Saturday, February 9, 2008

Positive Attitudes Impacts Achievement Ladder Progress

From time to time, we all need to reassess our approaches to life's challenges by looking at our personal and career attitudes. Here are a few suggestions to help in your assessment. Using the acronym for attitude, here are the characteristics to consider:

A - Achievement on a daily basis with short term and long term goals.
T - Temperament that dictates your personality traits and positive responses.
T - Talents that are God-given and that are learned over the years.
I - Initiative that means that you are a self-starter and have internal locus of control.
T - T.E.A.M. which stands for Together Everyone Achieves unity there is strength.
U - Understanding which is the purpose of all effective communications.
D - Dedication which is surrounded by Desire and Determination to make positive progress.
E - Enthusiasm which includes the last four letters: I Am Sold Myself.

A Positive Attitude determines your positive Altitude with your positive Aptitudes. To reach your successful adventure on your Achievement Ladder, you will need to daily reassess your positive attitudes, your visionary altitude, and your God-given aptitudes as you climb your Ladder of Achievement.

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