Sunday, May 26, 2013

"Do this in remembrance of ME." Memorial Day 2013!

In the 237th year of the Founding of Our Country, there have been many wars and casualties of wars until the present day.  Many veterans have contributed to the continual rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness because of their heroic actions.  Many members of the Armed Forces have given their lives on the battlefield to preserve the freedoms that we enjoy to this very day.  "No greater love than this is for someone to lay down their life for their friends." Love for their God and their Country were motivators for so many men and women who have served their Nation well.  Often these brave men and women who were either drafted or volunteered were given assignments and missions with multiple challenges beyond human comprehension.  Sometimes history indicates that opponents of "just wars" were rewarded by questionable decisions and financial rewards.  In addition, we commend the many families and friends who supported their sons, daughters, friends, and patriots even when some "wars" were questionable with limited public support.  Patriotism was once again restored in the 80s with elected public servants who realized the true value of freedoms that come with a tremendous price tag.  As an American, we appreciate all of those brave souls who fought and died for our Country even with hostile public sentiments.  As the saying goes, "These colors do not run."  

In the "battle of the unborn," effective positive solutions have assisted in providing alternatives to killing innocent unborn babies for the past 40 years.  As all intelligent human beings know, human life is a continuum from conception to natural death.  Although more than 60 million innocent unborn babies have been killed by legal, elective abortions in the United States, the multitude of courageous Americans have been seeking solutions to the negativism regarding the value of each individual innocent human being, unborn and born.  There are no winners in any wars promoted by human beings on other human beings.  History has given enough examples of the horrors of wars. Effective peace challenges will continue to be a priority in avoiding the senseless and loveless killing of innocent human life at all levels of human development.  We pray each day for Peace in the world and for Peace in the United States of America.  When the "wars" in each person are resolved with effective treatments and understanding, the internal "wars" will be reduced to avoid sending innocent human life to a death response.  Respect for each human being starts by recognizing the Source of All Peace.  May we all see some day the "priceless" value that each human being deserves since each unique person is made in the Image and Likeness of God.  God does not create "junk"; and God asks that we LOVE one another  as He has LOVED us. "Let there be PEACE ON EARTH; and let that PEACE begin with me."

Again, let us remember all of those brave men and women who are committed to be Ambassadors of Peace on this MEMORIAL weekend.  May the souls of all of the faithful departed who died defending OUR GOD-GIVEN FREEDOMS.....REST IN PEACE.  AMEN.

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