Sunday, February 28, 2010


In honoring the persons who have made the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, B.C., a successful achievement, the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts Human Beings International Association congratulates the many persons who were the behind the scenes heroes. These individuals include the builders of the various venues that housed the Winter Olympics Events. The patience, the perseverance, and the total dedication of the host Country was obvious to the casual observer. When the weather appeared to be taking a different direction for the Winter Olympics, the team of workers focused on bringing in enough snow and a solid base to assist the maintenance workers to prepare the venues for the best conditions under the worst conditions. When an Olympic participant was fatally killed, the experts corrected the oversight on the fast track that took one life too many. With the transportation throughout the area, the visitors were able to travel from one location to another location with ease because of the solid preparation that was noticed. All of the citizens of Vancouver, B.C., appeared to be prepared to host the Winter Olympics with grace, with sincere hospitality, and with a gracious competitive environment appropriate for the participants and their coaches from various Countries throughout the world.
What have the visitors and the participants taken with them from this exceptional Winter Olympics? The positive attitude that will propel these persons for years to come is the value-added reward for a job well done. What will the host Country take with the ending of these Winter Olympic Games? The satisfaction and the encouragement to bring together the best competitors from all over the world in a safe and secure Country. The law enforcement and the safety first professionals of the host Country can be especially proud of keeping the Winter Olympics a positive memory in a world that seems to overlook the positive contributions of the "behind the scenes" professionals. To communicate in multiple languages effectively is one of the challenges of any global venture.
Congratulations to the organizers, the investors, the workers at all levels of expertise, the people who supported this venture, and the many individuals who will continue to be "unsung heroes" of the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, B.C.
Your Ladder of Achievement participants and your Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts appreciate your positive thrust to make the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, B.C. a tremendous success at all levels of human development.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Opinion: Health Care Bill Lives: Obama Prepared to Pass by 'Reconciliation'? - Catholic Online

Opinion: Health Care Bill Lives: Obama Prepared to Pass by 'Reconciliation'? - Catholic Online

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To be a mature adult means to avoid doing childish things such as ranting, stomping our feet, crying for no reason, and being a general nuisance to all. To grow in all levels of holistic maturity, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts must welcome opportunities to exercise their multiple intelligences in different circumstances. To be holistically intelligent, a Ladder of Achievement Enthusiast agrees to explore areas of strengths and weaknesses to develop a plan of action for each area of intelligence. These intelligences include the following areas: spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, aesthetical, economic, political, philosophical, psychological, musical, sexual, entrepreneurial, intrapreneurial, ecological, financial, and many other characteristics of a fully holistic intelligent human being. Assessing our strengths and weaknesses is a full time endeavor for the lifelong learner in multiple dimensions. Our aptitudes, our altitudes, our attitudes directs our positive thrust in maximizing our holistic intelligences as expected by mature human beings.
During this special season of Lent, 2010, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are asked to rediscover their totality as fully human, fully alive human beings with a opportunity to transform their ordinary every day actions into extraordinary accomplishments that start with the NOW. Today is the tomorrow that we thought about yesterday. Planned Procrastination has the same end result as planned obsolescence. Neither approach will bring about a positive result. As members of Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts Human Beings Association, we are called upon to reconsider our priorities by extensive prayer and contemplation, by choosing fasting opportunities to make better choices, and by challenges to being aware of almsgiving opportunities and discernments. Lent is not a reason to give something "up" or to fast to "lose weight" or to "give token" donations to the less fortunate. There is a reason for the season. If we praise our Creator with words of wisdom but do not have any love reason, our rhetoric is empty and foolhardy. If we honor our Creator with our lip service, our hearts may be far from honoring the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, the Creator of the Universe. We need to "walk our talk." If we say we love God but avoid giving our neighbors the respect and honor that they are due, we are "liars" and "hypocrites."
Using the C.O.P.E. method of discerning our total holistic intelligences, our positive efforts will be to rediscover the Challenges that we face every day in the multi-facted situations that life deals us. After we have listed all of our Challenges, the next step is to look at the Options that are most effective in meeting our daily challenges as human beings. Next, we need to devise a Plan that will reduce the negative influences in our Holistic Life and replace the negatives with positive affirmations of our human existence. Lastly, we need to Evaluate what is working well in our lives and what is still an obstacle in our maturing as effective adults working in our environments. Let us use the Season of Lent to redisover what the Master taught each of us through His Positive Example even to the point of laying down His life for His friends. "Whatever you do the the least of my brothers and sisters, you did to ME."

