Wednesday, August 27, 2008


For all of those persons who may have voted recently in local and state primaries, the issue of human life continues to be a dividing policy for many candidates for public office. For many public officials, their attitude is nonchalant, indifferent, or ignorant about the origin and the beginning of all human life. Using only socially accepted or promoted misinformation by extremists, their perspective is lacking in respect for the dignity and the sacredness of human life from conception to natural death. To pledge on their platforms that they will provide this service, or that economic result or encourage health benefit challenges for the poor or low income, these same individuals are ignoring the very essence of respecting the innocent human life of the very young and the very elderly. The programs that they are promoting often incurs a higher taxation to pay for these programs; and these programs are expensive and ineffective, inefficient, and useless campaign promises. If the program sounds too good to be true, they are too good to be true and authentic. Human life is a continuum from conception to natural death.

Imagine if all of the souls of aborted babies for the last forty years would rise up from their Heavenly homes and demand an account from abortion providers, the abortion rights supporters, the health care professionals, and the politicians who supported abortion on demand because they say that they are protecting the reproductive rights of the mother. We may witness more than a 2 billion aborted babies worldwide who have been affected by the actions of selfish individuals and money-making abortion providers who were acting out of ignorance, social pressure, governmental interference with our traditional definition of a family, and controlling population by godless methods. We pray that all of these 2 billion aborted babies will pray for all of their terminators who thought that they were obeying the human law that they created even though the human law was contrary to divine law...God's law...

Hopefully, the platforms of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party will include statements that will protect the CIVIL RIGHTS OF THE INNOCENT UNBORN HUMAN BEING FROM THE FIRST MOMENT OF CONCEPTION TO NATURAL DEATH. In every elective abortion, A INNOCENT BABY DIES.


Sunday, August 24, 2008


As we watched the Olympics during the past two weeks from Beijing, China, we observed 204 countries participate with awesome pride and enthusiasm. We noticed the positive respecting of the cultural diversities from these various countries; and we saw the intense competition that still illustrates a spirit of authentic sportsmanship exhibited by the Olympic athletes. In all cases, whether the athlete won a medal or not, all of the Olympic athletes were WINNERS and were exceptional ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIASTS.

In all of the experiences and the challenges that these athletes encountered on their way to qualifying for these 2008 Olympics, each athlete has a special story to tell and to share with the world. If the world is willing to listen and to honor these Olympians, we will learn how the climb up the Ladder of Achievement affected the Olympians in their quest for making their mark on Olympic history. Each country's athletes represented their country, their family, and themselves. Each person will take back a very special memory that will be shared with their friends and family for years to come. We are all proud of how our AMERICAN OLYMPIC TEAM conducted themselves and how they effectively and graciously represented their United States of America in words and actions.

What we may have learned from these experiences is that we need UNITY rather than DIVISION in our daily dealings with OTHERS. We are AMERICANS...rather than hyphenated AMERICANS. We need to grow and to improve our worldwide image by respecting the cultural diversities of OTHERS, but we are AMERICANS FIRST. When we pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, we admit that we are a REPUBLIC for which the Flag stands as ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF OUR 2008 AMERICAN OLYMPIC ATHLETES WHO EXHIBITED THEIR PEACE, JOY, AND LOVE OF THEIR COUNTRY BY THEIR PARTICIPATION IN THE XXIX OLYMPIAD. We are a small world after all with individual dreams that transcend governmental influence and pressure. WE HAVE WITNESSED IN THESE COURAGEOUS ATHLETES, "CITIUS, ALTIUS, AND FORTIUS....FASTER, HIGHER, AND STRONGER PERFORMANCES." May all of our Americans continue to give their best in all that they do and to strive for personal excellence as worthwhile Achievement Ladder and always.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Have you ever stopped to think and to consider the greatest example of womanly courage and achievement of all time? There is only one such person that fits that description worthy of consideration. Have you ever considered the challenges that a woman who chooses motherhood and accepts the responsibilities of parenthood must be willing to endure with courage and faith. You may have heard the expression, "when the going gets tough, the tough get going!" Courage in the face of unsurmountable challenges and conflicts makes the decision even more honorable.

