Sunday, June 29, 2008


We are reminded every day about our challenges to make the world a better place because we care. When we AIR, CARE, SHARE, AND BEAR, we are listening to OTHERS, we are caring for OTHERS, we are sharing with OTHERS, and we are bearing the hurts, sorrows, and misfortunes of OTHERS. To empathize with the concerns of OTHERS takes an active participation in many significant ways. Many times we may have heard, "People don't care about how much you know, but they do want to know how much you care and how empathic you are."

As individuals climb the steps, the rungs, the next level of challenges in their ongoing quest to reach the maximum of their potential, OTHERS want to know that there is a support system that will be there until as individuals they will have secured their self-confidence. Going from a negative atmosphere, "I won't try," to a positive environment of saying, "I think I might," requires continual encouragement from OTHERS who will make the difference in making effective and efficient changes. What you do does makes a difference!

We are reminded in Sacred Scriptures of the rewards of thinking of OTHERS in a positive light. In Matthew 25:31-46, we hear and ponder the following:

"When the Son of Man comes in His Glory, escorted by all the angels of Heaven, He will sit upon His Royal Throne, and all the nations will be assembled before Him. Then He will separate them into two groups, as a shepherd separates sheep from goats. The sheep He will place on His right hand, the goats on His left. The King will say to those on His right:

'Come, You have my Father's blessing! Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed Me, naked and you clothed Me. I was ill and you comforted Me, in prison and you came to visit Me.'

"Then the just will ask Him: 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You or see You thirsty and give You drink? When did we visit You when You were ill or in prison?' The King will answer them: 'I ASSURE YOU, AS OFTEN AS YOU DID IT FOR ONE OF MY LEAST BROTHERS AND SISTERS, YOU DID IT FOR ME.'

"Then He will say to those on His left: 'Out of My sight, you condemned, into that everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels! I was hungry, and you gave Me no food, I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink. I was away from home and you gave Me no welcome, naked and you gave Me no clothing. I was ill and in prison and you did not come to comfort Me.'

"Then they in turn will ask: 'Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or away from home or naked or ill or in prison and not attend You in Your needs?'
He will answer them: 'I assure you, as often as you neglected to do it to one of these least ones, YOU NEGLECTED TO DO IT TO ME.' These will go off to eternal punishment and the JUST TO ETERNAL LIFE."

What a powerful reminder to all of us that WHAT WE DO TO OTHERS HAS AN ETERNAL IMPACT ON OUR FUTURE LIVES. Let us reflect on how we can best live out the Golden Rule by being OTHER-MINDED....SELFLESS....RESPECTFUL...TOLERANT...LOVING...EMPATHETIC

"Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life. Guard it well!" (Proverbs 4:13)

Friday, June 27, 2008


Sometimes an acronym like...R.O.A.M...will assist and encourage individuals to participate in an unselfish way that could be part of a lifestyle change...Yes, change can be an effective and efficient experience in assisting OTHERS to meet the challenges that they face and fear in the Ladder of Achievement adventure on a daily basis.

Respecting Others Awareness Month scheduled to start in September, 2008, focuses on many aspects of using our time, talents, and treasures to make a significant difference in our living environments. Some of the best instructors in the world are individuals who are OTHERS committed. Yes, they believe in providing a hand up rather than a hand out. On the other hand, some persons need assistance through no fault of their own to obtain a hand out to be able to function in a more human way. In others words, we need both...A HAND UP AND A HAND achieve the maximum potential level in our human existence.

Many private individuals, not-for-profit organizations, civic organizations, church-related communities, and for-profit organizations have been involved and committed to OTHERS for many years. If we always look to "Washington, D.C." to solve all of our social and economic problems, we overlook the vast human resources that are available without any strings attached. To avoid excessive bureaucracy that often exists at the federal, state, county, and local government areas, the private sector has effectively and efficiently responded to the special needs of OTHERS by a prompt response. Certainly we have noticed that positive behavior especially during natural disasters in the United States of America and throughout the world.

Here are a few additional words of wisdom from the publication, "Volunteering" by Douglas M. Lawson, Ph.D.

"When people are serving, life is no longer meaningless." John W. Gardner

"The spirit of Christmas is always near, it shines like a beacon throughout the year. Don't look in a store or high on a shelf, for sharing and giving are found in yourself." Anonymous

"The usual trouble with volunteers is not killing them with overwork, but simply boring them to death." Harold J. Seymour

"Blessed are the money raisers...for in heaven they shall stand on the right hand of the martyrs." John R. Mott

"Some patients, though conscious that their condition is perilous, recover their health simply through the contentment with the goodness of their physician."