Thursday, February 18, 2010


The beauty of each human being that makes one unique is the ability to make choices that are life changing in every situation. As a human being, we are able to make positive and negative choices based on our value system that we have acquired during our many life experiences. For many indiviudals, the will to make a difference will determine the effective choices that will best benefit the well-being of each human being. As a human being is faced with dilemmas in their lives, the impact of positive choices in each episode of their lives creates a life-giving or a death knoll for the choices that are made.
In the event of one day, our choice to wake up at an appointed time will determine the affect that we will have on our various activities planned for that day. In choosing what will be the nourishment for our body at the various meals of the day, we will be making decisions that will positively or negatively affect our healthy choices in each situation. Realizing that weight management is a choice in selecting healthy food choices, we will either encounter over weight or under weight as reflected on insurance policy applications. In making choices in our social environment, we will either make peer pressures or independent thinking opportunities with our social choices. Choices in the realm of reading materials will mean either we enhance our intellectual pursuits or we degrade our minds with inappropriate and indecent literature. Negatism begets negativism; however, positive thinking encourages a positive response in deciding our numerous choices for either life or death issues. To be against something means that the person should be for something. For every negative response there should be a positive response. For example, a person may read in the media that 10 percent of the people in the workforce are unemployed; however, that means that 90 percent of the people in the workforce are employed . For even in the 90 percent of the people in the workforce, some of these persons may be lacking experience, effective attitiudes, or educational opportunities. Making choices means making decisions to make positive progress in their goal-setting aspirations as they climb the Ladder of Achievement. Making excuses or making rationalizations for poor choices or unethical choices means that the individual lacks moral or ethical values in making human choices on a day- to -day basis.
For all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, the decision to give human beings at all ages an opportunity to live life to the fullest is often clouded by misinformation, social peer pressures, negative indoctrination, and incompetent rationalizations. When some human laws are contrary to divine inspired law, the choice is to follow the divine inspired law and to change the human law. In some cases changing such inprudent human laws may take as much as centuries to make a positive change for the benefit of all innocent human beings. Yes, today we are reminded to CHOOSE LIFE...that is a CHOICE that we can accept.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Today is St. Valentine's Day in the Christian World. St. Valentine is the Patron of Greetings. "St. Valentine, a Roman Priest, together with St. Marius and his family, assisted the martyrs who suffered during the reign of Emperor Claudius II in the 3rd Century. Being apprehended, St. Valentine was sent to the Prefect of Rome, who commanded that St. Valentine be beaten with clubs and afterward beheaded. He suffered martyrdom about the year 270 A.D."
"The custom of sending valentines on this day is the revival of an ancient pagan practice, which consisted in boys drawing the names of girls in honor of their goddess, Februata Juno, on February 15. To abolish this practice, names of saints were substituted on billets drawn upon this day, Februray 14. Prayer: God of power and mercy, through Your help, St. Valentine has overcome the tortures of his passion. Help us who celebrate his triumph to remain victorious over the wiles of our enemies. Amen." (Lives of the Saints, Rev. H. Hoever)
"The custom of sending Valentines on February 14 stems from a medieval belief that birds began to pair on that day." (Dictionary of Saints, John J. Delaney)

Friday, February 12, 2010


To recognize individuals who have given above and beyond the call of duty and who have completed ordinary tasks in an extraordinary manner, the IDES of February, 2010, recognizes the unselfish, dedicated, and heroic actions of the LOVERS OF HUMANITY. Who are these LOVERS who consistently give of themselves without any rewards or recognition? Who are these Ladder of Achievement Enthusiasts who day after day give without receiving compensation of any material and worldly possessions? When you consider all of the characteristics of these LOVERS, we proudly honor the unsung heroes of natural disasters that give others the LOVE that is expected for all human beings. In addition, these LOVERS are the professionals who offer their time, their talents, and their treasures to help the less fortunate, the hungry, the starving, the outcasts, the orphaned, the disabled, the homeless, the extreme poor, the lonely, the dying, and the "persons who fall between the cracks" based on their status and their personal resources.
The Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts respect the persons who literally place themselves in harms way in order that the "victims of many cultures" may be given the dignity and the respect that every human being on earth deserves and expects from other human beings. To be aware of the volunteers who give all of their efforts to offer others a "hand up rather than a hand out," this is the opportunity to recognize their LOVING kindness and gentleness that brings peace to a troubled and often confused world. To remember the LOVERS who sacrifice their lives even to the point of dying for another, these individuals make us proud of their gesture of "laying down their lives for the price of FREEDOM."

