Wednesday, December 31, 2008


With all of the challenges that many persons endured and met head on in 2008, the New Year of 2009 will continue with significant new and improved challenges that will make our Country either United or Divided or both! With all of the misinformation that has travelled along the media networks, persons living in the twenty-first century in 2009 will need to reconsider their missions, their goals, their objectives, and their fundamental philosophies. To overcome the mistrusts, the absurdities, the distortions, and the mismanagements individuals will be encouraged to reexamine their philosophies of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To stand firm on your principles of life and your inherent beliefs and values, individuals will need to take a stand that will propel them to the scorn of many biased and prejudiced individuals who seek other novelty ways of life.

Making a firm commitment to your legacy of life will mean a blast from individuals who will SMEAR, DISCREDIT, AND DESTROY your points of view in order to promote their special agendas. We all have been reminded to STAND UP AND BE COUNTED for what you affirm as your unique philosophy of life and values. Your ethical foundations will often run the risk of losing even your closest friends and acquaintances. But that risk is worth the risk since you are your own person. The SILENT MAJORITY will again rise up to challenge the negatives that have permeated our news headlines and media coverage. The GRASSROOTS will again say: "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.!"

Now is the time for all good persons to come to! Apathy has no role for responsible citizenry. Challenge with critical thinking and documented information any affront to your covenant that you have made as part of your philosophy of education, your informed theology, and your spiritual achievement ladder. You have the right and the duty to be all that God has created you to be. IN GOD WE TRUST is our BATTLE CRY! WELCOME 2009 with a NEW YOU that will impact your sphere of influence and your environment. BE BOLD AND BE YOURSELF. RESPECT ALL HUMAN LIFE AS THE CONTINUUM FROM NATURAL CONCEPTION TO NATURAL DEATH. Any other human approach is contrary to divine law, which supersedes all human law. Secular, humanistic, civil religion, and purely human law will be challenged at every turn in 2009 by those who are committed to the TRUTH!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Today is a special day of remembrance in my life and in the lives of my brother and my sister. We share a special memory for a Man for all Seasons, for a Faithful Husband, for a Loving and Caring Father, and especially for a Just Man who we call "Daddy." Ten years ago, our loving Daddy was taken back home to His Loving Father, His Abba, His Daddy. We remember all of the times that our Daddy sacrificed for us to provide for our physical, for our social, for our educational, and for our spiritual needs and wants. His Wisdom will far exceed any person with a "sheepskin" from a exclusive or extraordinary educational environment. His "College of Hard Knocks" was a unique CLIMB UP THE LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT that will be second to none of any of his competitors. He served his country in a special way in working in a shipyard that prepared and repaired vessels of combat. He learned by doing and by hands-on experiences to discover the who, the what, the where, the why, the when, the how, and the how much of every mystery and challenge.

He made time to give to each of his children during his free time and his own time. He always said "yes" to assisting the children with their homework and their educational challenges. He was a "Mister Fix It" by trade and a "Daddy of Inventions" when necessity and life sent him a curve ball. He loved sports of all types and encouraged his children to get involved whenever the opportunity was presented. Going to the local park with our Dad to play catch or to hit the ball was awesome and memorable. His love of music and dance coined him the expression of being an "Old Smoothie" when he danced with our mother. He loved the game of darts. "Knock them in baseball" was one of his favorite games. As a "Lefty" he was extremely competitive, but he sought the fun of the game rather than what money could bring in because of his talents. He was a great "Poker Player." He learned the art of finesse in all of life's challenges including playing cards of all descriptions. In addition, his love of playing checkers was the best. He was unbeatable when his mind was totally on the game.

Although my Dad never owned an automobile nor owned a home, he used public transportation in the city up until his natural death at 87. He was a wonderful provider for the family, and his commitment to his work environment was exemplary. His work ethic motto was: "If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well or not at all." Our Dad lived in the city, in the ghetto, in the environment where he felt at ease with his people. His greatest asset as a human being was that HE HAD A GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR. He loved life; and even in death, he continued his LOVING SENSE OF HUMOR. He loved the God who created him, and he loved the family that God gave him to air, care, share, and bear for even into eternity. He discovered even as an orphaned child that LOVE CONQUERS ALL and THERE IS NO END TO LOVE. For those who were fortunate to know him, he was the MAN FOR ALL SEASONS and a LOVING FAMILY MAN who knew what being a DADDY means. As the saying goes: "Anyone can be a Father, but it takes a special someone to be a DADDY."

