Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Congratulations to all High School, GED Center, and Home-Schooled Graduates for late May, June 2008. You have positively achieved the next level in your climb up and down the Ladder of Achievement. You have earned special recognition as Achievement Ladder Award Recipients for May, June 2008!

Remember all of the special persons who made these accomplishments possible in your learning growth....your parents, your relatives, your peers, your friends, your employers, your church, your community, and YOURSELF! You learned that desire, dedication, determination, discipline, discernment, dignity, and diplomacy were special ingredients that assisted you in saying, "I DID IT."

During this past term, a student indicated to me on the first day of class that he/she was a "Slow Learner." After a thoughtful pause, my comment was, "You mean that you "Learn Slowly, but you LEARN!" The student's smile on that first day said volumes that would be hard to locate in any textbook...IT WAS PRICELESS!...This student earned a very positive grade before the end of the term, but what this student really earned was a increase in self-esteem and a positive image of himself/herself. Future positive learning experiences were made possible by understanding learning styles and a self-confidence to meet the aptitudes, the visionary altitude, and positive attitude for this student's career choices and challenges.

Although the top ten percent and the lowest ten percent of the students in any learning environment received special attention, the neglected eighty percent of the students in the middle are usually asked to fend for themselves. These students are the voters, the workers, the community leaders, the "nobodies," and the "outcasts" in many of our communities. Many "orphaned" students will find themselves in the short term and sometimes in the long term seeking the careers that best fit their special aptitudes, their chosen altitudes, and their wavering attitudes. They may sometimes feel, "Does anyone really care about me?" They want to find individuals that they can really trust. Can they find the person or persons who say, "People do not care about what you know, but how much you care about them." Congratulations to all of the graduates who had to accomplish the impossible in many improbable situations. "YOU DID IT."

Again, Congratulations to all high school, GED completer, and Home-Schooled Graduates for 2008. "Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life. Guard it well!" (Proverbs 4:13)

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