Thursday, August 1, 2013


With the many unique talents that exist in today's work environments, the atmosphere is conducive to success when the human resources are encouraged to provide positive reinforcements with their co-workers, associates, team members, and co-owners.  To achieve a sound workpersonship, each human resource strengthens morale when a positive attitude is enhanced and empowered.  To accomplish effective and efficient positive work environments, each person is expected to communicate rather than complicate.  Effective communications brings about understanding of the organization's mission, objectives, and goals.  Communications is a common mutual acceptance  of each unique person's aptitudes, altitudes, and attitudes.  The barriers to effective communication hinders the sender's and receiver's messages that may often be misinterpreted.  When a co-worker is speaking, an active listener is focusing on the message with their eyes and their ears.  When an associate writes an e-mail, letter, report,or news release, the receiver considers the context and the content to comprehend the actual meaning intended or unintended.
When a team member performs a challenging task, another team member will be observing the total non-verbal messages that will be achieved with actions rather than with formal words.

Positive attitudes are initiated by the individual; and  these positive approaches to life's challenges in the working environments are owned by the individual expressing these positive attitudes.  If you are expecting others to respond to your positive approaches in a favorable manner, remember that you are unable to predict another person's response to be positive.  For some a simple smile, which takes about six muscles, affects an associate in the work environment to respond accordingly; but often many persons respond with a "frown," which takes about 42 muscles.  Smiles go a long way to positively affect a working environment; and that is a risk worth taking.  Positive attitudes at all levels have long lasting effects that results in positive changes.
Time and tide wait for no person.  Each day we have opportunities to make a difference with our smiles and our positive attitudes in achieving the challenges at hand.  A wise person once said:  "If a job is work doing, that job should be completed with a positive attitude or NOT AT ALL."

When we read the daily newspapers or listen to the daily news media, we often hear and observe negative news that brings about more negative responses.  In the long run, much more could be accomplished  by using a positive approach to reduce unnecessary tensions, divisiveness, and discords.  Having a sense of humor about rumors, myths, and other stressful concerns, the positive attitude will allow laughter to replace despair, hopelessness, and undocumented falsehoods.
Each day we all have an opportunity to bring about a positive approach to all of those persons who we will have the honor of meeting even for the first time.  Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts encourage all persons of good will to bring about effective change by their wisdom to have a positive attitude with their aptitudes to reach their altitudes of lifelong learning with a legacy.

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