THANK YOU, DADDY, FOR GIVING US LIFE AND LOVE. IT IS GREAT TO BE ALIVE AND TO REMEMBER ALL THAT YOU ACCOMPLISHED FOR YOUR FAMILY AND FOR THE MANY FAMILIES THAT YOU TOUCHED IN YOUR LIFE TIME. And as a special remembrance, Dad, as you enjoy eternal happiness with Mother and our Brother and all of your friends, "Here's to it and to it again. If you don't do it when you get to it, you will never get to it to do it again."

Monday, December 29, 2008


As we approach the end of 2008 and look forward to 2009, many positive achievers will reassess their Ladder of Achievement goals as they continue their climb up and down the Achievement Ladder of Success. Looking backwards will benefit those who are determined to learn from their past experiences especially for 2008. In preparing for 2009 and beyond, the positive achievers will redefine their missions, their goals, their objectives, and their short-term and long-term goals. The education and the experiences that they have received through the "College of Hard Knocks" will determine their focus for 2009 and beyond.

Today is the tomorrow that we thought about yesterday. To simplify your economic, social, psychological, physiological, political, ethical, philosophical, and spiritual aspirations will be a challenge worth considering and pondering to achieve the highest, maximum level of accomplishment. Encouraging yourself and others to perform at their maximum potential requires a self-assessment to enhance self-esteem and self-discipline. Being aware of your learning styles and your confidence level, you will become more confident and understand how you will successfully learn what really is appropriate for your unique person.

Making New Year's resolutions for many is a waste of time, talent, and treasures if they are determined to resist change from within rather than change from without. Remember to reflect on the following verse: "God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference." A mind is a terrible thing to waste! "Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life. Guard it well!"
(Proverbs 4:13)

You hold the key to your success...Act on your aptitudes, altitudes, and especially your positive attitude to make things happen!
HAPPY NEW YEAR, 2009! Your vote for yourself always counts!

Friday, December 26, 2008


Today is my brother's birthday within one year of achieving his 70th birthday, a special milestone. Last year, my dedication special for my brother had a unique, significant memory of its own. We both realize that we both lost a younger brother at age 33 to the power of drink and drugs. His love of music will live on every year when we witness and listen to the Fralinger String Band and the Mummers Parade in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on New Year's Day. Our youngest brother now lives on in eternity at peace, joy, and love with his mother and his dad and our mother and our dad. Love was always in the home even when challenges to that love were often tested in many different ways by the world, the flesh, and the devil. When love exists in the home and God's love is enthroned in the home, anything is possible and achievable with God's special presence. Today many families have excluded God in their homes, in their workplaces, and in their hearts because of so many earthly distractions, social, political correctness, and secular, humanistic religion. GOD IS ALWAYS LOVE!

Happy Birthday, Brother, on your special day of remembrance. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for the gifts of LIFE AND LOVE...IT IS GREAT TO BE ALIVE! May many more houses become homes enthroned with the Love of God and be a haven for the lost, the outcast, the homeless, the ignored, the forgotten, the unloved, the despised, the neglected, the discouraged, the depressed, and the orphaned. Remember that GOD IS LOVE and where LOVE EXISTS THERE IS GOD! May the Spirit of Christmas continue for the next 365 days for all!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Every year we hear well-intentioned people requesting a change of rules, customs, traditions, lifestyles, political offices, financial guidelines, etc. When rational people decide that they have had enough of a certain habit, pattern, focus, or any other plausible reason, the decisions often changes the usual routine that others have been accustomed to observe. People change their minds everyday about a number of issues that may or may not have a good effect in the long run. Even bureaucrats who pride themselves on status quo and sticking to the rules, often bring about change that takes months and even years to effectively implement. Talk about procrastination and anxiety over change agents, you will find individuals who promote change for change sake rather than for a serious reason. The agenda is often self-serving and self-directed to accomplish selfish ends.

Yes, change is inevitable on the human and natural level of things. Days, months, years go by with change in governments, families, lifestyles, educational missions and goals, geographical mobility, climate and environmental factors, and numerous other changes that as human beings we have no control. Yet, in the many centuries that we have observed and studied changes, the one component that needs considerable attention is the change in individual decisions to achieve or not to achieve in the short run and in the long run. When individuals are confused, upset, distressed, discouraged, disillusioned, defeated, and disoriented, the "war inside" that person eventually comes to the surface and is evident in the behaviors of these persons.

