Sunday, March 31, 2013


Jesus Christ, the God Man, rose from the dead on the very first Easter Morning.  Although His closest followers were amazed, confused, incredulous, and hopeful, Jesus eventually reassured all of His followers that He was in a Glorious State as designed and completed through His Father, the Almighty.  "We believe Him because we witnessed His return in the breaking of the bread." Jesus provided many signs of encouragement and contradiction that caused many skeptics to shun the TRUTH.  "And the TRUTH shall make you FREE."  Yes, Jesus gave all people for all times the TRUTH since He was the LIVING WORD that dwelt among US.  Jesus completed the OLD COVENANT by creating a NEW COVENANT. "Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow."  And Jesus assured His followers that "He would be with them until the end of time."  Through His Eucharistic Celebration at the Last Supper, Jesus said "Do this in remembrance of Me."  Every day throughout the world, their are Eucharistic Celebrations occurring that gives the communicant the opportunity for His followers to receive HIS LIFE within their sanctuaries.  "Go and make disciples of ALL NATIONS, baptizing them in the name of the FATHER, the SON, and the HOLY SPIRIT."  For more than 2000 years, the HOLY SPIRIT has been guiding the CHURCH that Jesus Christ founded by His life, death, and resurrection.  "JESUS CHRIST IS LORD."

May we all grow in the new creation and in the image of Jesus Christ who wants all of His followers to follow HIS WAY..."If you want to be my follower, you must deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Me."  "He who is not with ME is against ME."  Let our attitude be Christlike as given by many of HIS faithful followers including our new Pope Francis, who is the visible head of the Church founded by Jesus Christ.  Jesus is always the invisible head of the Church He founded, which is ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, and APOSTOLIC.  Have a Holy and Glorious Easter Day and Season.  We are RESURRECTED CHRISTIANS!  We are HIS RESURRECTED FOLLOWERS..."Be not afraid; JUST BELIEVE!"