Saturday, June 15, 2013

In Imitation of St. Joseph, Model of Fathers of Families - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

In Imitation of St. Joseph, Model of Fathers of Families - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

Fathers Are Guardians of the Family - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

Fathers Are Guardians of the Family - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

SUNDAY HOMILY: The Happy Priest - Thoughts on Fatherhood - Year Of Faith - Catholic Online

SUNDAY HOMILY: The Happy Priest - Thoughts on Fatherhood - Year Of Faith - Catholic Online

Fathers Day: No-one Can Change the Truth. Love Your Father. Be a Good Father - U.s. - Catholic Online

Fathers Day: No-one Can Change the Truth. Love Your Father. Be a Good Father - U.s. - Catholic Online


Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts honor and respect the many Dads and Grand Dads who have lived up to their expected reputation to be models of prudence, humility, strength, and fortitude..  In addition, Dads and Grand Dads are remembered best by their every day actions rather than recorded words or promises.  In a whirlwind world of uncertainty, apathy, and moral decay, Dads and Grand Dads are expected to provide an image that indicate a commitment to human life that exists from conception to natural death.  The Covenant Commitment to marriage and the family brings a responsibility for the strong of heart and mind who choose a selfless existence for others.

For those of us who have had an opportunity to experience a loving and trustful Dad, let us remember the many times that our Dads were there for us even though we may have felt alone.  Our Dads who accepted the awesome responsibility of giving their unconditional love mirrored the Eternal Abba, Father, Daddy.  Let our memories override the human factors that may have clouded our responses to a loving Dad who was there for us especially when we needed him the most.  "Children learn about love through a Dad's affection, prayers, honor, self-control, forgiveness, and integrity." (The Importance of a Father  by the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation)

During this weekend, remember the good memories that our Dads gave us during their lifetime; and remember those Dads who have entered their eternal reward for being a loving Dad and a loving Spouse.  Let us pray for all Dads that they remember "to resign their wills to the will of God so that a good Dad will walk the path as God sets out for and always."
Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts salute all Dads who provide an exemplary example for their children and their grandchildren.  Happy Dads' Day and Grand Dads' Day 2013!

NY Times celebrates non-white demographics

NY Times celebrates non-white demographics

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

IRS persecution: Religious employers have until August 1 to become participants in the REAL war on women, or else... - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

IRS persecution: Religious employers have until August 1 to become participants in the REAL war on women, or else... - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Think God isn't allowed in schools anymore? Think again! - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

Think God isn't allowed in schools anymore? Think again! - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

President Obama called on carpet for PRISM program by European leaders - International - Catholic Online

President Obama called on carpet for PRISM program by European leaders - International - Catholic Online

Pope Francis Preaches on the Beatitudes, the Holy Spirit and the Law of True Freedom - International - Catholic Online

Pope Francis Preaches on the Beatitudes, the Holy Spirit and the Law of True Freedom - International - Catholic Online

ObamaCare Is Already Hurting People

ObamaCare Is Already Hurting People

All is okay -- lawyers in the room

All is okay -- lawyers in the room

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Courageous Bishop Paprocki Shows Us How To Contend for the Truth About Marriage - U.s. - Catholic Online

Courageous Bishop Paprocki Shows Us How To Contend for the Truth About Marriage - U.s. - Catholic Online

When a Person Responds to God's Word, the World Becomes a Better Place - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

When a Person Responds to God's Word, the World Becomes a Better Place - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

Girls of Any Age Now Permitted Access to Potentially Deadly, Dangerous Plan B Contraceptives - Marriage & Family - Home & Family - Catholic Online

Girls of Any Age Now Permitted Access to Potentially Deadly, Dangerous Plan B Contraceptives - Marriage & Family - Home & Family - Catholic Online

The Finding in the Temple, the Obedience of the Child Jesus, the Holiness of Christian Family - Year Of Faith - Catholic Online

The Finding in the Temple, the Obedience of the Child Jesus, the Holiness of Christian Family - Year Of Faith - Catholic Online

China City to Fine Unwed Moms

China City to Fine Unwed Moms

The ACLU's War on Christianity

The ACLU's War on Christianity

How the ACLU Finances Some Lawsuits

How the ACLU Finances Some Lawsuits

Lawful to follow orders

Lawful to follow orders