Friday, February 15, 2008

Educational Achievement Requires Holistic Approach

Today I read an editorial in a local newspaper, St. Petersburg Times, that advocated the support of State Board of Education to promote exclusively the scientific approach in teaching about the beginning of human life. Although evolution has been preached through the many scientific classrooms for many years, the holistic approach is being ignored and discarded using the excuse: "separation of church and state." The comprehensive approach to "truth" in educational presentations is being controlled and supported by the new religion: "secular humanism."

In many educational curriculum surveys, parents were asked what should be included in the curriculum regarding the beginning of human life. Creation and intelligent life issues have been requested to be included in the educational curriculum. However, the State Boards of Education have left out these proposals since they border or conflict with the "so-called theory of separation of church and state." Is there any logical reason why these theories and concepts are being ignored? Imagine if the parents who are sending their children to public education decided to opt to home school or to send their children to private schools. Also, imagine if these same parents asked for a rebate on their taxes for making choices that better educates their children in the holistic approach to education. What an outcry at the various State Capitols that dictate financial choices involving educational budgets. In addition, imagine the outcry at the local county level for the shortfall in educational funding.

Why are secular humanistic elitists again dictating the educational curriculum for all of our children? There is no establishment of religion when philosophies clash over the choice of effective educational curriculum. We have all witnessed what has happened to our public schools when children are unable to read, to write, to compute, to reason, to think, to analyze, and to evaluate when challenged on college entrance assessments or career assessments. The holistic person is being ignored when short-sighted elitists dictate their own secular humanistic agendas.

Remember to respond to editorials that seem short-sighted or to elitists who are promoting their own agenda. We are a proud nation and we need individuals to be challenged at all levels. "Remember what you have learned. Education is Your Life. Guard it Well!"

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