Saturday, March 29, 2008

Achievement Ladder's Positive Impact 33 Years Later

On Sunday, February 23, 1975, my family and I attended Saint Edmond Church in Philadelphia, PA. After the Mass, I picked up a Parish Bulletin for future reference. On the back of the Parish Bulletin, I noticed for the first time the verse on the"Ladder of Achievement." The Saint Edmond Church Bulletin listed the following:

100% - I did.
90% - I will.
80% - I can.
70% - I think I can.
60% - I might.
50% - I think I might.
40% - What is it?
30% - I wish I could.
20% - I don't know how.
10% - I can't.
0% - I won't.

Looking at that Parish Bulletin today after more than 33 years, I realize that my educational philosophy has been affected and impacted by this Ladder of Achievement. During the 70s, I was employed as a full-time instructor at a Pennsylvanian Community College in Williamsport. I made numerous copies of the Ladder of Achievement verse over the years and left them on my desk for students to pick up and hopefully use the positive philosophy in their lives.

When I retired from a Florida Community College after 24 years of service five years ago, this Ladder of Achievement verse was an essential part of my orientations for first time students and for returning adults to the educational system after many years of lifelong learning experiences. As I continue to teach part time at a local community college, I now use the verse in my website: well as pass out copies of the Ladder of Achievement in my classes. Using this blog, "Achievement Ladder," gives me an opportunity to reach more individuals who are interested in making a positive difference in their community and in their personal lives. May we all continue our ambitious climb up and down our Ladder of Achievement with enthusiasm, with perseverance, and with the self-confidence that saying, "I did it," brings to our lifelong learning adventures.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Middle School Band Members Accept Achievement Ladder Challenges

Last night, my evening was enhanced by a tremendous musical experience. My observations of a Pasco County Middle School Band "Mid-Winter" Concert indicated that the Music Director took the band members to new heights. These beginning, intermediate, and advanced band members treated the audience in attendance with a spectacular rendition of challenging music selections. One of the selections was a "Sight Reading" opportunity for these young band members. This challenge is given to all band members at State Music Competitions in the Spring. To practice this sight reading challenge prior to the actual music competition was what the audience experienced first hand. This music selection had never been practiced by the intermediate and advanced band members. A standing ovation was given after the selection was presented. What a wonderful example of climbing the Ladder of Achievement with the positive attitude of "yes, we did it." What self-confidence was accomplished in a performance well done!

The Band Director is to be commended for the leadership that was in evidence during the concert. The band members responded with effective discipline to all of the directions given by the Director. This person believes in giving the band members a challenge at a new level of mastery of musical achievements. What was learned was a life-learning exercise in going above and beyond the average. Reaching new heights of musical experiences at a middle school level is currently avoided by other middle school music directors. The band members are fortunate to have a music professional who understands the carry-over value of reaching new heights that are obtainable and challenging for these enthusiastic young people. The transferable skills learned will assist the young learners to apply the perseverance and persistence that is required to excel with the time, talents, and treasures in other subject matter areas.

What a joy to find educators who really make a difference in forming learning skills in the young lives of future leaders of our country. The desire, dedication, determination, discipline, and discretion are the learning tools of successful life-learning individuals who are maximizing their learning potential. To reach the next rung of the Ladder of Achievement takes a willingness on the part of all lifelong learners to listen to the wisdom of effective and efficient coaching winners.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Self-Confidence Motivates Achievement Ladder Progress

In climbing the Life Ladder of Achievement everyday, self-confidence stimulates and encourages an individual to make the positive progress to achieve short-term and long-term goals. Motivation examples are obvious in the current March Madness Tournaments for both the college men and women. The desire, dedication, and the determination to excel in competitive events propels individuals to reach down deep in their inner focus to make the difference for their team members.

Going from 0 % - I won't get involved with this team to 10 % - I can't afford the time and energy that this exercise will require to 20 % I don't know how to better perform with my skills will start the progression up the ladder. At 30 % - I wish I could perform like my competitors or my mentors to 40 % - what is it that will make me more confident to continue my positive efforts. At 50 % - I think I might learn what will be expected of me to be a loyal member of the team. At 60 % - I might take the time to learn the fundamentals and the necessary practice to perform when I can make a difference. At 70 % - I think I can be an asset to my team and keep the balance of self-worth and selflessness. At 80 % - I can contribute to the success of my teammates. At 90 % - I will step up when my team needs me the most and when the team thinks they need me the least. At 100 % - I did accomplish a self-confidence that positively helped me to climb the Ladder of Achievement with successful results. "It is not the size of the dog in the fight that counts, but the size of the fight in the dog that really counts." Nobody wants a hand out but they will accept a hand up! Self-Confidence stimulates success at all levels of progress!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Ultimate Achievement Ladder Success

More than two thousand years have gone by since the most heroic and most challenging feat was accomplished by a Man who literally laid down His life for His friends. His life mission was to die for all and women of good will and bad will. His thirty three years of giving to others and of serving others with unconditional love has yet to be achieved or equally matched by any other human person. His influence continues today because He walked His talk by his exemplary example. His message, "Love one another as I have loved you." His message of hope, "I will be with you always until the end of the world." Even when He was dying on a criminal cross, He forgave His persecutors and His friends who abandoned Him. One of His last utterances was, "Father, into your hands I commend my Spirit." The honor guard who stood at the foot of His torture tree were the women....His mother, His converts, His true followers...and one young man who was commissioned to care for His mother.