"I slept and dreamed that life was happiness. I awoke and saw that life was service. I served and found that in service happiness is found."
Rabindranath Tagore

"The life that will be preserved is the life that is freely given in service to God and man." Ellen G. White

"Noble deeds and hot baths are the best cure for depression." Debbie Smith

Respecting Others Awareness Month (R.O.A.M.) will be celebrated in September, 2008, with daily reflections and suggestions on who, what, where, when, why, how, and how much to make OTHERS a positive focus to improve the quality of life for all God's people throughout the local, state, national, and international levels. Reaching Out to Others (R.O.T.O) will improve effective communications and levels of positive understanding of our enriched cultural diversity.

If you have any suggestions for R.O.A.M. September 2008, would you please share your comments now. We are open to all positive recommendations.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


In anticipation of September, 2008, we are requesting suggestions and comments for activities that can be focused on OTHERS rather than on ourselves to improve the quality of life in our neighborhoods, in our communities, in our cities, in our states, and in the world. We are interested in creating a National Others Awareness Month for each September starting in 2008.

In one of the many books on the market that focuses on volunteering, "101 Ways You Can Improve the World and Your Life by Douglas M. Lawson, Ph.D." has many reasons why we should start to be unselfish and to be aware of the needs of OTHERS in our midst. Here are a few words of wisdom on the subject and their sources:

"To be a good volunteer takes faith and then the willingness to act on that faith. We must have faith in people, in ourselves, in the spiritual resources that exist in each person." Arthur B. Langlie

"These are indeed grave times, difficult times, complex times, for your institution. But there have never been more opportunities. And there are never been a more exciting time to be a volunteer for a good cause." Jerold Panas

"Wealth, position, fame, and even elusive happiness will be mine, eventually, if I determine to render more and better service, each day, than I am being paid to render." Og Mandino

"Everybody can be great because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verbs agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The be-all and end-all of life should not be to get rich, but to enrich the world."
B. C. Forbes

"The spirit of voluntarism and generous individual giving must continue to be the special virtue we exhibit. In that spirit will be found life's finest experiences." Winfield C. Dunn

"The size of the gift to an institution is not important. No gift is important, no matter how large, unless it means something to the one who gives it."
R. Blair Schreyer

"Volunteering can be an exciting, growing, enjoyable experience. It is truly gratifying to serve a cause, practice one's ideals, work with people, solve problems, see benefits, and know one had a hand in them." Harriet Naylor

The preceding words of wisdom are a few of the many cited in Douglas M. Lawson's book on "Volunteering." If you have other sources that you would like to suggest, we are open to be inclusive and to be open to those suggestions. Remember that the theme of National Others Awareness Month, September 2008, is the axiom: DO TO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO TO YOU. In effect you are assisting OTHERS in their Ladder of Achievement Successes and Challenges by your concern for the welfare of OTHERS without any thought of return. Giving of your time, talents, and treasures to improve the quality of life of OTHERS means that your quality of life is enhanced by your LOVE GIVING!

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Congratulations to the 7th Annual T.A.D. (The American Dream) Congress that was convened on Wednesday, June 18, 2008, for its successful completion in addressing the children "at risk" at the Pasco County level. T.A.D. has created a network of public and private relationships that meets the needs of children living in poverty to "level the playing field" for the County's "at risk" children.

The theme for the 7th Annual Congress focused on the problem of bullying awareness that would entail a "Total Community Approach." The topics for the T.A.D. Congress included the following:

Bullying Prevention in Schools
Link between childhood bullying behavior and domestic violence
Legal Issues
Legislative updates
Role of Faith-Based Communities
Action Planning

The speakers for the 7th Annual T.A.D. Congress were the following:

Heather Fiorentino, Pasco County Superintendent
Sherri Dunham, Student Services
Terri O'Brien, Christina Bates, Sunrise, Inc.
Officer Daniel Hill, Zephyrhills Police Department
Will Weatherford, Florida State Representative for the District
Tim Mitchell, Pastor