History has indicated numerous "negative leaders" who were exulted to world prominence affecting many innocent persons brought their "personal wars" to the rest of society. The negative behaviors of these "warring persons" brought death and destruction to many men, women, and children whose only mistake was being in the wrong place and in the wrong time. Today we still see "warring attitudes" by self-exulting leaders who bring fear, anxiety, and despair to their communities and countries. Gangs and terrorists are encouraged by "warring factions" who really have a negative purpose that impacts many innocent victims. To reach a maximum altitude with their aptitudes, an individual needs to assess their attitudes towards themselves and towards others in their midst.

THE TIME FOR A CHANGE IS NOT WITH NEW POLITICAL CANDIDATES OR A NEW POLITICAL PARTY. The change must happen with each innocent human being who wants PEACE in their hearts to make a difference where they are located. BLOOM WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED is a slogan for many PEACE-LOVING persons who understand that the only person that they can change is themselves. Change for change sake is no change at all but an illusion of change.

More than 2000 years ago, a dramatic, divine change occurred that has changed our world as we know it forever. A teenage virgin who was engaged to a just man was asked by an angel to say "Yes" to a divine request. She was asked to be a Mother to a God-man through the power of the Holy Spirit...SINCE NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD! Mary said "Yes" to God's special request because she lived a life devoted to God's ways, to God's truths, and to God's life within her. She conceived an unborn baby through the power of the Holy Spirit as God's special messenger had indicated. Mary and Joseph were poor persons, but they were wealthy in God's wonderful graces to take on this ACHIEVEMENT LADDER TO SAY, "YES, LORD, YOUR SERVANT IS LISTENING."

As we celebrate MARY CHRISTMAS in 2008, we are reminded of that first Christmas when Jesus, Savior, was born Emmanuel, God with us. Jesus asked for a CHANGE OF HEART to make a difference in this world. For those who accepted that CHANGE IN THEIR LIVES, JESUS OFFERED THEM THE ETERNAL LIFE IN HIS KINGDOM, which will never end. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are the examples of FAMILY LIFE that offers their services for the greater glory of God and for the salvation of all. GOD'S PROMISES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HONORED, RESPECTED, AND CONFIRMED. GOD'S UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR ALL OF HIS CREATION HAS NEVER CHANGED AND HIS LOVE WILL NEVER WILL CHANGE. For GOD IS LOVE and where you find LOVE, YOU FIND GOD.

How can we change to allow God to come into our lives and to make a real change for our neighborhoods, our communities, our states, and our nation, UNDER GOD? Make a personal change by reassessing our time, our talents, and our treasures to climb up and down the LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT and to say in the long run....WE DID IT TOGETHER, 100 PERCENT, WITH THE HELP OF GOD'S GRACES AND LOVING ATTENTION TO HIS WAY, HIS TRUTH, AND HIS LIFE WITHIN US. Let us sing a song that is appropriate every day of the year:

Sunday, December 14, 2008


For December, 2008, our special tribute is to all of the World's Children. These special individuals are the future generation that will make the greatest impact on the world sometimes in spite of their parents, their governments, and their communities. In many parts of the world, these children are objects of abuse, contempt, ridicule, abandonment, pornography, and genocide. These children who are able to survive all of the negative aspects in their lives are many times given an opportunity to transcend their environments and make turnarounds in a very positive manner. The adults in their lives who want to respect the beauty of children's existence are the heroes that will never make the mass media for obvious reasons. If the attitude of these adults is to honor the dignity and the sacredness of all human life, these adults will encourage and promote a positive atmosphere for the beautiful children that have been entrusted to their care.

The headlines and the internet stories of serious crimes against children have been increasing over the past thirty years or more because of the innocence that these children reflect to the casual observer. Some adults are taking away the innocence of children by their selfish and heinous attitude toward God's wonderful creation. From the unborn to the early childhood years, children are seen as a distraction and a necessary nuisance that has to be tolerated by uncaring adults who have lost their ability to give and to receive a loving relationship. For many adults, the addictions of alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, and other infirmities have caused an unwillingness to take responsibility for the upbringing and the education of the most vulnerable human beings.

