Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Have you ever stopped to think and to consider the greatest example of womanly courage and achievement of all time? There is only one such person that fits that description worthy of consideration. Have you ever considered the challenges that a woman who chooses motherhood and accepts the responsibilities of parenthood must be willing to endure with courage and faith. You may have heard the expression, "when the going gets tough, the tough get going!" Courage in the face of unsurmountable challenges and conflicts makes the decision even more honorable.

Yes, the woman that best matches the spiritual courage and the human courage to live her motherhood to the maximum is the Mother of Jesus Christ, Mary Immaculate. From her first yes to God's calling to be the Mother of Jesus Christ, she exemplified the Woman of Courage title for her entire earthly existence. Her final yes to God's will was an eternity that her Motherhood continues for all of the human race until the end of time. She always accepted God's calling to DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU...She carried her Son in her womb, which was blessed through the power of the Holy Spirit . She was conceived immaculate from the first moment of her conception to be the fitting tabernacle for her Son, Jesus. She saw Him born, grow up, work with his Foster Father, Joseph, as a Carpenter until His public life began at the age of 30.

Imagine the impact of each of her Courage moments when she saw her Son touch many lives and heal many aching souls. She saw Him bring together the first Apostles, the first followers of His Kingdom to be leaders of His New Way. She saw Him abused, ignored, condemned, ridiculed, insulted, and unwanted. She saw Him arrested even though innocent, and He was charged with false accusations that would eventually end in a death on a Cross. She was with Her Son every step of the way to be there for Him. When He died on a Cross, she was there to hold Him in Her arms. Her faith was strong to realize that He would rise again, which He did on the third day after His death. She was there to console the many friends and followers, and to assure them to have faith, hope, and love as Her Son exhibited throughout His lifetime.

She was there with the Apostles when the Holy Spirit touched their lives to be bold enough to live the full Christ-centered lives as Jesus had taught them during His lifetime. And Yes, She is now with Him for all eternity, body and soul through her assumption into Heaven. Mary continues to be the Spiritual Mother of each one of us, and she will always assist us through her intercession with Her Son, Jesus, for all eternity. What a woman of outstanding courage and achievement who prays for each one of us now and at the hour of our death. Amen!

1 comment:

Matt said...

Today, August 22, 2008, we commemorate the Coronation of the Blessed Mother in Heaven as Queen of the Universe. This humble person gave her "Yes" to God when she was asked to take on an extraordinary mission...TO BE THE MOTHER OF THE GOD-MAN, JESUS CHRIST. Her "Yes" means that she not only loved God but loved her neighbors as she loved herself. Through the power of the Holy Spirit in her life and in her death and assumption into Heaven, she is the GREATEST WOMAN OF COURAGE AND ACHIEVEMENT OF ALL TIME...Her human and spiritual example during her lifetime gives us hope for the spreading of the Kingdom of God on earth as is in Heaven. Thank you, Mother, for saying "Yes" to God's calling and making possible for each one of us your heroic and exemplary example. YOU ARE A MOTHER THAT WE CAN ALL DEPEND ON AND TRUST, AND YOU ARE CLOSE TO YOUR SON, JESUS CHRIST, FOR ALL ETERNITY...MARY, QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE, PRAY FOR US AND INTERCEDE FOR US WITH THE TRIUNE GOD.