Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year: Starting Over, Beginning Again and Making Resolutions Reality - U.s. - Catholic Online

Happy New Year: Starting Over, Beginning Again and Making Resolutions Reality - U.s. - Catholic Online

Evangelizing Through Culture: Culture, Its Delights and Distractions - U.s. - Catholic Online

Evangelizing Through Culture: Culture, Its Delights and Distractions - U.s. - Catholic Online

Walking Out Our New Year with Mary, the Mother of God - U.s. - Catholic Online

Walking Out Our New Year with Mary, the Mother of God - U.s. - Catholic Online

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God: The Law Fulfilled and Salvation Brought to the World through Christ - Daily Homilies - Catholic Online

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God: The Law Fulfilled and Salvation Brought to the World through Christ - Daily Homilies - Catholic Online

Light a prayer candle for your New Year's resolution! - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

Light a prayer candle for your New Year's resolution! - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

No Need for Unemployed College Graduates

No Need for Unemployed College Graduates

Monday, December 30, 2013

We Kill our Unborn. That's what we do. We the people in order to form a more perfect union have decided that part of being perfect involves the right to kill the the unseen, the inconvenient, the most vulnerable. - Blog - Catholic Online

We Kill our Unborn. That's what we do. We the people in order to form a more perfect union have decided that part of being perfect involves the right to kill the the unseen, the inconvenient, the most vulnerable. - Blog - Catholic Online

We Kill our Unborn. That's what we do. We the people in order to form a more perfect union have decided that part of being perfect involves the right to kill the the unseen, the inconvenient, the most vulnerable. - Blog - Catholic Online

We Kill our Unborn. That's what we do. We the people in order to form a more perfect union have decided that part of being perfect involves the right to kill the the unseen, the inconvenient, the most vulnerable. - Blog - Catholic Online

14 Pro-Life Resolutions To Make In 2014 - U.s. - Catholic Online

14 Pro-Life Resolutions To Make In 2014 - U.s. - Catholic Online

Hobby Lobby and the Obamacare Mandate - U.s. - Catholic Online

Hobby Lobby and the Obamacare Mandate - U.s. - Catholic Online

Understanding the Bible: How Can we Love the World and Not Love the World at the Same Time? - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

Understanding the Bible: How Can we Love the World and Not Love the World at the Same Time? - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

The Last Day of the Year: A Christian Reflection on Time - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

The Last Day of the Year: A Christian Reflection on Time - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

EPA Policies Cost U.S. Jobs

EPA Policies Cost U.S. Jobs

Monday, December 16, 2013

Friday, November 29, 2013

This Thanksgiving, Who and What are You Thankful For? - Blog - Catholic Online

This Thanksgiving, Who and What are You Thankful For? - Blog - Catholic Online

Fatima and the Conversion of Russia: Pope Francis Meets President Putin - International - Catholic Online

Fatima and the Conversion of Russia: Pope Francis Meets President Putin - International - Catholic Online

Pope Francis Offers the Joy of the Gospel in a Stunningly Beautiful Apostolic Exhortation - International - Catholic Online

Pope Francis Offers the Joy of the Gospel in a Stunningly Beautiful Apostolic Exhortation - International - Catholic Online

A Catholic Education is the Right Education! - Blog - Catholic Online

A Catholic Education is the Right Education! - Blog - Catholic Online

What a Wedding! Jesus Performed his First Miracle! - Blog - Catholic Online

What a Wedding! Jesus Performed his First Miracle! - Blog - Catholic Online

Prepare the Way for the Lord: Why We Celebrate Advent - Christmas / Advent - Catholic Online

Prepare the Way for the Lord: Why We Celebrate Advent - Christmas / Advent - Catholic Online

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The rich ... got richer, as one percent of super wealthy report record gains - Business & Economics - Catholic Online

The rich ... got richer, as one percent of super wealthy report record gains - Business & Economics - Catholic Online

The Way of Discipleship: Prayer Changes People and People Change Things - Year Of Faith - Catholic Online