Bob Loring, retired United States Marine Corps, has coordinated the T.A.D. Congress from its inception since 2001. Bob Loring is the Pasco County Coordinator of the Toys for Tots Program that has been very successful during his tenure. Bob has effectively obtained the cooperation of the Pasco County School System, Saint Leo University, and Pasco-Hernando Community College in obtaining volunteers and student leaders to give of their services to the community through the Toys for Tots Program and other related activities that embraces the T.A.D. Congress philosophy. In addition, Bob has initiated a leadership training program at Pasco-Hernando Community College and Saint Leo University to obtain the student leadership to be involved with their local communities. Also, Bob Loring has networked, partnered, and collaborated with civic organizations, with social service agencies, with the Chambers of Commerce, and with the faith-based communities to expand the T.A.D. commitment in addressing poverty at the community level for the "children at risk." This year-long commitment expresses desire, dedication, determination, discipline, discretion, discernment, diplomacy, and dignity for all involved.


Saturday, June 14, 2008


For the many men and women who have defended and our now defending our Freedoms under the banner of the United States of America Flag....THANK YOU AND MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS YOU...NOW AND ALWAYS!

Your patriotism in displaying the American Flag not only on Flag Day but also during the rest of the year means you LOVE THIS COUNTRY AND YOU LOVE WHAT THE AMERICAN FLAG SYMBOLIZES...with the RED, WHITE, AND BLUE!

For all of the Fathers who have given their lives in the pursuit of Freedom throughout the World and especially in the United States of America and for all the Fathers who are now serving in the United States Military in many capacities to keep our Freedoms that we have taken for granted at times....THANK YOU AND WE SUPPORT YOU AND WE HOPE TO HAVE YOU HOME SOON WITH YOUR FAMILIES WHEN YOUR JOB IS REALLY DONE.

In my mail today, a special wish for all Fathers/Dads on Father Day is worth sharing with you now:


"St. Joseph was strong in the face of adversity and poverty of his time. He is a model of the virtues of PRUDENCE, HUMILITY, STRENGTH, AND FORTITUDE. Even though Joseph is 'SILENT' in Scripture, his actions speak to us more clearly than recorded words. Just as Joseph resigned his own will to the will of God, so a GOOD FATHER walks the path as God sets it out for him. The greatest gift any father can give to his children is LIFELONG FIDELITY to his MARRIAGE COVENANT. Children learn about LOVE through a FATHER'S AFFECTION, PRAYER, HONOR, SELF-CONTROL, FORGIVENESS, AND INTEGRITY."
(June, 2008, Mindszenty Report, Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation, St. Louis, Missouri, 1958-2008)

"St. Joseph showed Jesus all the natural love, all the affectionate solicitude that a Father's heart can know." (Pope John Paul II)


Friday, June 13, 2008

Well Done...Good and Faithful Servant...6/13/2008

When my son gave me a special Fathers' Day gift about three years ago, my inclination was to eventually read that book a year later. The book has special significance for me today since the book was written by Tim Russert, "Big Russ & Me." On hearing the news of the death of Tim Russert late this afternoon, my heart was deeply saddened for a person that meant integrity, honesty, cheerfulness, sincerity, and a deep commitment to his faith. Most importantly, Tim Russert's desire, dedication, discipline, and determination to his family and to the many persons that he touched every day of his life will be missed by his friends and colleagues. Meet the Press was his passion and Tim always showed his expertise on each Sunday morning. Yes, we will all miss the presence of Tim Russert in our living rooms with his sharp wit and talent for seeking out the truth in a political environment that plays games with the truth.

Today, my son and his two children along with my wife spent a wonderful morning together at a local attraction called, "Wild Thing." After the tour we had lunch together in the company of family. My oldest son gave me a gift of mowing and pruning the lawn at our home. What a gift from a wonderful son! Tim Russert shared his story about his Dad in his book, "Big Russ and Me." In reading this book about a year ago, my thoughts drifted to my relationship with my wonderful Dad who always took the time to share his time with his children.
As my Dad now enjoys a Lifetime Achievement Award in Eternity, so will Tim Russert enjoy a Lifetime Achievement Award with his heavenly reward.