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


With the ascent of Valentine's Day on February 14, 2010, many persons will be honoring their special someone with chocolates, flowers, "teddy bears," greeting cards, entertainment, and very special celebrations. Hopefully, the intent on using material things that the marketplace offers to consumers will indicate the level of love relationship that one person has for another person. When you ask individuals what their definition of "love" is, you will probably find as many definitions of "love" as you have individuals being asked. For some persons, their extent of "animal love" is fed by the multi-media advertising on what "love is." In these cases, "animal love" may mean I will love you if. The "if " clause becomes the barometer of satisfying "animalistic love." The lustful instincts seem to take over the "head and the heart" with "lower anatomy" concentrations. The unfortunate result of such "animalistic love" is how quickly as option for long-term relationships is excluded. The "quick fix" or the "the mentality of I want it now" drains such "animalistic love" from being meaningful and from having any substance.
On the next level of love, "human love," you will discover a full extent of emotions that may be deceived by the impulse to obey every instinct of the "emotions" control box. Emotions are good in and of themselves. Sound emotions will vary in number and in intensity with each human being. However, recognizing the value of effective and good emotions will bring about an "empathy" that really values the worth and the dignity of the human person from a holistic aspect. Human love has been in existence for many centuries and in many cultures. How that human love is expressed will depend on the totality of the unique human being who is expressing their will to extend human love to whomever will be a willing and positive recipient. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts know that human love when well intentioned and well expressed could lead to a greater love, unconditional love with "no strings attached." To wish the best for each unique human being by living a life of love, not selfish love making, accentuates the positive actions of AIR, CARE, SHARE, AND BEAR. To have a friend who actively listens to your expressions of positive communications means a friend who is willing to listen as you AIR your emotions, whatever they may be. To CARE means that you empathize with your friend and attempt to understand their expressions of their life of love in action. To SHARE means to be OPEN and HONEST with each other in all aspects of being a human being. And, when you BEAR the mountains and the molehills of your friends concerns, you are carrying that person with a love that is priceless. There are many persons who have made a lifelong commitment to AIR, CARE, SHARE, AND BEAR with their friends in whatever capacity that their relationships may exist. Your measure of human love giving means that you will receive human love in return without any price tags or "if clauses."
The ultimate level of LOVE is the LOVE that the CREATOR OF ALL LOVE offers. Our definition of God, the Supreme Being, is that GOD IS LOVE. Since human beings are made in the image and likeness of God, the human love actions that are expressed reflect our human beings' respect and admiration for the UNCAUSED CAUSE OF ALL LOVE. DIVINE LOVE IS ALWAYS TRUE AND FULL OF WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING. DIVINE LOVE IS ALWAYS CONSISTENT AND EQUAL TO ALL. DIVINE LOVE KEEPS ALL PROMISES AND COMMITMENTS. ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIASTS TRUST DIVINE LOVE AND ALL THAT DIVINE LOVE OFFERS to each unique human being. If you are celebrating your FIRST TRUE LOVE during this Valentine Weekend, offer that TRUE LOVE to the AUTHOR OF ALL LOVE for a continual growth in that LOVE that lives forever. If you are celebrating your Silver, Golden, or Diamond Anniversary of your human love relationship, thank the LOVING GOD who has given us an example of what human-divine love really means. In your journey up and down and around your LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT, rediscover the transformational impact of TRUE LOVE in your lifelong learning goals.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

In Support of Men: The Genius of Women - Catholic Online

In Support of Men: The Genius of Women - Catholic Online


On the eve of the Super Bowl 44 in Miami, Florida, many sports enthusiasts are predicting the outcome of the game between the New Orleans Saints and the Indianapolis Colts. The final score will depend upon all of the pluses and the minuses that the each team utilizes to the maximum to achieve the end result. During the game, many innovative ads are being promoted at a cost of more than $3,000,000 per thirty seconds for various products, services, and human interest causes. In some cases, the total costs and total rewards may be priceless in relationship to the message that will be promulgated by the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who are using the opportunities to reach a potential diversified audience. In a atmosphere of free competition and of free expression, the listening public will be given an opportunity to actively listen or to passively ignore whatever message may be offered. In some cases, the anticipation of the message is assumed, predicted, and biased to reflect a contrary view of understanding and a discernment regarding the right or wrong choice on the part of the viewing public. In any communication venue, unless understanding is achieved fully, there is no effective communication. The "noise" and the "barriers" interfere with the purpose of the communication by the sender to the receiver. The meaning in the mind of the "receiver" is the ultimate understanding and discernment that is worth the risk. The "truth" will set one free to rediscover the values, the beliefs, and the goals of effective and meaningful communications. To unearth the deceits, the myths, and the unethical methods employed by "Masters of Deceit, Masters of Myths, and Masters of Unethical Methodology are worth the effort in providing a legitimate venue of effective and efficient human and divine choices.
For all of those preparing for the "Greatest Show on the Gridiron," we thank you for giving the viewing public something to knaw about beyond the actual game and its final outcome. The Ladder of Achievement will provide the maximum exposure for the Super Bowl to live up to its expectations in multiple areas including all of the players, coaches, managers, owners, and advertising agencies. When all is said and done with Super Bowl 44, the viewing Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts will have something to boast about for another year until Super Bowl 45 in 2011. May all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts remember to be more informed with accurate accounts to improve effective understanding of all holistic issues that confront our daily life. In addition, may all Ladder of Achievement Enthusiasts discern the values that are most sacred and unique to respect the rightness of actions taken for the correct reasons.