Thursday, August 7, 2008


As we continue our daily journey in life, we are challenged to go beyond the transient and the tangible. Who is the Uncaused Cause of the Universe? Who is the Higher Power that many AA converts have discovered in their transformation from their addictions? Who is the Source of all Human Life and the Creator of every living thing on this Earth and in the Heavens? What is the Road that will take us to our Spiritual Journey in Climbing the Ladder of Achievement?

As we reconsider all of the steps in our ascent up the Ladder of Achievement, we look at zero (0) percent that indicates that "I won't" waste my time and energy in trying to discover the reason for my existence. In addition, "I won't" read anything that may change my mind or my convictions on finding the Truth that could set me free. At the next level, "I can't," many individuals are unwilling to change their way of doing things or accepting anything that they cannot see in a microscope or that they can hold in their hands. At the "I don't know how" level, the refusal to listen to new concepts or considerations gives way to indicating that we are not walking encyclopedias. Our intelligence is challenged by the unknown and the intangible. Natural faith eventually tells us that there is a China even if we have never been there in person. Yet, we see images of the Chinese cultural and way of life through modern technologies and events.

When we say "I wish I could," we are now open to scrutinize and to analyze what is appropriate to our mental capacity. Others may give us an insight into what the Spiritual Journey is by their actions rather than their words. THEY WALK THEIR TALK. We are drawn to give a listening ear and an open mind to study and to formulate our own philosophy and our own ethical and moral conduct that seems feasible for us to accept. When we hear "what is it," the additional time and energy gives the individual opportunities to read, to question, to reflect, and to understand what the Spiritual holds for us individually and as a community.

To say, "I think I might," leads the person to reconsider all of the facts from fiction and from mythical to reasonable and worthy of commitment. At the "I might" stage, the person seriously entertains a desire to give this new Spiritual Journey a chance to be a part of their makeup and their way of life. Continuing with "I think I can," the 70 percent level gives us reassurance that the positive aspects of a new found knowledge will lead us in a new direction and a new horizon. After experiencing positive results from the learning experiences, the Spiritual Journey recognizes that at the 80 percent level "I can" accomplish this with assistance and with support from others who have been there and have been successful in the process. When we commit to 90 percent or "I will," the person knows that the decision is giving us new life and a new direction that they are willing to accept and to endure with love. Succeeding at the 100 percent level or "I did make the change," the person is well on their way to a happy and yet very challenging aspect of their new discovery. Yes, God is Alive and Well. My experiences show that my living faith makes possible to be aware of His existence and of His encouragement to us to succeed.

With hearing "His Kingdom Come, His Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven," the New Person focuses on making priorities that will be consistent with this new found discovery. In addition, when the New Person hears, "Come to Me all you who labor and are burdened and I will give you rest. Learn from Me for I am meek and humble of heart," the Spiritual New Person will understand and will accept this new found discovery from the Only Person who really lived this Spiritual Journey to the fullness. Also, this Savior who lived, died, and rose from the dead gave a solemn promise: " I will be with you always until the end of time." This new Spiritual Person realizes that during the Journey up and down the Spiritual Ladder of Achievement, the Only Person who gave His all so that we can have True Freedom will be with us in our daily walk to eternal reward, if we are FAITHFUL AND PERSEVERING. The struggles will be monitored, coached, and encouraged to continue until the final breath. The Spiritual Journey on the Ladder of Achievement will be worth our faith, our hope, and our love commitment. "He must increase, we must decrease." His Kingdom Come!

"To fall in Love with God is the greatest of all romances. To seek Him is the greatest of all adventures. To find Him is the greatest human achievement."

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