Saturday, February 20, 2010


To be a mature adult means to avoid doing childish things such as ranting, stomping our feet, crying for no reason, and being a general nuisance to all. To grow in all levels of holistic maturity, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts must welcome opportunities to exercise their multiple intelligences in different circumstances. To be holistically intelligent, a Ladder of Achievement Enthusiast agrees to explore areas of strengths and weaknesses to develop a plan of action for each area of intelligence. These intelligences include the following areas: spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, aesthetical, economic, political, philosophical, psychological, musical, sexual, entrepreneurial, intrapreneurial, ecological, financial, and many other characteristics of a fully holistic intelligent human being. Assessing our strengths and weaknesses is a full time endeavor for the lifelong learner in multiple dimensions. Our aptitudes, our altitudes, our attitudes directs our positive thrust in maximizing our holistic intelligences as expected by mature human beings.
During this special season of Lent, 2010, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are asked to rediscover their totality as fully human, fully alive human beings with a opportunity to transform their ordinary every day actions into extraordinary accomplishments that start with the NOW. Today is the tomorrow that we thought about yesterday. Planned Procrastination has the same end result as planned obsolescence. Neither approach will bring about a positive result. As members of Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts Human Beings Association, we are called upon to reconsider our priorities by extensive prayer and contemplation, by choosing fasting opportunities to make better choices, and by challenges to being aware of almsgiving opportunities and discernments. Lent is not a reason to give something "up" or to fast to "lose weight" or to "give token" donations to the less fortunate. There is a reason for the season. If we praise our Creator with words of wisdom but do not have any love reason, our rhetoric is empty and foolhardy. If we honor our Creator with our lip service, our hearts may be far from honoring the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, the Creator of the Universe. We need to "walk our talk." If we say we love God but avoid giving our neighbors the respect and honor that they are due, we are "liars" and "hypocrites."
Using the C.O.P.E. method of discerning our total holistic intelligences, our positive efforts will be to rediscover the Challenges that we face every day in the multi-facted situations that life deals us. After we have listed all of our Challenges, the next step is to look at the Options that are most effective in meeting our daily challenges as human beings. Next, we need to devise a Plan that will reduce the negative influences in our Holistic Life and replace the negatives with positive affirmations of our human existence. Lastly, we need to Evaluate what is working well in our lives and what is still an obstacle in our maturing as effective adults working in our environments. Let us use the Season of Lent to redisover what the Master taught each of us through His Positive Example even to the point of laying down His life for His friends. "Whatever you do the the least of my brothers and sisters, you did to ME."

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