With a great deal of honor and privilege, my special Lifetime Ladder of Achievement Award goes to Tim Russert, the moderator of Meet the Press. Truly a Dad, a Gentleman, a man of faith, a man of conviction, a Just Man, and many more praises of manly honor are a few ways of remembering a Giant in the area of Journalism and Political Entities. May Tim Russert always REST IN PEACE and enjoy his eternal home. Yes, we can all hear the words addressed to him: "Welcome to the Kingdom, my devoted and faithful servant...WELL DONE!"
Happy Fathers/Dads Day, Tim Russert, now that you are with your Heavenly Father for all eternity. Let us all pray for his family and his Dad this Sunday.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


For the 2008 Fathers and Dads who are looking forward to enjoying their families on Fathers/Dads Day, you may want to consider food for thought for the challenges that you are facing every day in the 21st Century. With so many Fathers and Dads giving up on their families and their spouses through death, divorce, financial woes, and lack of honest commitment, emphasis needs to be considered to encourage the perseverance and the renewal of the Fathers/Dads selfless responsibilities to achieve more positive results. Here are a few thoughts worth pondering and reflecting upon for Fathers and Dads.

"Happy are the Fathers/Dads who are poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."
"Happy are the Fathers/Dads who mourn, for they will be comforted."
"Happy are the Fathers/Dads who are meek, for they will inherit the earth."
"Happy are the Fathers/Dads who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied."
"Happy are the Fathers/Dads who are merciful, for they will obtain mercy."
"Happy are the Fathers/Dads who are pure in heart, for they will see God."
"Happy are the Fathers/Dads who are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God."
"Happy are the Fathers/Dads who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."
"Happy are the Fathers/Dads when other men revile them and persecute them and utter all kinds of evil against them falsely on Jesus' account. Rejoice and be glad for their reward will be great in Heaven." (Matthew 5: 1-12)

"If Fathers/Dads speak with human tongues and angelic as well, but do not have LOVE, they are a noisy gong, a clanging cymbal."

"If Fathers/Dads have the gift of prophecy and with full knowledge, comprehend all mysteries, if Fathers/Dads have faith great enough to move mountains, but have not LOVE, they are nothing."

"If Fathers/Dads give everything they have to feed the poor and hand over their bodies to be burned, but have not LOVE, they gain nothing."

"Fathers/Dads are patient. Fathers/Dads are kind. Fathers/Dads are not jealous. Fathers/Dads do not put on airs. Fathers/Dads are not snobbish. Fathers/Dads are never rude. Fathers/Dads are not self-seeking. Fathers/Dads are not prone to anger; Fathers/Dads do not brood over injuries. Fathers/Dads do not rejoice in what is wrong, but rejoice with the truth. There is no limit to Fathers'/Dads' forbearance, to Fathers'/Dads' trust, to Fathers'/Dads' hope, to Fathers'/Dads' power to endure."


"When Fathers/Dads were children, they spoke and thought and reasoned as children do. But when Fathers/Dads became MEN, their thoughts grew far beyond those of their childhood, and they put away childish things."

"In the same way, Fathers/Dads can see and understand only a little about God the Father/Dad now. As if the Fathers/Dads were peering at God's reflection in a poor mirror; but someday Fathers/Dads are going to see God the Father (Dad) in His completeness, face to face. Now all that Fathers/Dads know is hazy and blurred, but then Fathers/Dads will see everything clearly, just as clearly as God the Father (Dad) see into the Fathers'/Dads' hearts right now."

"There are in the end three things that last: FAITH, HOPE, AND LOVE, AND THE GREATEST OF THESE IS A FATHER'S/DAD'S LOVE FOR HIS SPOUSE AND HIS CHILDREN." (1 Corinthians 13:1-13)

In memory of my Dad who went to his eternal reward about ten years ago, here is my tribute to him:

"Dad, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow LOVE.
Where there is injury, PARDON.
Where there is doubt, FAITH.
Where there is despair, HOPE.
Where there is darkness, LIGHT.
Where there is sadness, JOY.

"Dad, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to CONSOLE;
to be understood as to UNDERSTAND;
to be loved as to LOVE;
for it is in GIVING that we receive,
and it is in PARDONING that we are pardoned,
and it is in DYING that we are BORN TO ETERNAL LIFE."
(Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi)

HAVE A WONDERFUL FATHERS/DADS DAY on June 15, 2008! Thanks Dad for the gifts of LIFE and LOVE, it is GREAT TO BE ALIVE!