The Way of Discipleship: Prayer Changes People and People Change Things - Year Of Faith - Catholic Online

Coptic Christians in Egyptian Village Forced to Pay Jizya Tax - International - Catholic Online

Coptic Christians in Egyptian Village Forced to Pay Jizya Tax - International - Catholic Online

What Caused the Surprise in the Syrian Crisis? Prayer, Fasting and Papal Leadership - U.s. - Catholic Online

What Caused the Surprise in the Syrian Crisis? Prayer, Fasting and Papal Leadership - U.s. - Catholic Online

Reflecting on September 11: Time to Set Freedom Free - U.s. - Catholic Online

Reflecting on September 11: Time to Set Freedom Free - U.s. - Catholic Online

WEDNESDAY HOMILY: Eternal Worship of God or of Thyself? - Year Of Faith - Catholic Online

WEDNESDAY HOMILY: Eternal Worship of God or of Thyself? - Year Of Faith - Catholic Online

Justices Insult the American People

Justices Insult the American People

NEA Continues Pro-Abortion Policies

NEA Continues Pro-Abortion Policies

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Our Lady of America Newsletter, September 5, 2013
Pope Francis Calls for Prayer and Fasting


His Holiness calls for Day of Prayer and Fasting: (Details)

This urgent message notifies those interested in Our Lady of America of the call by His Holiness, Pope Francis, for a day of prayer and fasting Saturday next, September 7th, and we ask that you offer this prayer and fasting for His intentions through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary under Her title of "Our Lady of America" joining with The Holy Father and asking that Our Lady convert all those involved in the Middle East situation to peace through purity.

Saint Peter's Square
Sunday, 1st September 2013
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Hello!

Today, dear brothers and sisters, I wish to make add my voice to the cry which rises up with increasing anguish from every part of the world, from every people, from the heart of each person, from the one great family which is humanity: it is the cry for peace! It is a cry which declares with force: we want a peaceful world, we want to be men and women of peace, and we want in our society, torn apart by divisions and conflict, that peace break out! War never again! Never again war! Peace is a precious gift, which must be promoted and protected.

There are so many conflicts in this world which cause me great suffering and worry, but in these days my heart is deeply wounded in particular by what is happening in Syria and anguished by the dramatic developments which are looming.

I appeal strongly for peace, an appeal which arises from the deep within me. How much suffering, how much devastation, how much pain has the use of arms carried in its wake in that martyred country, especially among civilians and the unarmed! I think of many children will not see the light of the future! With utmost firmness I condemn the use of chemical weapons: I tell you that those terrible images from recent days are burned into my mind and heart. There is a judgment of God and of history upon our actions which are inescapable! Never has the use of violence brought peace in its wake. War begets war, violence begets violence.

With all my strength, I ask each party in this conflict to listen to the voice of their own conscience, not to close themselves in solely on their own interests, but rather to look at each other as brothers and decisively and courageously to follow the path of encounter and negotiation, and so overcome blind conflict. With similar vigour I exhort the international community to make every effort to promote clear proposals for peace in that country without further delay, a peace based on dialogue and negotiation, for the good of the entire Syrian people.

May no effort be spared in guaranteeing humanitarian assistance to those wounded by this terrible conflict, in particular those forced to flee and the many refugees in nearby countries. May humanitarian workers, charged with the task of alleviating the sufferings of these people, be granted access so as to provide the necessary aid.

What can we do to make peace in the world? As Pope John said, it pertains to each individual to establish new relationships in human society under the mastery and guidance of justice and love (cf. John XXIII, Pacem in Terris, [11 April 1963]: AAS 55, [1963], 301-302).

All men and women of good will are bound by the task of pursuing peace. I make a forceful and urgent call to the entire Catholic Church, and also to every Christian of other confessions, as well as to followers of every religion and to those brothers and sisters who do not believe: peace is a good which overcomes every barrier, because it belongs all of humanity!

I repeat forcefully: it is neither a culture of confrontation nor a culture of conflict which builds harmony within and between peoples, but rather a culture of encounter and a culture of dialogue; this is the only way to peace.