Yes, the woman that best matches the spiritual courage and the human courage to live her motherhood to the maximum is the Mother of Jesus Christ, Mary Immaculate. From her first yes to God's calling to be the Mother of Jesus Christ, she exemplified the Woman of Courage title for her entire earthly existence. Her final yes to God's will was an eternity that her Motherhood continues for all of the human race until the end of time. She always accepted God's calling to DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU...She carried her Son in her womb, which was blessed through the power of the Holy Spirit . She was conceived immaculate from the first moment of her conception to be the fitting tabernacle for her Son, Jesus. She saw Him born, grow up, work with his Foster Father, Joseph, as a Carpenter until His public life began at the age of 30.

Imagine the impact of each of her Courage moments when she saw her Son touch many lives and heal many aching souls. She saw Him bring together the first Apostles, the first followers of His Kingdom to be leaders of His New Way. She saw Him abused, ignored, condemned, ridiculed, insulted, and unwanted. She saw Him arrested even though innocent, and He was charged with false accusations that would eventually end in a death on a Cross. She was with Her Son every step of the way to be there for Him. When He died on a Cross, she was there to hold Him in Her arms. Her faith was strong to realize that He would rise again, which He did on the third day after His death. She was there to console the many friends and followers, and to assure them to have faith, hope, and love as Her Son exhibited throughout His lifetime.

She was there with the Apostles when the Holy Spirit touched their lives to be bold enough to live the full Christ-centered lives as Jesus had taught them during His lifetime. And Yes, She is now with Him for all eternity, body and soul through her assumption into Heaven. Mary continues to be the Spiritual Mother of each one of us, and she will always assist us through her intercession with Her Son, Jesus, for all eternity. What a woman of outstanding courage and achievement who prays for each one of us now and at the hour of our death. Amen!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


The emphasis for today's world is to take care of number #1, and whatever is left over we will give to those if they qualify according to our personal standards. Yet, in many situations, we find individuals willing to give their lives to save other lives and to make a difference without fanfare. With numerous opportunities to be of service to others, many volunteers need to be asked before they will give of their time, talents, and treasures. What's in it for me is often the statement made by reluctant volunteers. However, we find many heroes in many life- saving occurrences who just responded to the needs of others because that was the human response to do. Being at the right place at the right time gives many volunteers new opportunities to change an environment that needs to change from the status quo. Being open, ready, and challenged are the volunteers' call to service.

In September, 2008, we hope that many individuals will respond to the call to service by their voluntary actions in their own special environments. Respecting Others Awareness Month requires that Together Everyone Achieves More. Here are a few testimonials of individuals who have responded to the call in the past by their verbal encouragements.

"He profits most who serves best." Arthur F. Sheldon

"In proportion, as one loses himself/herself in a great the same degree does he/she get the highest happiness out of his/her work." Booker T. Washington

"Corporations must serve society, even seek out ways to do so." Andrew Heiskell

"Put your hands to work, and your hearts to God." Mother Ann Lee

"Service to youth is the rent we pay for the space we occupy on earth."
Jane Deeter Rippin

"My heart is ever at your service." William Shakespeare

"Each one of us can work for a small change in the world around us."
Lamar S. Smith

"The fabric of American life is woven around our tens of thousands of voluntary associations." Herbert C. Hoover

"Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can,
As long as you ever can." John Wesley

"The highest service we can perform for others is to help them help themselves."
Horace Mann

"No matter how big and powerful government gets, and the many services it provides, it can never take the place of volunteers." Ronald Reagan

Make a Friend, Be a Friend, and Bring that Friend to R.O.A.M. T.E.A.M. 2008!

Monday, August 18, 2008


Many school districts in Florida have started their new school year today. Many other school districts throughout the United States may be waiting until after Labor Day to begin their new school year. In whatever case you may find yourself, you can be sure that the emphasis in all cases is to establish and to encourage a positive learning environment for all learning novices and experienced learners. WE OFFER A SPECIAL TRIBUTE TO ALL LEARNING INNOVATORS WHO ARE CALLED UPON TO MAKE A POSITIVE IMPACT ON THEIR LEARNING ENTHUSIASTS. These educational professionals know the meaning of ENTHUSIASM.....especially for the last four letters of the word....I AM SOLD MYSELF!...With their desire, dedication, determination, discipline, discernment, dignity, discretion, and demeanor, these learning professionals will mold the future of our United States at whatever level of education is their expertise.

