Saturday, March 7, 2009


In every age and in every circumstance, you will find individuals who have made a change in their lives by making sound choices that were motivated by encouragment. Yes, encouraging words to a person who has low self-esteem and low self-confidence ignities a fire in the listener to rethink their choices if they are willing to take the positive risks in achieving success. Even successful failures have learned the reasons for their past choices in limiting their full potential as a human being. In listening to external voices that manipulate their decisions, many discouraged individuals have given up because they were influenced by negative people. Negativism begets negativism. A positive approach to life every day spurs an individual to try again and again even with limited successes. We all seek a HAND UP RATHER THAN A HAND OUT!

For many persons who are trying to find themselves during temporary disappointments because of marital concerns, educational challenges, financial setbacks, and other day-to-day events will find consolation in attempting to turn their lifestyles around to a more positive approach. To give up on life and to neglect their emotional, physical, and emotional state is fostered by the "gloom and doom naysayers" who want to control others' fates. To be internally motivated takes a decision to say "Yes" to the smallest concerns as well as the most complicated concerns. We spend a lifetime in finding ourselves and in discovering our inner worth. GOD DOES NOT MAKE JUNK! We are made in the Image and Likeness of God and we belong to GOD! If we ignore our God-given talents because we are following the "wrong voices," our decisions and our day-to-day choices will haunt us until we say, "I need assistance and guidance from a divine resource that really cares about my lifelong achievements."

Each day seek out individuals who are positive in their approach. Read literature that will inspire rather than lower our expectations. Create a plan of action that reconsiders our short-term and our long-term goals to grow as a human being as God intended us to develop. Our time, our talents, and our treasures are needed in a world that fancies itself in glitter and in the wasteful. Using our God-given talents, time, and treasures for the benefit of others means we are growing into a lifestyle that will bring us PEACE, JOY, AND LOVE. Our successful adventure with our Ladder of Achievement will depend upon our positive choices that reflect a divine plan in conjunction with our plan that coincides. In every step that we take to be the person who we are meant to be takes courage, patience, wisdom, understanding, and an awe for the divinely inspired examples that we witness every day of our natural life. "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you."

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