May the plea for peace rise up and touch the heart of everyone so that they may lay down their weapons and be let themselves be led by the desire for peace.

To this end, brothers and sisters, I have decided to proclaim for the whole Church on 7 September next, the vigil of the birth of Mary, Queen of Peace, a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Syria, the Middle East, and throughout the world, and I also invite each person, including our fellow Christians, followers of other religions and all men of good will, to participate, in whatever way they can, in this initiative.

On 7 September, in Saint Peter’s Square, here, from 19:00 until 24:00, we will gather in prayer and in a spirit of penance, invoking God’s great gift of peace upon the beloved nation of Syria and upon each situation of conflict and violence around the world. Humanity needs to see these gestures of peace and to hear words of hope and peace! I ask all the local churches, in addition to fasting, that they gather to pray for this intention.

Let us ask Mary to help us to respond to violence, to conflict and to war, with the power of dialogue, reconciliation and love. She is our mother: may she help us to find peace; all of us are her children! Help us, Mary, to overcome this most difficult moment and to dedicate ourselves each day to building in every situation an authentic culture of encounter and peace. Mat, Queen of Peace, pray for us!(© Copyright - Libreria Editrice Vaticana)

"By Your Holy and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, Deliver Us From Evil."

Bloggers and webmasters please link to this story and site!(link)

Please spread the word by forwarding this email to family and friends and encourage them to sign-up for their own copy of this free newsletter by clicking here.
B.V.M. Our Lady of America
C/O Langsenkamp Family Apostolate
9100 Purdue Rd #400
Indianapolis, IN 46268-1180

B.V.M. Our Lady of America is a not-for-profit activity of the BVM Foundation, Inc. Batesville, IN 47006
BVM Foundation, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation.

Copyright 2013 Langsenkamp Family Apostolate and the B.V.M. Foundation

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Friday, August 30, 2013

Remember to Vote for Pam and Liz by September 6, 2013

Tampa couple seeks to win Bravo contest, bring gay wedding to national TV

For Pam DiMuccio, it would be the ultimate triumph delivered by one of her favorite TV personalities: To join partner Liz Hillen in a rare, real-life, nationally televised gay wedding officiated by Bravo channel star and executive Andy Cohen in his Watch What Happens Live clubhouse.
And it’s not just because she’s a Cohen and WWHL super fan. DiMuccio and Hillen live in Tampa — a city within a state where same-sex marriage remains illegal.
So DiMuccio figures winning Cohen’s recently-announced wedding contest, traveling to New York and getting married on national television would be a tremendous sign to the country that it’s time for marriage equality everywhere, especially in Florida.

“I think having more visibility and ammunition to say ‘Listen, this is happening; the trend is going, hop on board,’ is a great thing,” said DiMuccio, who harbors a secret hope that Cohen, hailed as the first openly gay host of a late-night talk show, wants to officiate a same-sex wedding.
Cohen, the executive vice president of talent and development at Bravo, became an on camera star hosting a talk show devoted to dissecting the channel’s various reality show characters and storylines. Earlier this year, he announced a contest where fans could win a wedding in his show’s clubhouse set, and 2,000 couples submitted 200-word essays.
The prizes are calculated to make a Cohen fan drool: Wedding in the clubhouse, officiated by the host himself (Real Housewives of Atlanta star NeNe Leakes might even agree to be a bridesmaid, according to one press account), a 2014 Fiat car, and a glitzy reception.
DiMuccio and Hillen are among five couples chosen as finalists after submitting a 1-minute video, which took them about eight hours to film (fans are asked to vote for the couple they like after watching all the videos here; deadline is Sept. 6, winners to be revealed Sept. 9).
“I may be a lesbian, but I have no idea how to use one of these,” DiMuccio cracks, holding up a wrench; later the couple notes they’ve been together 14 years and would love to be married on his show (it wouldn't be the first nationally televised gay wedding; Conan O'Brien televised the wedding of his costume designer and his partner in 2011).
“When (Cohen) got to our names, he said ‘I love a lesbian wedding,’” said DiMuccio, laughing. “Of course, we’re reading (meanings) into everything. I want to win because I want people to connect with us.”
DiMuccio, 47, and Hillen, 41, met in 1997, when the two worked for the same physical rehabilitation hospital in Largo. They began dating two years later.
So why haven’t they married before now?
“Before it was legal (in some states), it would be just another fabulous party,” DiMuccio said. “Having it legally recognized is a whole other thing. And I want to make that point in front of  a nationwide TV audience.”
Vote for DiMuccio and Hillen by clicking here. See outtakes of their video and see their story by clicking here.

