Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Accepting Challenges in Achieving the Ladder of Success in 2008

Happy New Year 2008!...For all persons who really focus on making resolutions for the New Year, accept the challenges that we meet every day of our lives. In 2008 here are a few challenges that might make the difference:

****Live within your means and avoid deficit financing...
****Use your talents to the maximum wherever you are...
****Be positive in your performance of your duties..
****Use your cell phone responsibly by keeping your conversations private and in private...
****Drive within the speed limit and be courteous on the road...
****Choose healthy, nutritional selections...
****Use routine and appropriate exercise for your state in life...
****Use a sense of humor to defuse a stressful situation...
****Follow the Golden Rule...do unto others as you would have them do unto you...
****Use your civic duty in voting in all local, county, state, and national elections...
****Build up your spiritual life by good choices in your daily endeavors...
****Support community programs that positively make a difference in others' lives...
****Simplify your life on those principles that focuses on what really matters and counts...
****Allow yourself time for relaxation and rest ....
****Put first things first as you view them...
****Listen to others in all of their concerns....
****Respect all persons no matter what their age, race, state of dependency, national origin, or religious convictions...
****Agree to disagree whenever your opinions are different from someone else...
****Be tolerant of others' opinions, but remember to stand firm on your own convictions...
****Be open to new ideas, but hold on to traditional customs that have proven the test of time...
****Grow, Learn, Decide, Lead, Follow, get out of the way, be creative, be positive, be HOLY...

You may decide to add more of your own challenges that makes human life worth living to the full... Always remember what you have learned. Education is your life. Guard it Well!

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