When a loving family relationship is shattered by divorce, by alternate lifestyles, by economic conditions, and by pure selfishness of all dimensions, the children the first to feel the affects of this unwanted relationship. To survive all of the challenges that the world enticements, the sexual allurements, and the devilish compromises that these families are asked to endure, the success for the growth and the development of the the child will be successful with loving and caring adults who AIR, CARE, SHARE, AND BEAR. In many areas of the world, adoption of abandoned and orphaned children is an option for responsible adults who know how to give and to provide a loving environment for these love-starved children. Adoption has always been an option for adults who are willing to give of themselves and to share their lives with children in need of love.

Yes, this is a season of the year when children receive gifts of all types of descriptions. The greatest gifts for these children is for these children to experience JOY, PEACE, AND LOVE in their lives. These gifts are priceless. Unconditional love has no price tags and no strings attached. Giving without any thought of return to another is expressing a willingness to give love. GOD IS LOVE. God has a special place in His eternal Kingdom for all of His children. "Unless you become as little children, you will not enter the KINGDOM OF GOD."
To be childlike rather than childish is the thought to be derived from the previous quotation. Many adults have lost their ability to be CHILDLIKE. To recapture that treasure consider what Childlike attributes are important. To be spontaneous, to be joyful, to be happy, to be realistic, to be loving, to be a giving person, to be a servant for others, to be an understanding person, to be an empathetic person, TO BE THE CHILD OF GOD THAT WE WERE MEANT TO BE!


Wednesday, December 10, 2008


For many years, students were in a hurry to complete their education with their classmates. Some individuals felt that they were behind if they were unable to keep pace with all of the persons in their same social class. Competition often has led some persons to seek shortcuts to achieve the ultimate goal of gathering a corner of the market for their exclusive interests. In many cases, these individuals were running a "Sprint" rather than a "Marathon." The pace is obviously very different for these two different types of activities. A Sprint is a short distance and consumes very little time, but requires a specific preparation and training to arrive at the finish line in the desired time. Many injuries occur when a sprinter lacks a "good warmup" prior to the actual sprinting event.

Practice, Practice, Practice and an exception warmup routine helps prepare the individual for the actual event. For example, a 100 meter runner knows that the starting blocks are their friend or their enemy depending how they come out of the blocks when the starting signal is given. A false start uses up excess energy, and a good start gives the individual a good edge in focusing on the finish line.

For too many persons who are striving to achieve their mission, their goals, and their objectives, their preparation mirrors a typical "sprint runner's routine" rather than a "marathoner's routine." The preparation and the commitment is more demanding for a marathoner than a sprinter. The pace depends on the individual's desire, dedication, and determination to meet their goals in the long run rather than in the short run. Life is a "marathon" rather than a "sprint."

How effective and how efficient is your life's focus on becoming a "marathoner" instead of a "sprinter?" Up and down the Ladder of Achievement will depend on your pace and your focus to achieve your aspirations with your limited aptitudes to achieve your altitude. However, your attitude will make the difference. Your positive attitude will make the difference in your long range success. For example, there are many individuals who were once trained to acquire skills for a specific career. When that career outruns its usefulness, your attention may need to be focused on changing your career focus. Many persons have a "cluster of career choices" using their aptitudes and their transitional skills to adjust to the new career path.

In a economic crisis, many individuals are able to make that a smooth transition if they are "marathoners." They can adjust their emphasis and adapt to a new approach in using their time, talents, and treasures. For the "sprinter" who accepted a given career and "put all of their eggs in one basket" may find their adjustment much more challenging. There are many unemployed workers who have given up because they are typically using a "sprinter" mentality rather than a "marathoner" mentality. In making economic, financial, and personal adjustments to their new career choices will be successful only if they are OPEN TO ACCEPT CHANGE.

Lifelong Learning means being a "marathoner" for learning and for gaining experiences that will be transitional to other areas of their untapped human resources. Saying "I will" is better than saying "I won't even try." Age is not a barrier unless you make age a barrier. Using your God-given talents takes a positive attitude. When you look up the word, "attitude," and give each letter a number value, you will find that the word, "attitude" equals 100 percent. A "marathoner" gives 100 percent focus for a considerable period of time. A "sprinter" gives attention to a short duration and the event is over. Yes, we are "marathoners" in our lifelong conquest of achieving our ultimate mission, goals, and objectives. Are you a "marathoner" or a "sprinter?"