Hopefully, these LEARNING INNOVATORS will be focused on their goals of providing and enhancing a LEARNING ATMOSPHERE that will encourage the LEARNING ENTHUSIASTS to respond positively and to focus on their individual goals and aspirations. With the varying LEARNING STYLES and the unique LEARNING DIMENSIONS of each LEARNING ENTHUSIAST, the LEARNING INNOVATORS will be challenged to effectively and efficiently use all of the LEARNING TOOLS available to them to bring out the best in each LEARNER. The ultimate goal is to maximize the potential expressed and exhibited in each LEARNER. Individualizing the LEARNING TOOLS to meet the needs of the prospective LEARNER will be the ongoing challenge for each LEARNING INNOVATOR. Hopefully, the pressures from State Legislatures will be positive in scope rather than negative in response with funding and with accountability that fosters perseverance rather than defeatism.

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF THOSE LEARNING INNOVATORS WHO WILL MAKE THE DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF LEARNING ENTHUSIASTS THIS COMING SCHOOL YEAR. May they remember the adage: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference."

Monday, August 11, 2008


In observing the spectacular Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony from Beijing, China, my thoughts and my prayers went to all of the 15,000 participants and the many millions who made that evening possible for the rest of the world. In watching an exemplary example of human interaction and cooperation with minimum technological interference, we all witnessed the exceptional talents of Chinese who are human beings first and proud to be Chinese. Words will never be able to describe all of the time, the talents, and the treasures that made that Opening Ceremony a witness of human entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship.

Even though we know that the people are the servants of the State, the innovation, the creativity, and the reflection of a culture has grown over the years and matured. We are all looking forward to the day when the Chinese are truly free in many aspects to be the people that they deserve to be in their upward climb and ascent with the Ladder of Achievement. May we all realize that we are ONE WORLD AND ONE DREAM in recognizing the Creator of all of those beautiful souls who gave their totality for the Common Good and the benefit of all of their visitors. What a wonderful host Country with a richness in their people and their many centuries of tradition and history.

Hopefully, the remainder of the 29th Olympiad will be blessed with a respect and a better understanding of each other throughout the world and that TRUE WORLD PEACE will be attained with the PRINCE OF PEACE AND THE GOD OF PEACE, JOY, AND LOVE...NOW AND FOREVER. CONGRATULATIONS TO CHINA FOR BEING A HOSPITABLE HOST AND A GRATEFUL NATION.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


As we continue our daily journey in life, we are challenged to go beyond the transient and the tangible. Who is the Uncaused Cause of the Universe? Who is the Higher Power that many AA converts have discovered in their transformation from their addictions? Who is the Source of all Human Life and the Creator of every living thing on this Earth and in the Heavens? What is the Road that will take us to our Spiritual Journey in Climbing the Ladder of Achievement?

As we reconsider all of the steps in our ascent up the Ladder of Achievement, we look at zero (0) percent that indicates that "I won't" waste my time and energy in trying to discover the reason for my existence. In addition, "I won't" read anything that may change my mind or my convictions on finding the Truth that could set me free. At the next level, "I can't," many individuals are unwilling to change their way of doing things or accepting anything that they cannot see in a microscope or that they can hold in their hands. At the "I don't know how" level, the refusal to listen to new concepts or considerations gives way to indicating that we are not walking encyclopedias. Our intelligence is challenged by the unknown and the intangible. Natural faith eventually tells us that there is a China even if we have never been there in person. Yet, we see images of the Chinese cultural and way of life through modern technologies and events.

When we say "I wish I could," we are now open to scrutinize and to analyze what is appropriate to our mental capacity. Others may give us an insight into what the Spiritual Journey is by their actions rather than their words. THEY WALK THEIR TALK. We are drawn to give a listening ear and an open mind to study and to formulate our own philosophy and our own ethical and moral conduct that seems feasible for us to accept. When we hear "what is it," the additional time and energy gives the individual opportunities to read, to question, to reflect, and to understand what the Spiritual holds for us individually and as a community.