Congratulations to all of the Fathers/Dads of this entire world who will be honored in a very special way by their families, friends, and relatives on Sunday, June 15, 2008. To be a Father, to be a Dad means that you take the responsibility of bringing in new life into this world and that you respect the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. In respecting your spouse, you cooperate in bringing about a son, a daughter with the Creator of this Universe. As an earthly father, you are made in the image of your Heavenly Father and you are expected to show the wonderful characteristics that you have been given by the Heavenly Father to your spouse and to your children unselfishly and without reserve.

Here are some of the traits that you may see exemplified by earthly Fathers/Dads:
A - Admired, achiever
B - Believable
C - Considerate, Chaste
D - Dedicated, Determined, Dignified
E - Enthusiastic, Exemplary Example
F - Faithful, Fatherly
G - Generous
H - Holy, Humorous
I - Inspirational, Ingenious
J - Jovial, Joyful
K - Kind
L - Loving
M - Motivated
N - Nurturing
O - Open
P - Patient
Q - Quandary Resolver
R - Respected
S - Sincere, Smiling, Sense of Humor
T - Trusted, Teacher
U - Understanding
V - Virtuous
W - Wise, Wisdom Seeker
X - EXTRAordinary
Y - Yielding, Youthful
Z - Zealous

You may want to add more traits to the preceding as you have learned over the years. In addition, there are many careers/jobs/and on-the-job training that you may want to consider for Fathers/Dads:

A - Artist, Accountant
B - Barber, Baker
C - Chef, Computer Geek, Coach
D - Drama Coach, Democrat
E - Executive, Entrepreneur
F - Financier, Firefighter
G - Geologist
H - Horticulture Specialist
I - Intrapreneur, Inspector, Interviewer, Independent
J - Janitor, Job Specialist
K - Knowledge Resource
L - Lawyer, Legal Expert
M - Mechanic
N - Nurse
O - Opportunist
P - Plumber
Q - Quality Assurance Officer
R - Roofer, Real Estate Broker, Republican
S - Salesperson, Secretary
T - Teacher
U- Union Official
V - Veterinarian
W - Welder
X - Xylographer
Y - Youth Director
Z - Zoologist

Again, you may want to make additional entries to the preceding list.

Congratulations to all Fathers/Dads who will be celebrating Fathers/Dads Day on June 15, 2008. You are the special recipients of the Achievement Ladder Recognition Award for June 2008.....THE IDES OF JUNE 2008 BELONGS TO YOU!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

DE COLORES....Cursillos in Christianity...2008

More than thirty-six years ago, my opportunity to spend a spiritual weekend has been a lasting memory in what is considered a short course in Christianity called a Cursillo. My special table of friends was with Harry, Bob, Bernard, Walter, Mike, and Tom. These were hard-working men who represented all earthly types of trades gave their weekend to the power of the Holy Spirit and the team of devoted men who knew how to love in God's way. But the one thing we had in common was that we were hungry for more than the world, the flesh, and the devil could provide. This was the 9th Men's Cursillo in the Scranton Diocese of Pennsylvania. We received fifteen talks that affected our prayer live, our study life, and our apostolic life. By the end of that weekend we learned what Love is and that we could live this special life in our FOURTH DAY. The Fourth Day is the rest of our natural lives, but preparing all of us and others for the eternal life that is yet to come for those who are committed to loving God, loving their neighbors, and loving themselves.

This evening was another opportunity to witness the commitment of thirteen men who completed their Cursillo weekend in the Diocese of Saint Petersburg. Their special witness indicated what they gained from this weekend and what they were preparing to do in their FOURTH DAY. Yes, they were encouraged to have a Friendship Group and to attend regional Ultreyas in their areas. They realized that we are never alone when you are preparing daily for the Kingdom that is coming and to make their difference through the guidance of the Holy Spirit to evangelize their environments by living their total commitment to Jesus Christ to the fullest.
This was the 107th Men's Cursillo weekend in the Diocese of Saint Petersburg. The Women's Cursillo will be in two weeks for a group of women who will be dedicating their lives to the service of Jesus Christ here on this earth.

Congratulations to all of the new Cursillistas of the Diocese of Saint Petersburg.
May your live your Fourth Day in union with Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and all of the saints who have gone before you to their eternal reward. Jesus loves you!

"Where two or three meet together in my name, I shall be there with them." Yes, Jesus Christ is counting on us to live the life of the Christian and we count on Jesus Christ to help us daily to live HIS WAY, HIS TRUTH, AND HIS LIFE.

"To fall in Love with God is the greatest of all romances; to seek Him is the greatest of all adventures; to find Him is the greatest human achievement."