[Last modified: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 3:46pm]










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Saturday, August 17, 2013

SATURDAY HOMILY: Let the Children Come to Me. The Way of Spiritual Childhood is the Way of Freedom - Year Of Faith - Catholic Online

SATURDAY HOMILY: Let the Children Come to Me. The Way of Spiritual Childhood is the Way of Freedom - Year Of Faith - Catholic Online


Our Lady of America Newsletter, August 15, 2013
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Pope Francis will venerate Our Lady of Fatima on October 13, 2013: (Details)

Pray that Pope Francis will come to agree with Father Robert J. Fox in his Immaculate Heart Messenger [Spring 2007 Issue] and endorse the Marian devotion to "Our Lady of America" [this is distinct from "Our Lady of Guadalupe, Empress of the Americas"] as being related to Our Lady of Fatima and to Peace through Purity. See: (Article) or (Newsletter Archive). If, after prayer and prudent reflection, one believes that he or she should write to His Holiness, Pope Francis, and encourage Him to endorse this devotion and lead the Catholic bishops in the "solemn procession" which "Our Lady of America" requested of Her statue into the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception at Washington, D.C., then please do not hesitate to do so. Many have come to believe that the solemn procession which Our Lady specifically requested will facilitate the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart, including Father Robert J. Fox, apostle of Our Lady of Fatima.

You can write The Holy Father using the following:

His Holiness, Pope Francis
Pontifex Maximus
Domus Sanctae Marthae
00120 Vatican City, S.C.V. [Europe]

Send a copy of your letter to:

His Eminence, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke
c/o Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine at La Crosse
5250 Justin Road
La Crosse, WI 54602
United States of America

"By Your Holy and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, Deliver Us From Evil."

Bloggers and webmasters please link to this story and site!

Please spread the word by forwarding this email to family and friends and encourage them to sign-up for their own copy of this free newsletter by clicking here.
B.V.M. Our Lady of America
C/O Langsenkamp Family Apostolate
9100 Purdue Rd #400
Indianapolis, IN 46268-1180

B.V.M. Our Lady of America is a not-for-profit activity of the BVM Foundation, Inc. Batesville, IN 47006
BVM Foundation, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation.

Copyright 2013 Langsenkamp Family Apostolate and the B.V.M. Foundation

(To unsubscribe from this list, respond to this email with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line)

Thursday, August 1, 2013


With the many unique talents that exist in today's work environments, the atmosphere is conducive to success when the human resources are encouraged to provide positive reinforcements with their co-workers, associates, team members, and co-owners.  To achieve a sound workpersonship, each human resource strengthens morale when a positive attitude is enhanced and empowered.  To accomplish effective and efficient positive work environments, each person is expected to communicate rather than complicate.  Effective communications brings about understanding of the organization's mission, objectives, and goals.  Communications is a common mutual acceptance  of each unique person's aptitudes, altitudes, and attitudes.  The barriers to effective communication hinders the sender's and receiver's messages that may often be misinterpreted.  When a co-worker is speaking, an active listener is focusing on the message with their eyes and their ears.  When an associate writes an e-mail, letter, report,or news release, the receiver considers the context and the content to comprehend the actual meaning intended or unintended.
When a team member performs a challenging task, another team member will be observing the total non-verbal messages that will be achieved with actions rather than with formal words.

