Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day 2008 Receives Achievement Ladder Recognition Award

Today is Earth Day 2008. Congratulations to all of the more than 6 billion stewards of this Earth who have successfully contributed to making our world a better place to live. With all of the natural resources that are scattered throughout the Earth, each human person has the personal responsibility to improve and to care for these natural resources that have been given to us by the Uncaused Cause, God, for our effective and efficient use. Using their time, talents, and treasures these human resources realize their commitment to discover and to rediscover the values of all these natural resources for the benefit of the common good.

Each day is truly Earth Day since each day brings a new set of challenges to meet the needs and wants of all who inhabit the Earth. These non-political enthusiasts are truly trustworthy in their actions to make a significant difference in their respective environments. Without personal gain, their contributions to being stewards of their ownerships proves what can be accomplished when given the innovative, the creative, and the inspiring circumstances of their surroundings and their special conditions. These stewards ignore the populations myths that have been unchallenged for better answers that a God-given proposal offers and provides. The success of their adventures and their achievements are witnessed by the cause and effect over a long period of time. We all benefit from each person taking the initiative and the positive attitude to cooperate with other stewards of this Earth by their networking, their partnering, and their collaborating in numerous ventures that significantly to improve and respect the natural resources. Each participant gains self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-discipline through their Earth ecological decisions. Leaders are born everyday to become Stewards of this Earth. May we also respect all Human Resources from natural birth to natural death for their contributions to make their sphere of influence beautiful.

Congratulations to all of the Human Resources of this Beautiful Earth that make a difference every day through their positive commitment as Stewards of these Natural Resources. You are the Earth Day Achievement Ladder Recognition Award Recipients for 2008!

1 comment:

Ladder of Achievement...Ladoach... said...

Thank you to all who make Earth Day a special occasion especially the "Nobodies" of this Earth. These "Nobodies" are the reasons why our Earth has the Stewards who make actions happen without any publicity or fanfare or special recognition. The glory seekers who have special agendas and power-hungry ambitions use and misuse the "Human Resources" to obtain their Ecological Dreams and Fantasies. Respect all Human Resources especially the "Nobodies" who really make the Earth Beautiful everyday as God intended.