To say, "I think I might," leads the person to reconsider all of the facts from fiction and from mythical to reasonable and worthy of commitment. At the "I might" stage, the person seriously entertains a desire to give this new Spiritual Journey a chance to be a part of their makeup and their way of life. Continuing with "I think I can," the 70 percent level gives us reassurance that the positive aspects of a new found knowledge will lead us in a new direction and a new horizon. After experiencing positive results from the learning experiences, the Spiritual Journey recognizes that at the 80 percent level "I can" accomplish this with assistance and with support from others who have been there and have been successful in the process. When we commit to 90 percent or "I will," the person knows that the decision is giving us new life and a new direction that they are willing to accept and to endure with love. Succeeding at the 100 percent level or "I did make the change," the person is well on their way to a happy and yet very challenging aspect of their new discovery. Yes, God is Alive and Well. My experiences show that my living faith makes possible to be aware of His existence and of His encouragement to us to succeed.

With hearing "His Kingdom Come, His Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven," the New Person focuses on making priorities that will be consistent with this new found discovery. In addition, when the New Person hears, "Come to Me all you who labor and are burdened and I will give you rest. Learn from Me for I am meek and humble of heart," the Spiritual New Person will understand and will accept this new found discovery from the Only Person who really lived this Spiritual Journey to the fullness. Also, this Savior who lived, died, and rose from the dead gave a solemn promise: " I will be with you always until the end of time." This new Spiritual Person realizes that during the Journey up and down the Spiritual Ladder of Achievement, the Only Person who gave His all so that we can have True Freedom will be with us in our daily walk to eternal reward, if we are FAITHFUL AND PERSEVERING. The struggles will be monitored, coached, and encouraged to continue until the final breath. The Spiritual Journey on the Ladder of Achievement will be worth our faith, our hope, and our love commitment. "He must increase, we must decrease." His Kingdom Come!

"To fall in Love with God is the greatest of all romances. To seek Him is the greatest of all adventures. To find Him is the greatest human achievement."

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Have you ever considered what really is important and should take precedence in your life? Many persons seek fame, fortune, and favor by being other than themselves in order to have it all and "to keep up with the Jones, Smythes, Browns, Rockerfellas, etc." You probably get the picture. How many foreclosures could have been avoided in the housing market if the mortgage company, the bank, and the potential owners would have seriously considered the long-term effect of their financial decisions? Yes, the dream of every American is to have their own home and to be a homeowner. Yet, how many individuals ventured into excessive debt in order to gain the fame, the fortune, and the favor of others who could care less about your future outcomes. The investment in real estate is still a wonderful investment with effective research and setting the financial priorities that really make a dream come true.

With so many individuals heading for serious credit crunch because of faulty advice and inadequate research in the market value of the real estate that they were purchasing, there is room to make adjustments and to live within your financial means. Having trust in financial markets also requires in having to consider the risks that are involved in the short term and in the long term. Risks are what makes insurance companies thrive and succeed in their business. Risk takers in the entrepreneurial market place make possible new and exciting new technologies and careers that will survive in the long run. On the other hand, with limited research and inadequate preparations for the risks in the short run and the long run, many entrepreneurs cease to exist after ten years or even after three years. The fatality rate is very high for those investors who disregarded any sound advice that they received from the experts and the trend makers.

Another important question for all of those wonderful risk takers is WHAT IS YOUR PRIORITY IN LIFE? Where does your heart lie? What really matters about improving your conditions in life and succeeding in your upper climb on the Ladder of Achievement to meet your realistic life goals and ambitions?
"What would it profit a person to gain the whole world and then lose their soul?"

Each person needs to determine their own priority listing. What may be a priority for one person will be just the opposite of another person. Consumerism can overcome individuals when their priorities are unplanned and unstructured.
As one effective person would do well to ponder the following verse entitited,

"It only takes ONE SMILE to offer welcome and blessed be the person who will SHARE it."

"It only takes ONE MOMENT to be helpful and blessed be the person who will SPARE it."

"It only takes ONE WORD to lend real comfort and blessed be the person who will SPEAK it."

"It only takes ONE TRUTH to light the darkness and blessed be the person who will SEEK it."

"It only takes ONE JOY to lift a spirit and blessed be the person who will GIVE it."

