Saturday, January 31, 2009


When we watch the national and local news media's attention to celebrities who are honoring the Super Bowl 43 with their presence, we notice that many interviewers are in "AWE" of the different celebrities depending upon their age, their accomplishments, their appropriate or inappropriate dress, their attitudinal behaviors, and their areas of entertainment and expertise. Many celebrities have been put on a pedestal by their fans, by the national/local media, and by the general public because they have made it in their climb up the Ladder of Achievement. Money and glitter attracts many individuals to a false sense of security. Many of these celebrities would admit that their current circumstances did not always exist since many started in very humble existences. In many cases, the celebrities will share their humble beginnings.

Many of these celebrities have handled their fame and fortune with modesty, with humility, with meekness, with honor, and with a sense of thankfulness for the many fan support over the years. Many fans have become exclusive because of the notorious photographers who have deprived the celebrities of their privacy. Respecting the private lives of these public ICONS has become a frantic eyesore in various parts of the world. Money again clouds the vision of amateur photographers who will risk anything for the first picture of their "celebrity prey" in circumstances that are inappropriate for filming and capturing the moment. Yes, celebrities have also brought on the frenzy of the media by their causes or lack of causes, by their resistance to any legal requirements, and by their lives which reflect a disrespect for the decent, for the honorable, and for the God-loving world. Many celebrities have endorsed their own civil religion and secular, humanistic philosophies that are contrary to any sane approach to life.

As the most notable celebrities have embraced their role as models of success, their admirers flock to be a part of their aura and their charisma. Many fans have been lured into a life that is contrary to any sense of understanding and wisdom by saying that they IDOLIZE this or that celebrity. Making the celebrity the scapegoat is a COPE OUT for human reasoning. Every celebrity will tell you that they have their own UNIQUENESS and IDENTITY that makes them WHO they are rather than WHAT THEY ARE!. A celebrity's perseverance is often challenged by many of their careers' hurdles to successfully climbing their ACHIEVEMENT LADDER one step at a time. Many had to learn to crawl before they walked, and many had to learn to walk before they ran at a marathon's pace. Making haste slowly was often the norm for most notable celebrities.

Before we judge a celebrity's right to exist and to be awed, a celebrity must understand that they are in the public eye and what they do in public and private does make a difference in other people's lives. Many of their fans live a fragile life with little or no self-confidence or self-esteem. We applaud all the celebrities who have given back to their communities by their fund raising events and their personal involvements with people in the community. Remember, celebrities are human beings who have been gifted with skills, talents, interests, wealth, honor, and accomplishments recognized by their peers and the general public. These celebrities have a right to be respected even if some of these celebrities forget their fan-base, which gave them fame and fortune initially. To all celebrities: REMEMBER TO SHOW RESPECT AND SELF-RESPECT TO ALL OF YOUR FANS AND ADMIRERS. These people are impacted by your successful accomplishments and achievements. TO THOSE WHO ARE GIVEN MUCH, MUCH MORE IS EXPECTED IN RETURN. "What will it profit a person to gain the whole world and suffer the loss of one's soul."

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Although many members of the U.S. House of Representations and many members of the U.S. Senate proudly listen to their constituency after they are elected to Congress, there are still individuals who have their own agenda and their own priorities that are inconsistent with their constituency. In order to obtain plausible solutions or remedies to the many challenges that are facing our Nation today, some issues are resolved on a bipartisan basis giving us the balance that we expect from representative elected officials in a Republic.

There will always be one issue that will stand out in the minds of the grassroots population in the United States. That one issue is the CIVIL RIGHTS OF THE UNBORN, which has been breached by a Supreme Court decision in 1973. For over 36 years, this CIVIL RIGHTS issue has been a stumbling block for many Senators and Representatives who usually express their answers with: "Although personally I oppose the taking of the life of an unborn baby by legal abortion in the United States, I will not impose my "religious beliefs" on others. I believe in the right for women to choose." Although this sounds innocent enough, the fact of the matter is that in every elective abortion performed in the United States of America A BABY IS KILLED. ABORTION KILLS BABIES, who could have been the answer to the many challenges that we are facing today as a result of our greed, selfish ambitions, unethical behaviors, and criminal activity.