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Have you ever watched individuals who are totally committed to achieving their lifelong dreams and visions? Their Ladders of Achievements are built on solid ground with life's basic tools to accomplish their short term and their long term goals. These individuals' experiences include many challenges and short comings that give them an increased desire, dedication, and determination. Their focus is on what really matters rather than wasting their time, talents, and treasures on the world's distracting concerns that brings about procrastination, apathy, and depression. These individuals may experience extreme poverty, extended unemployment, and consistent underemployment. These individuals may also feel deserted, homeless, and despondent because they are considered outcasts in their own community. There are takers and there are givers in every community. Who are you: A taker or a giver?

As these positive individuals who put their complete TRUST IN GOD, their spiritual Ladder of Achievement accelerates from I WON'T DO THIS until WE DID THIS TOGETHER...from 0 percent to 100 percent. Quite a turnaround. Why? Their listened to the Words of the Master, "Come unto Me all you who labor and find LIFE TO BE BURDENSOME and I WILL GIVE YOU REST. For My yoke is easy and My Burden is light. Learn from Me for I AM MEEK AND HUMBLE OF HEART." Yes, Emmanuel, God With Us, has already spoken!

The world, the flesh, and the devil will never give you peace, joy, and love. You will never find contentment in accumulating all the wealth in the world and allowing your person to become a slave of the flesh. Your positive decision to accept God in your life and to allow HIS LIFE TO CONSUME your identity will give you HOPE in your unique life time. You will discover how LOVE came down at the first Christmas, and how LOVE made possible your opportunity for eternal salvation. That is a lifelong longing for all human beings to be with their CREATOR who is ALL FAITH, ALL HOPE, AND ALL LOVE. ADVENT IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO REDISCOVER HOPE rather than despair. NEVER GIVE UP, GET UP! It is not the size of the individual in the fight that counts, but the size of the fight in the individual that REALLY COUNTS. HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL!

Friday, December 5, 2008


Have you noticed that every year at this time, we witness the additional politically correct persons who want to secularize Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. To make a civil religion get more popularity, many individuals have resorted to HAPPY HOLIDAYS or SEASON'S GREETINGS or XMAS or some other term to distract the attention of well-intentioned persons to go through the period of Thanksgiving and Christmas Day without understanding the true meaning of why we stop to realize the significance of these wonderful days. Families gather with well-intentioned thoughts and ambitions and are overwhelmed by the world's emphasis on money, money, money for any reason. Retail sales are considered a flop if they are unable to be successful in the four to six weeks that end a given calendar year. Why are we giving presents to others?

In the Judeo-Christian world, the weeks before Christmas are preparations for the most significant remembrance of the Incarnation of the Son of God through the power of the Holy Spirit in the "temple of a virgin named, Mary." This woman said "Yes to God." Her "Yes" was the turning point of the Old Covenant with God to begin the New Covenant with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit...a Triune God who has unconditional love for His creation. Jesus Christ came as a baby, born of a virgin Mary through the power of the Holy Spirit to live, die, and rise again and to be King of the Kingdom of Heaven for all eternity. Jesus is King, Friend, Brother, Lord, Savior, the Anointed One, the Messiah, and Emmanuel. Jesus told His followers, "I will be with you all days until the end of time." Yes, we have reason to celebrate every day the Love that God provided for His people. Every Day is a Celebration of Christmas...Christ's Mass...a remembrance of His Love come down at the first Christmas. He comes to us each day through the Holy Eucharist as He explained in John 6 and at His Last Supper on earth. He came to serve, not to be served. HIS KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD, BUT OF THE WORLD TO COME FOR EACH ONE OF US. He wants to dwell in each person's soul as a living reminder that His work of His Mystical Body continues every day through each one of us.

Yes, It is OK to say MERRY CHRISTMAS. Also, It is OK to say MARY CHRISTMAS. Let us leave room in the Inn for our Lord and Savior by being open to His promptings, His Love, His Attitude, His LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT FOR EACH ONE OF US. Let us be able to say: "WE DID IT TOGETHER." Together Everyone Achieves More using our eyes, our ears, our mouth, our heart, our mind, our attitude in tune with His attitude, our hands, and our feet. Jesus lives through us and with us to accomplish His purpose through our time, our talents, and our treasures. HE MUST INCREASE, WE MUST DECREASE. PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD, COME LORD EMMANUEL, COME LORD JESUS CHRIST. LET US HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS WITH HIS PEACE, JOY, AND LOVE IN 2008.