Positive attitudes are initiated by the individual; and  these positive approaches to life's challenges in the working environments are owned by the individual expressing these positive attitudes.  If you are expecting others to respond to your positive approaches in a favorable manner, remember that you are unable to predict another person's response to be positive.  For some a simple smile, which takes about six muscles, affects an associate in the work environment to respond accordingly; but often many persons respond with a "frown," which takes about 42 muscles.  Smiles go a long way to positively affect a working environment; and that is a risk worth taking.  Positive attitudes at all levels have long lasting effects that results in positive changes.
Time and tide wait for no person.  Each day we have opportunities to make a difference with our smiles and our positive attitudes in achieving the challenges at hand.  A wise person once said:  "If a job is work doing, that job should be completed with a positive attitude or NOT AT ALL."

When we read the daily newspapers or listen to the daily news media, we often hear and observe negative news that brings about more negative responses.  In the long run, much more could be accomplished  by using a positive approach to reduce unnecessary tensions, divisiveness, and discords.  Having a sense of humor about rumors, myths, and other stressful concerns, the positive attitude will allow laughter to replace despair, hopelessness, and undocumented falsehoods.
Each day we all have an opportunity to bring about a positive approach to all of those persons who we will have the honor of meeting even for the first time.  Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts encourage all persons of good will to bring about effective change by their wisdom to have a positive attitude with their aptitudes to reach their altitudes of lifelong learning with a legacy.

Sunday, July 28, 2013



            What type of key are you?  What is your definition of a key?  In the dictionary there are as many as twenty-five (25) definitions of the word “key.”  Here are some of the definitions:

1)      a metal instrument inserted into a lock to move its bolt;
2)      something that affords a means of access (key to happiness);
3)      something that affords a means of clarifying a problem;
4)      music – a tone or pitch as of voice;
5)      keynote – the main idea of a  speech, program, thought, action, etc.;
6)      to regulate or adjust (actions, thoughts, speech, etc.)
7)      to a particular state or activity;
8)      keystone – a voussoir at the summit of an arch – something on which associated things depend.

You may be the key that will move the unlockable door of someone’s mind and heart.  You may be the only key that will gain access to someone’s thoughts and behavior.  You may the key that will clear up a human challenge that was once considered unsolvable.  You may be the key that explains or gives useful information about persons, places, or things.  Your key may be the only key that will unlock a very difficult situation with people that you respect and love.  You may be the right key to keep harmony rather than see discord continue in community and neighborhood human relations.  You may be the one key person who will complete or adjust the picture in a group activity.  You may be keyed-upped to influence others through your great intensity of feeling or the inner drive to do something.

You are the future key leaders who with your unique personality and conduct will influence the thinking and the actions of others.  Since you are a unique person, only one of a kind, the sum total of all of your God-given talents needs to be used in your key locations for the well being of others entrusted to your care.  Your key presence in your sphere of influence will often affect more persons than you will ever realize.  The impact of a cement block thrown from a very high bridge into the water below will create an obvious big splash and will give off a sizeable ripple.  However, if you threw a pebble from that same bridge into the water, the splash will not be as spectacular; but you will still generate a ripple.  What you do does make a difference in your environments.  The key to your future is you.  YOU ARE THE KEY EVERYONE IS WAITING TO RESPOND WITH POSITIVE ACTIONS!

Yesterday is already a dream and tomorrow is only a vision; but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.

An effective leader would do well to ponder the following verse entitled, Only One Life.  It only takes one smile to offer welcome and blessed be the person who will share it.  It only takes one moment to be helpful and blessed be the person who will spare it.  It only takes one word to lend real comfort and blessed be the person who will speak it.  It only takes one truth to light the darkness and blessed be the person who will seek it.  It only takes one joy to lift a spirit and blessed be the person who will give it.  It only takes one life to make a difference and blessed be the person who will live it.

Francis Tells Millions at Closing Mass: Go, Do not be afraid, and Serve. The Gospel is for Everyone - International - Catholic Online

Francis Tells Millions at Closing Mass: Go, Do not be afraid, and Serve. The Gospel is for Everyone - International - Catholic Online

Democrats stuck on racial issues

Democrats stuck on racial issues