The time has come to resolve this issue as a CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUE. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 included civil rights violations on age, gender, residency, race, and many other infringement of respect for human life in general. This Country took over 100 years to resolve the CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUE that Black people were FREE TO BE HUMAN BEINGS in all parts of the United States of America. The issue of race has progressed, but there are many instances where the attitudes have not changed even though the legal issue has been changed. The letter of the law was adopted, but the ethical and attitudinal issues have yet to be completely resolved. With a diverse ethnic population in the United States, we are learning to understand better the differences that have separated us as a United Country, but we have a long way to go to resolve the RESPECT that needs to be accomplished on a day to day basis with interpersonal relationships. Allow all Americans to climb their Ladder of Achievement to reach their unique, self-actualization with their aptitudes, interests, talents, and special gifts.

As a United States Citizen, I oppose any adoption of the FREEDOM OF CHOICE ACT which is currently being discussed in Congress. Using Party Affiliation as a justification for imposing this F.O.C.A. on the American Public is a sham and an embarrassment to the rest of the world. What we hold true is the freedom of all United States citizens and green card-carrying immigrants who expect RESPECT FOR THEIR CULTURAL DIVERSITY in age, race, gender, national original, and religious persuasion. LET US SEE REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATORS WHO REALLY CARE ABOUT OUR AMERICAN PEOPLE BY STANDING FIRM ON THE CIVIL RIGHTS OF ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS (UNBORN AND BORN). We once again are looking for PUBLIC OFFICIALS WHO HAVE COURAGE ENOUGH TO RESPECT THE DIGNITY OF THE HUMAN PERSON AT EVERY STAGE OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. The life you save may be your own.

In addition, we ask the elected officials of our wonderful country to avoid being politically correct, whatever that might mean. We are not hyphenated Americans. WE ARE AMERICANS with a diverse cultural heritage and nationality base. When we hyphenate Americans, we are DIVIDING AMERICANS and creating a DIVIDED STATES OF AMERICA instead of a UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. E PLURIBUS UNUM means just that...even with many WE ARE ONE! ALSO, WE STILL BELIEVE AS OUR FOUNDING FOUNDERS that our country has a Declaration of Independence and a U.S. Constitution that will guide us as long as we recognize THE CREATOR of all HUMAN LIFE..."we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights...that among these are LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS."

Remember to cast your vote with your conscience when you recognize the value and the dignity of each unique human being . Human life is a continuum from natural conception to natural death. Remember to CHOOSE LIFE..NOT DEATH!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Now that the first month of 2009 is about to come to conclusion, what Promises did you make to yourself that you have yet to put into motion? Have you made any Promises to others that you wish you would have kept? Have you kept Promises to yourself and to others that you are proud to have achieved? Your Ladder of Achievement... personally, spiritually, academically, financially, socially, morally, ethically, philosophically, etc....encourages you to make steps to achieve each level positively and with a forward progress. Your Achievement Ladder successes will depend on how well you are going to meet your mission, your goals, your objectives, and your plan of action. You want to make Promises that you will be able to realistically enhance your positive thrust up and down the Ladder of Achievement in your life.

Be critical and creative about what Promises that may or may not be kept by others who you count upon for your successes. There are elected public officials who will Promise the sky, the moon, and the stars to get your vote. However, when these same individuals reach their elected position, you may find that these individuals had other agendas to achieve that were contrary to what they may have Promised during their election campaign. You can expect politicians to be politicians. If the Promise sounded too good to be true, you may have built up expectations that were fictional, unfounded, and very disturbing.

Your assumptions, your predictions, and your inferences are very different than persons who are greedy, selfish, and unethical. Place a premium on your goals, your values, your mores, your philosophy of life that you prize the most. Avoid having other persons "PULL YOUR STRINGS LIKE A PUPPET." Be an independent thinker. Your opinions, your comments, your recommendations, your assumptions, and your quality of life are impacted by the CAUSE AND EFFECT OF OTHERS who undermine your REALISTIC CLIMB UP AND DOWN THE LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT. BE YOUR BEST FRIEND RATHER THAN YOUR WORST ENEMY. Look at yourself in the mirror every day and say: YOU CAN SUCCEED IF YOU USE YOUR APTITUDES TO REACH YOUR ALTITUDES WITH YOUR POSITIVE ATTITUDES. What you accomplish does make a difference!


