Saturday, November 22, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving 2014

If you look back to what 2014 brought to your household and to you personally, you may find some interesting points to reflect in gratitude.  Challenges are usually the way to discover what you are best suited to accomplish and to succeed even with limited success.  Consider all of the persons you may have met that impacted your life culturally, socially, physically, mentally, and spiritually.  These many giants of special talents and attributes may have changed your outlook on life in general.  If you are a family person, you may have discovered the reasons why other persons respond to your ideas and to your way of life.  In your work environments, you may have discovered the multiple talents that your organization has created to enhance their professional development and your growth in your career.  In all of these opportunities with others, you may have realized that the Uncaused Cause of human existence has a divine plan to accomplish missions that will benefit many individuals in all walks of life.  Concern for the welfare of others and their special needs have brought many individuals together as a team to conquer the impossible with the improbable. 

On this special Thanksgiving Day, may we all remember the opportunities that we feel proud about when we encouraged others to grow in their self-esteem and in their self-confidence.  Yet, there many have been other chances to make a difference but we were selfish or unaware of the open invitations if we had used self-initiative. People know that there are costs involved when someone says, "This is free."  Someone had to pay the costs for the "freebees."  To receive a HAND UP rather than  HAND OUT is more beneficial to persons in the long run than is often realized.  Again, let us THANK GOD for the many blessings that we have received from the multiple human resources who have touched our life in a variety of ways.  "Love one another as I have loved you" and "what you did to the least of my brothers or sisters, you did to ME." 
In Giving Thanks on this Thanksgiving Day, let us remember our family, our friends, our community, and our Country in living with an opportunity to make a difference as a person, as a voter, as an American who cares about their Republic that needs their time, their talents, and their treasures.  E.A.G.E.R. for a Change of Heart!  Earn And Give Everyone Respect for a Change of Heart!  IN GOD WE TRUST!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

E.A.G.E.R. for a Change of Heart!

As we approach another Thanksgiving Day, let us all remember what we are thankful for and for the many persons who make us thankful. As we reflect on all of the many friends, acquaintances, and strangers that we have encountered during 2014, hopefully, we will remember the unsung heroes, the people behind the scenes, and the forgotten who have touched our lives in a special way.  In Giving Thanks for the multiple human resources in our work environments, in our social encounters, in our faith gatherings, and in the "Angels" who made a difference in our lives, let our Thanks be sincere, genuine, authentic, and honest as we assess our humble accomplishments.

Respect for ourselves and respect for others makes the difference in providing a peaceful environment to replace the negative influences that get all of the headlines.  We Earn Respect by living a truthful life rather than a hypocrite's approach of taking credit for all the good that makes the headlines.  Earning Respect means respecting ourselves as a human being capable of learning  and re-learning how to make a different in our everyday lives.  "Love one another as I have loved you" is a rallying call to arms to avoid negative attitudes about age, race, gender, disabilities, dependency, national origins, and other unique characteristics.
Giving Respect follows the positive approach with positive attitudes, positive aptitudes, and positive altitudes.

If we are looking for Change, the Change must begin with ourselves and how we deal with Change.  Change for the sake of Change is no Change at all!  "God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot CHANGE, the Courage to CHANGE the things we can, and the WISDOM to know the difference." The Cause and Effect of every decision that is made today will impact the future avalanche of lifelong learning for all human beings.  We must continue to respect the history of the past to learn what may be necessary to change the efforts for the future.  Learning is ongoing and lifelong.  Learning is an evolution of thinking and decisions  on sound principles that respect the natural law as well as the divine law.  Spiritual and Cultural Traditions are to be respected rather than given a date stamped as outmoded and therefore discarded.

Every day is a change for the better or for the worst depending upon the human influences based on history and traditions.  Human life is a continuum from natural conception to natural death for ALL human beings.
How we handle change today is our barometer for the future.  "Today is the tomorrow that we thought about yesterday." Yes, we are E.A.G.E.R. for a Change of Heart!  Yes, we are encouraged and empowered to Earn And Give Everyone Respect for a Change of Heart!  Will you accept the challenge of today's call to Change your attitudes that reflect unselfishness that really matters in bringing out ultimate Change that has its origin in the Divine.  Let us learn in the College of Hard Knocks, in the University of Experience, in the classrooms without walls, and in the atmospheres of positive human relationships.  Change is up to YOU!

Saturday, May 10, 2014


On May 11, 2014, we will celebrate a very important day in the life of many women:  the opportunity to bring life and love into this world with a loving spouse who respects all Mothers and especially his own Mother and Spouse.  Earn And Give Everyone Respect for a Change of Heart is the message and mission for all persons who celebrate Mothers' Day, which is every day of the year.  We also remember the many Mothers who have gone on to a better place to be with their Creator of this Universe.  Many Mothers have committed their lives to balance a career and to bring about an environment of peace, joy, and love to many homes.  These many unsung heroes are often overlooked because they may be humble and wise to avoid seeking  public adornment and celebrity status.  The Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts salute and honor the many women who have literally laid down their lives for their families and for their spouses.  In addition, these heroic women have contributed many of their transfer skills to multiple entrepreneurial challenges that have impacted many individuals in positive ways. May God continue to bless all women and especially those women who have chosen to be MOTHERS with all that is implied by this special title.  May we all say with respect:  "Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb...."

Principles common to conservatives

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Saturday, March 1, 2014

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Calling the Ecclesial Movements: Pope Francis Encourages Focolare, all the Movements, So Do We! - International - Catholic Online

This Ash Wednesday, take Lent to the next level - Easter / Lent - Catholic Online

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Pope Francis makes special plea, but will any Catholics really listen? - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

Pope Francis makes special plea, but will any Catholics really listen? - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online