS TO ADVANCE IN OUR WALK UP AND DOWN THE LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT. Making progress works best when we consider ONE DAY AT A TIME. Our achievement successes build on the previous day's activities and accomplishments. Also, our "successful failures" gives us another opportunity to make adjustments to our action plan as we continue our adventuresome journey on our Ladder of Achievement with our time, our talents, and our treasures. Who we become depends on our positive attitude to make haste slowly. As we grow in our networking, partnering, and our collaborating engagements, we will discover more about the WHO in our life rather than the WHAT in our life. Enjoy each season of our day to the fullest!

Remember the next time that you arise from your slumber how you are going to meet the challenges of your Ladder of Achievement with your seasonal daily activities with all of your God-given gifts and aspirations. THINK SEASONS!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Have you ever stopped to consider what really is important to a human being in this world? Have you every wondered why so many people are focused on the WHAT they are rather on the WHO they are? When someone asks us about our life's story, we sometimes use the easy out of expressing WHAT we have accomplished and achieved rather than the PERSON we have become. Each of us is an unique human person created by our parents and by the AUTHOR OF ALL HUMAN LIFE....THE TRIUNE GOD. Yet, in many cases, the world, the flesh, and the devil DENIES our God-like creation because they are wrapped up with the defined existence that is transparent and that can be substantiated by a microscope and by some human-made technology device.

When we are asked WHO are you, how do we usually respond? Our expected response seems to hinge on the WHATS of our Achievement Ladder challenges in life from our childhood to our current status. However, the answer that really matters is our NAME...that defines WHO we are...My name is Sam, Susan, Nora, Mitch, Richie and then we give our SURNAME...the name of our family. Yes, we belong to a FAMILY, but often we overlook our FIRST FAMILY...THE FAMILY OF GOD'S CREATION. We are made in the image and the likeness of God. We are body, mind, and spirit. We are holistically ONE! Our answers to WHO AM I? WHAT AM I DOING HERE? and WHERE AM I GOING? are uniquely ours.

When each of us was created in the womb of our mothers at conception, we became WHO WE ARE TODAY. Our identity was unique, our name was unique, our talents were unique, and our treasures are unique. What, how, when, and where we grow into WHO we are today, depends on our positive attitudes to use the time, the talents, and the treasures that we have uniquely been given to make our mark on the lives of those who are interdependent on our uniqueness. NO ONE PERSON IS BETTER THAN ANOTHER PERSON because of our talents, our treasures, our status in society, and our accumulation of achievements and awards. Our positive attitude determines how far we are willing to effectively utilize our uniqueness in our day-to-day challenges. We have CHOICES that we independently are given to use when the time presents challenges. Some CHOICES that we make are good decisions and some CHOICES are poor calculations with incomplete information. CHOICES THAT ARE MADE ON PURELY HUMAN-MADE DETERMINATIONS ARE RISKY AT BEST. WHEN WE IGNORE OUR DIVINE CREATION, WE RUN THE RISK OF UNGODLY CHOICES.

Yes, we are given opportunities that are uniquely OURS TO MAKE AND TO CHOOSE. What we do with those endeavors makes us WHO WE ARE rather than WHAT WE ARE. If everyone in America was to determine WHO WE ARE, then the future would be resolved in the long-run by the CHOICES THAT WE MAKE NOW. Today is the tomorrow that we thought about yesterday. FREEDOMS COME WITH A PRICE THAT IS UNIQUE. IN AMERICA, OUR FREEDOMS ARE BEING CHALLENGED BY THE WHAT WE ARE RATHER THAN THE WHO WE ARE AS OUTLINED BY THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE AND THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. IN GOD WE TRUST DETERMINES THE WHO WE ARE...NOW AND FOREVER. ACHIEVE THE ANSWER TO WHO YOU ARE!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Congratulations on April 1, 2009! All of you wonderful Achievement Ladder enthusiasts have something to celebrate! You are observing the many "fools" of this world who are deceiving others by their lies and their spins and their rhetoric. YOU ARE NOT FOOLED! You realize that the Higher Power in your life directs you to seek the things that are not of this world. You are in the world, but you are NOT OF THE WORLD! You are free to be what your Creator has designed and destined you to become...THE UNIQUE PERSON THAT KNOWS WHAT LOVE IS AND HOW TO LIVE THAT LOVE IN YOUR LIFE ON A DAILY BASIS BY YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS UP AND DOWN THE LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT! You are not deceived by the MASTERS OF DECEIT who want to take away your freedom and your rights as a Human Being as God intended. You desire a HAND UP rather than a HAND OUT that limits growth.

IN GOD WE TRUST is the rallying cry for all freedom lovers! Our Father, our Daddy, our Abba, our Papa who is in Heaven is hallowed by His Creation and respects His name...His Kingdom is here...His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven...We ask Him to give us this day...our daily bread... "Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of God..." and forgive us our sins...our turning away from the God of all Creation by our selfish we forgive those who sin against us...the foolish of this world who are deceivers and who have lost our trust...and allow us not to enter into temptation...the world's ways, the flesh allurements, and the Prince of Darkness...but deliver us from ALL EVIL....the inhumanity of monsters who prey on men and women worldwide...Amen...So be it!...FOR GOD IS LOVE AND WHERE LOVE ABOUNDS...THERE IS GOD!

Let us be FOOLS FOR GOD AND TO GIVE OUR LOVING DADDY A PLACE IN OUR HEARTS. LET OUR HEARTS BE ENTHRONED AND FOCUSED ON HIM FOREVER...Amen..."If you are my followers, you will show love for one another."