Thursday, January 22, 2009


Today marks the 36th Anniversary of the decision to legally kill unborn babies in the United States based on the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Choosing DEATH over LIFE was the intent of this unethical decision. Being Pro-Choice was better than being Pro-Life among the proponents. Human Life is a continuum from natural conception to natural death.

"To help stop the anti-life push in the world the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen encouraged the SPIRITUAL ADOPTION of an UNBORN CHILD. This is done by praying that one particular but unknown child's life be spared elective abortion and be allowed to continue to live."

"To help accomplish this, it was recommended, an individual say the following daily prayer for a period of NINE MONTHS.


"The name I wish to give my baby is:________________. During your earthly life this spiritually adopted child of yours will be known only to God but in the world to come it is hoped that you will meet the souls your prayers saved and spend eternal happiness with them."


Eternal Rest give to all of those unborn babies who have been sacrificed on the altar of elective abortions throughout the world and especially in the United States of America. May their souls and all of the souls of the faithfully departed through the mercy of God, REST IN PEACE..AMEN.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


For the past thirty-six years, approximately 4,000 unborn babies have been killed every day in the United States by elective abortions. More than 90 million unborn American babies and citizens with potential were denied their civil rights because of age, residency, dependency, gender, and racial discrimination. Even though considered "legal" by the United States Supreme Court in 1973 by a small margin, the human law ignores divine and natural law by mispresenting and misinterpreting the United States Constitution to meet the standards set by the secular, humanistic, and extreme agendas of desparate proponents of human life negativism. Remember, negativism begets negativism. Choosing life is positive!

We ask forgiveness from all of the 90 million plus unborn babies who have been killed by elective abortions since 1973. May their deaths be a reminder of how "fragile" human life is with extreme elitists and proponents of "choosing death" rather than seeking better human and humane options in resolving challenging human life issues. Human life is a continuum from natural conception to natural death. We ask mercy to the killers of unborn babies at any stage of development, and that these misguided persons may improve and change their negative attitudes toward human life to allow unborn babies with potential to climb up their Ladder of Achievement in meeting their self-actualization at 100 percent. Yes, We Can Do This; and We will do this: CHOOSING LIFE IS EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITY AND EVERYONE'S ACCOUNTABILITY CHOICE!

If Americans are wondering why financial institutions, businesses, political activists, and social behaviorists are causing CHAOS and HAVOC to our free enterprise economic system and representative government, the answer may be in the number of voting citizens that have been eliminated since 1973. WE REAP WHAT WE SOW. We achieve what we choose to accomplish with our attitudes in reaching our altitudes with our aptitudes. In our American Republic, our combined human resources spells either SUCCESS OR FAILURE depending upon our decisions that have CAUSE AND EFFECT for future generations, achievements, and Achievement Ladder Progressions.

We Salute all of the American Unborn Babies who are enjoying ETERNAL LIFE with their Creator primarily because of the choices made by misinformed, ignorant, selfish, greedy, and civil secularists, who are the "Death Promoters" of our "Free" Country. God has already blest America. Now is the time for ALL TRUE AMERICANS to bless God. "HIS WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN." On January 22, 2009, remember the past, but also remember to CHANGE THE FUTURE BY CHOOSING HUMAN LIFE AT EVERY STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT. The time has come for REAL CHANGE IN PROTECTING HUMAN LIFE AND IN GIVING ALL HUMAN LIFE AN OPPORTUNITY TO SUCCEED IN THEIR LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT PROGRESSION.

Monday, January 19, 2009


As you are officially sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America on January 20, 2009, your American constituents will be looking forward to your unique leadership style and your philosophies of life, which includes your economic, social, and political agendas. As you assume your awesome Presidential duties and responsibilities, your American public will be observing and listening with cautious optimism how your Administration will be meeting the economic, social, political, and financial challenges that you have inherited. Time will tell how you are listening to your American Public.

To assist you in your commitment to serving ALL OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, we offer the following prayers that will hopefully will guide you as you defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Your positive example will inspire multitudes to climb the American Ladder of Achievement to reach the maximum self-fulfillment with 100 percent success. Your exemplary example will speak louder than your words. Rhetoric is very limited in trying times.