"It only takes ONE LIFE to make a difference and blessed be the person who will LIVE it."

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Have you ever wondered how influential that you are and your sphere of influence? Have you ever considered what type of KEY that you are are to yourself and to others? To understand what a KEY person is let us check out the dictionary for some clues. Here are some definitions of the word..."KEY"

A metal instrument inserted into a lock to move its bolt...

Something that affords a means of access (key to happiness)...

Something that affords a means of clarifying a problem...

Music...a tone or pitch as of voice...

Keynote...the main idea of a speech, program, thought, action, etc...

To regulate or adjust (actions, thoughts, speech, etc.) to a particular state or activity... and...

Keystone - a voussoir at the summit of an arch...SOMETHING ON WHICH ASSOCIATED THINGS DEPEND!

You may be the KEY that will move the unlockible door of someone's mind and heart. You may be the only KEY that will gain access to someone's thoughts and behavior. You may be the KEY that will clear up a human problem that was once considered unsolvable. You may be the KEY that explains or gives useful information about persons, places, or things. Your KEY may be the only KEY that will unlock a very difficult situation with people that you respect and love.

You may be the right KEY to keep harmony rather than see discord continue in community and neighborhood relations. You may be the one KEY person who will complete or adjust the picture in a group activity. You may be KEYED-UPED to influence others through your great intensity of feeling or the inner drive to do something beneficial for the common good.

You are the future KEY leaders who with your unique personality and conduct will influence the thinking and the actions of others. Since you are a unique person, only one of a kind, the sum total of all of your God-given talents needs to be used in your KEY locations for the well being of others entrusted to your care.

Your KEY presence in your sphere of influence will often affect more persons than you will ever realize. The impact of a cement block thrown from a very high bridge into the water will create an obvious big splash and will give off a sizable ripple. However, if you threw a pebble from that same bridge into the water, the splash will not be as spectacular, but you will still generate a ripple. What you do does make a difference! THE KEY TO YOUR FUTURE IS YOU. YOU ARE THE KEY EVERYONE IS WAITING FOR.

Yesterday is already a dream and tomorrow is only a vision but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. YOU HOLD THE KEY TO UNLOCKING THE RUNGS OF YOUR LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT AND THE RUNGS OF OTHERS' ACHIEVEMENT LADDERS.

Friday, August 1, 2008


Congratulations to all of the Olympians who are participating in the XXIX Olympiad in Beijing, China, August 8 - August 24, 2008. You are our IDES OF AUGUST 2008 ACHIEVEMENT LADDER OUTSTANDING AWARD RECIPIENTS.
With your desire, dedication, determination, discipline, discernment, detachment, dignity, discretion, and demeanor, you have taken the opportunity to represent your various countries with positive pride and energetic enthusiasm to make a difference at the XXIX Olympiad. Even though all of the participants in the process of making their countries' Olympic team may have been unable to qualify for a spot on their respective Olympic teams, YOU ARE ALL WINNERS AND SHOULD BE PROUD TO BE PART OF THE ACHIEVEMENT LADDER CHALLENGES THAT YOU HAVE UNDERTAKEN.

The Theme for the 2008 Olympiad is "ONE WORLD, ONE DREAM." We are a "Small World" after all, and all of the Olympic participants will find a COMMON THREAD that makes their presence special even with differing political and economic philosophies. Each participant will discover cultural diversities and attempt to respect and to appreciate the history, the culture, the languages, the customs, and the traditions of each team represented.

Records will be broken during the XXIX Olympiad, friendships will be established, and harmony will prevail in spite of different doctrines and humanistic differences. The true Human Relations of individuals worldwide will be highlighted by their attention to Human Rights concerns and ethical values.

"Citius, Altius, and Fortius" will be the motto of these Olympic games. Yes, teams and individuals will swim, run, and proceed FASTER, will reach HIGHER goals, and the efforts of many individuals and teams will be STRONGER as a result of their LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT GOALS. In some cases, individuals and teams that once said, "I won't compete," will amaze all by their positive achievements by their actions that will say, "We/I did compete" for my country. Giving one's BEST and STRIVING for PERSONAL EXCELLENCE IS A WORTHWHILE GOAL.