As He had promised, He arose on the third day from the tomb where He was buried. We became the resurrected followers with Him. This God-Man, Jesus Christ, brought TRUE PEACE to a world in conflict and turmoil. He is truly the Way, the Truth, and the Life for all followers.
His Mystical Body...His Church on Earth...proclaim Him as their Savior and their Lord. When He appeared to His followers after His resurrection from the dead, He always started with, "Peace be with you." His Ladder of Achievement was completed because He Did It! He accomplished His mission and He continues His mission through His followers all over the world. The marks of His Church are: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. E pluribus unum...with many other followers were are One with the visible Head of His Church...The Pope!.... The Founder, Jesus Christ, is Holy!... His Spirit-filled Mystical Body is universal...His delegated and commissioned Apostolic Leaders and followers continue to the work on earth. His Kingdom will never end!
We are an "Alleluia People." Every day throughout the world, free people gather together to receive Him in the Eucharist...a Thanksgiving everyday..."Do this in remembrance of Me."

May Easter 2008 be a fitting memorial of the Ultimate Achievement Ladder Success that was accomplished more than 2000 years ago by a God-Man who really cared about His people!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Lowell Harris Receives Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Recognition

In today's Pasco Tribune section of the Tampa Tribune (, you will read all of his accomplishments. His multiple D's...Desire, Dedication, Determination, Diplomacy, Discipline, Discretion, Discreetness, etc., has inspired many individuals to aspire to his outstanding example. Lowell knows well the leadership skills of networking, partnering, and collaborating to climb the Ladder of Achievement everyday with the positive attitude of saying, "I Did It," "I give my 100 percent plus to all that time, talents, and treasures will allow me to make a positive difference everyday." His positive attitude has impacted his multiple altitudes (visions) to be successful with his multiple aptitudes. Congratulations to my wonderful friend, Lowell Harris, who was recently honored for all that he has contributed to his community for the past forty years or more. Success breeds success! Also, Congratulations on your upcoming Golden Wedding Anniversary.

Friday, March 14, 2008

IDES of MARCH 2008-Achievement Ladder Recognition Award

For the second time this year, the Achievement Ladder Recognition Award is proud to honor an individual for Community Service above and beyond the call of duty. My privilege is to acknowledge Phyllis S. Smith for the 21 plus years of selfless service to the Greater Dade City Chamber of Commerce.

In describing Phyllis S. Smith, she always had the Desire, the Dedication, the Determination, the Discipline, the Diplomacy, the Direction, the Discretion, the Dependability, the Discreetness, the Decisiveness, and the Doctrine to make a distinct difference in the Greater Dade City Chamber of Commerce as Executive Director. Phyllis believed in networking, partnering, and collaborating to accomplish the many Chamber Projects that she initiated or coordinated in cooperation with the many Board of Directors members over the years. She is one of the founding trio of the Kumquat Festival Annual Event that is scheduled each year on the last Saturday in January. Now eleven Annual Kumquat Festivals later, Phyllis has decided to move on to other adventures in her professional life. In addition, Phyllis was instrumental in bringing about a monthly auto show to the downtown Dade City area in cooperation with the Dade City Downtown Association.

Congratulations to Phyllis S. Smith in being recognized as the Ides of March 2008 Achievement Ladder Award winner.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Medical Achievements Require Positive Attitudes

For the last year, my observations of medical clinics and medical facilities have been an eye-opener regarding the attitude or the lack of positive attitude from the supportive staffs. The laid back atmospheres and the inefficiencies of staff members makes or breaks the reputation of the medical professionals who hope to gain the trust of their patients. In one area that needs desperate updating is the records management area. For all the paperwork that the patients are expected to repeat over and over again needlessly to the "black hole" of "where is that paperwork now," these medical non-professionals need a retraining in skills and a change of attitude that puts the patients first. How many medical doctors have been embarrassed by the ineptitude of their staffs from time to time? How many are fighting any change that would make their work more efficient and more effective.