"O Lord Jesus Christ Who, before ascending into Heaven, did promise to send the Holy Spirit to finish Your work in the souls of Your Apostles and Disciples would you please grant the same Holy Spirit to Barack Obama that He may perfect in his soul the work of Your grace and Your love. Grant President Obama the Spirit of Wisdom that he may despise the perishable things of this world and aspire only after the things that are eternal, the Spirit of Understanding to enlighten his mind with the light of Your divine truth, the Spirit of Counsel that President Obama may ever choose the surest way of pleasing God and gaining Heaven, the Spirit of Fortitude that he may bear his cross with You and that he may overcome with courage all the obstacles that oppose his salvation, the Spirit of Knowledge that President Obama may know God and know himself and grow perfect in the science of the Saints, the Spirit of Piety that he may find the service of God sweet and amiable, the Spirit of Fear that he may be filled with a loving reverence towards God and may dread in any way to displease Him. Mark President Obama, dear Lord, with the sign of Your true disciples and animate him all things with Your Spirit. Amen."

In addition, may the following prayer encourage you to be open and to listen positively to the guidance of sound judgment as is contained in the "Prayer of Saint Francis."

"Lord, make President Barack Obama an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let him sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that President Obama may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive, and it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life." (Prayer of Saint Francis)

CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SPECIAL DAY OF REMEMBRANCE, JANUARY 20, 2009, as you commence your new role as leader of the free world and the commander-in-chief of all of the Armed Services that defend the freedoms of our Republic. God bless America, and America bless God! God bless our 44th President of the United States of America. IN GOD WE TRUST! E PLURIBUS UNUM! ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


As children, young adults, and mature adults continue their climb up the Ladder of Achievement in 2009, there will be many obstacles and challenges that all will encounter along the way up and down their endurance temperature of yes, no, or maybe. Yes, we can be hot, cold, or lukewarm as we attempt to conquer the negativisms of our social culture and surroundings. Many individuals will attempt to lure good-intentioned persons from their dreams, their visions, and their focused missions by being destructive through their negative aspirations and self-centered agendas. To strive to beat off the destructive devices of drug addiction, alcohol addiction, gambling addiction, sexual addiction, and gluttonous addiction each person will need the will power to say "No" to the negatives and to realize that they can be either their best friend or their worst enemy in the Achievement Ladder process. To smear, to discredit, and to destroy a person's willingness to positively achieve steps in the right direction of human life is a tactic that has been used in many walks of life. Some are more blatant than others and some are more subtle than others. The end result is to give up rather get up and try again.

Ignorance is often another factor that individuals face when trying to be the best of who they are. Others are jealous, selfish, and unwilling to allow others the satisfaction of achieving in a world that often discourages positive success. In addition, apathy is a behavior that says, "I do not care about anything and neither should you." "That is the way life is...get on with like me...a nobody." Well, welcome to the Nobodies Club. Status, prestige, wealth, race, creed, age, dependency, handicaps, gender, and religion should not be an obstacle in achieving the dreams, the visions, and the missions that you want to achieve during your lifetime. What is your size of the your fight in each crisis?

Often, many persons have the aptitudes and the focus on the altitude to reach but with little or no positive attitude to make things happen on their own initiative. Many persons have the aptitudes of a "thimble," but they are operating at 100 percent capacity and overflowing with positive responses to life's challenges. Many persons have the aptitudes of a "shot glass," but they accept their circumstances and they compete at the 100 percent level of accomplishment. Many persons have the aptitudes of a "8-ounce drinking glass," but their limited visions allow them a 50 percent response and use of their God-given talents. Many persons have the aptitudes of a "gallon jug," but their egos get in the way of even using these wonderful talents at the 25 percent level. Yes, there are many individuals who are truly talented, but they lack the enthusiasm, the drive, the ambition, and most importantly, the positive attitude to succeed at the 100 percent Achievement Ladder Level of Success.