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Clear Vision and a Clear Choice for Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts

As the 2008 Presidential Primaries are counted into history, a clear choice and a clear decision is quite evident for the responsible American voter and constituent. Where do the Political Parties and the presumptive nominees Stand on Life?

The Democratic Party nominee supports the Supreme Court decision that allows abortion for any reason and co-sponsored the "Freedom of Choice Act," which advocates for reproductive choice and preserves women's rights under Roe v. Wade as a priority. In addition, the DP nominee supports a vote against the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act and supports any action to restrict further measures by state legislatures to deny a women's right to choose, and supports Supreme Court justices that will uphold Roe v. Wade in any confirmation hearings.

The Democratic Party supports voting for legislation to allow federal taxpayer dollars to go to organizations that perform or promote abortion. In addition, the presumptive nominee for President voted to kill a bill that would have required an abortionist to notify at least one parent before performing an abortion on a minor girl from another state.

The Democratic Party supports and has voted in favor of funding embryonic stem cell research. The presumptive nominee stated, "Embryonic stem cells can be obtained from a number of sources including in vitro fertilization...We (whoever we is) should expand and accelerate research using these embryos...."

The presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party has co-sponsored a bill (S.1520) in 2005 that would allow the cloning of human embryos for research but prohibit their survival.

The Republican Party presumptive nominee has consistently opposed over many years in the Senate the Supreme Court decision that allows abortion for any reason. The nominee indicated "we would be better off by having Roe v. Wade return to the states...I don't believe the ...Court should be legislating in the way that they did on Roe v. Wade."

The Republican Party presumptive nominee voted for the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. Quoting the nominee, "Today's Supreme Court ruling in Gonzales v. Carhart is a victory for those who cherish the sanctity of human life."

The Republican Party presumptive nominee voted against legislation that would have allowed federal taxpayer dollars to go to organizations that perform or promote abortion. The presumptive nominee voted to support a bill that would have required an abortionist to notify at least one parent before performing an abortion on a minor girl from another state.

The Republican Party presumptive nominee voted in favor of funding embryonic stem cell research. The nominee says, "I believe that skin stem cell research has every potential very soon of making that discussion (embryonic stem cell research) academic." In addition, the nominee opposes the intentional creation of human embryos for research purposes.

Yes, the Clear Choice has been made. Are we willing to continue for another 35 years the infamy that 1973 brought with Roe v. Wade or are we willing to make REAL CHANGE by accepting the fact that HUMAN LIFE IS A CONTINUUM FROM NATURAL CONCEPTION TO NATURAL DEATH. With all of the medical technology that we have discovered since 1973, we need to make a CIVIL RIGHTS COMMITMENT to the dignity of human life at all stages of development. Will the voters and constituents MAKE A PRO-LIFE CHOICE or a PRO-ABORTION CHOICE? Only time will tell whether our blessed United States of America will uphold the original intent of the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. In every elective abortion, a baby dies! Vote as though your life and the lives of innocent human beings depended on it!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Congratulations to Eastside Elementary School, Hernando County, Florida

Today, my day was blessed by attending a special ceremony honoring the children and the teachers at Eastside Elementary School, Hernando County, Florida. The goal during the academic school year was to earn 22,000 points in the Reading Program for all the grades...kindergarten through fifth grade. These brilliant children and teachers exceeded their goal by more than six reach a goal of 23,275 points. Points were awarded for the number of books read during the school year especially from February 14 through the end of May.

Congratulations to the children who read the books, the parents who encouraged their children to read the books, and the teachers who inspired them to reach a Reading Achievement that has far reaching consequences. READING BOOKS, LEARNING MORE ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE, BUILDING LEADERSHIP THROUGH POSITIVE COMPETITION, AND CLIMBING THE POSITIVE ACHIEVEMENT LADDER WITH SUCCESSFUL RESULTS.

You can be sure that these children will continue to expand their horizons during the summer and accept the challenge for a new goal in expanding their minds through positive and effective reading materials in 2008-2009 academic year. You are our future leaders; and your efforts during this past year with the guidance of your administrators, your teachers, your parents, and your classmates will be rewarding for you as you continue to prepare for your leadership roles during this 21st century. Thank you for giving this guest an opportunity to realize your enthusiasm in accepting the task and the challenge to exceed your goal of 22,000 points and to achieve a worthwhile goal of 23,275 points.