To the credit of some medical clinics and facilities, a change is happening slowly in the records management area. Using the electronic methods that are available, many non-professional staff would save time and less stress with paperwork if the information was more organized via the electronic approach. In some offices that my adventures took me, the staff had already converted to using electronic record keeping for all patients' data with proper security. We hope that more and more offices will reduce the necessity of trying to find the "lost files in the black hole" by making changes that will benefit the office staff, the professional doctors, and other supportive staff. Change for change sake is really no change at all. The management functions of planning, organizing, directing/staffing, and controlling are best utilized in the medical arenas throughout the world with twenty-first century electronic information processing methods where the atmosphere has a positive attitude and a professional attitude about the patients. To quote an old saying, "People do not care about what you know but about how much your care."

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Achievement Brings Music To Life

For my entire life, music has been and continues to bring joy to my life. Singing with church choirs in my youth, our Choir Director had a common saying, "Yes, you with the neck...please keep your eyes on the Director." In high school, the glee club was an opportunity to share common classics to our collection especially with the "Withenpoof's Song" and other college-type ballads. In college the music focused on Gregorian Chants and other contemporary classics. With church choirs, the music was inspirational and uplifting to the soul.

During the mid-60s, my desire was to join a 200-voice choral group called the Mendelssohn
Choir of Pittsburgh, which performed at times with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. The various selections included the "Messiah," "The Four Seasons," "Beethoven's Ninth, Ode to Joy" in German, and many other classical selections. The musical experiences were priceless and rewarding. During the 70s, my choral experiences were with the Williamsport Civic Chorus with a variety of classical and contemporary music selections. In the 80s and 90s, the opportunity to sing with the Saint Leo University Oratorical Society was a significant step in learning music for all occasions including bringing back the "Messiah" and many other classical selections.

Currently, my music experiences have been with a church choir that gives new life to Christmas and Lenten selections. In all of my experiences with these music selections, the Music Directors have been the inspiration to learn music that is challenging and yet very rewarding. Appreciating life's challenges is often reflected in music that gives life to the soul and a reason for using the most beautiful instrument that we have all received...OUR VOICE. Let your voice sing out for joy, peace, and for inspiration that will touch the lives of others who are listening.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Self-Respect and Mutual Respect Ascends Achievement Ladder

If you research the dictionary meaning of the word "respect," you will find at least 10 different descriptions. Here are some of those offered: Respect is

**"admiration for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or trait, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or trait."

**"deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or to someone or something considered as having certain rights or privileges."

**"the condition of being esteemed or honored: to be held in respect."

"a formal expression or gesture of esteem, deference, or friendship."

**"discrimination or partiality in regard to persons or things; to hold in esteem or honor."

**"to show regard or consideration for; to refrain from interfering with."

(Reference: The Random House College Dictionary, Revised Edition, 1984)

In my acronym use for the word, R.E.S.P.E.C.T., you may want to consider the following traits:

Reverent ... to understand and to appreciate the unique value of each human person.

Empathetic ... to air, care, share, and bear the uniqueness of each human personality.

Sincere ... to ring true, to be honest, to be trustworthy, and to earn trust of others.

Peaceful ... to create an atmosphere that is conducive to positive, learning experiences.

Etiquette ... to honor the age, the race, the gender, the nationality, the philosophy, and the
freedoms that each person wishes for themselves and others.

Confident ... to be strong in one's personal beliefs and to have mutual respect for the personal
beliefs and traditions of others.

Tactful ... to effectively choose what is appropriate, tasteful, and aesthetically pleasing in
every human relations encounter.

How do you promote respect in your daily challenges? What is your respect level on a scale of one (the lowest) and ten (the highest)? Everyone deserves respect by earning respect!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Respect climbs the Ladder of Achievement

When you watch the progress of any individual, team, or organization, you will notice the levels of respect that are generated in the competitive environment. Going from negative, "I won't," to the "I might" positive response, respect also changes from negative to the positive mode. To the eventual "I did it" reactions, respect progresses to a positive attitude toward oneself, toward others, and towards events in general.

Respect for oneself is the beginning. Personal respect implies change on the inside before being obvious on the outside through actions. The way an individual takes care of their basic needs indicates degrees of self-respect. Self-respect provides for the food, shelter, clothing, and security.

As the basic needs are met in satisfactory ways, self-respect expands to respect for others even if you have different opinions and ideas about how to live life effectively and efficiently. Respect for others implies a positive, competitive attitude that is conducive to peaceful actions. Competitive individual or team conditions expects respect for the aptitudes of others. The winning score or final outcome shows the positive motivation in respecting the values of others and their approaches to completing an assignment. Mutual respect gives rise to growth rather than divisiveness.

As we strive to improve the conditions in all areas of life, let us continue to learn the reasons for self-respect and mutual respect for others. Respect will bring more individuals into striving to reach their maximum goals while striving to respect other individuals in their quest to succeed in the climb up the Ladder of Achievement. Respect breeds respect!