Waiting for others to determine how you are to use your God-given talents is a waste of time and effort. Be your own coach and your best friend. Listen to positive enthusiasms that encourage you to maximize your God-given aptitudes with the force of making a difference in a world that is looking for your approach to solving the challenges that are affecting our 21st Century. You need not be elected to public office to accomplish this task on the individual basis. Your talents are part of the total puzzle, and each person's talents completes the puzzle no matter how large or how small that piece of the puzzle is. Without your piece of the puzzle, the world and your community will be unable to say that the problem is solved. Make your dreams, visions, and missions happen in the way Your Creator wills them for you to happen. YOUR UNIQUENESS IS EVERYONE'S PIECE OF THE PUZZLE TO SOLVE A WORLD IN CHAOS.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


For many people who may be asked to answer the following question: "What does Peace mean to you.?," we all be surprised at the answers. Typically, some of the following answers may be offered: "Peace is the absence of war;" Peace is for geeks and softies; Peace is for the stronghearted and the brave; Peace is unachieveable because war is good business; Peace is a political way of balancing the budget; Peace is for those who live in a serene world devoid of any meaningful activity; and Peace is where no one wants to take a risk because of traditions." Whatever the reasonings regarding the essence of TRUE PEACE, most surveys and polls avoid the underlying reasons why people avoid living in Peace or seeking ways of striving for True Peace.

With all of the customs, traditions, practices, and lifestyles that are promoted worldwide, there are many persons who are afraid to live in Peace because they are unwilling to sit down and to communicate with others their differences as well as their COMMON THREADS. As human beings with a common Creator of this Universe, we owe ourselves the right to rediscover the reasons to achieve INNER PEACE at the 100 percent level of our LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENTS if we are humble enough to say, "We do not have all of the answers of why we are fighting and creating discord among our brothers and sisters who have a COMMON FATHER, GOD!

In 2009, we all can reexamine our motives, our agendas, our "inner wars," our prejudices, our biases, and our reasons for creating a WAR TYPE MENTALITY in our very neighborhoods. Are we afraid to find out that we have a COMMON THREAD and also a UNIQUE IDENTITY that makes us who we are rather than what we are? Are we skeptical of others because we want to hold them back from achieving their ultimate and maximum level in their ACHIEVEMENT LADDER JOURNEY up and down the LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT? Encouraging others may seem out of the picture for us because we CHOOSE WAR as a way of MONOPOLIZING OUR AGENDA to the detriment of many talented individuals.

To achieve INNER PEACE, we need to meet PEACE ITSELF in the God-man, Jesus Christ, who is the PRINCE OF PEACE, THE LORD OF LORDS, THE KING OF KINGS, AND WHOSE KINGDOM WILL NEVER END. He came as a baby to our earth; he was humbled by our earthly ways; and he was killed by all of us who like to continue the "WARS" rather than search for HIS INNER PEACE IN US. Yet, He rose from the dead and offered His special assurance: "PEACE BE WITH YOU. AS THE FATHER HAS LOVED ME, SO I HAVE LOVED YOU. LIVE ON IN MY PEACE AND MY LOVE....THEY WILL KNOW THAT YOU BELONG TO ME BECAUSE OF YOUR LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER." If you are looking for CHANGE IN 2009, start with yourself and resolve the "war" that is holding you back from TRUE INNER PEACE.

Today, we remember in a very special way, the Most Humble, the Most Loving Mother of all time, Jesus' Mother, Mary. Her "Yes" to God brought about a new covenant that has been in existence for more than 2000 years. Her first Christmas with Jesus and Joseph, her spouse, was a very special event that is celebrated every year at Christmas as a remembrance of the birth of the PRINCE OF PEACE. Mary found out very soon that peace came with a price. In all man-made wars, there are no winners...only losers. "Let there be PEACE ON EARTH AND LET IT BEGIN WITH ME."

Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, is our greatest AMBASSADOR FOR PEACE IN THE WORLD. She intercedes for us with her son, Jesus, to achieve that peace which the world will never be able to give. Only a Mother understands what will bring about peaceful settlements and solutions and treaties that will last. Our Spiritual Mother, who is in Heaven for all eternity, understands conflict and misunderstanding that may be healed to bring about lasting peace, TRUE INNER PEACE. "LORD, MAKE US INSTRUMENTS OF YOUR PEACE. WHERE THERE IS HATRED, LET US SOW LOVE, WHERE THERE IS INJURY, PARDON. WHERE THERE IS DOUBT, FAITH. WHERE THERE IS DESPAIR, HOPE. WHERE THERE IS DARKNES, LIGHT. WHERE THERE IS SADNESS, JOY." (Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi)