Sunday, October 28, 2012

Human Rights Commission calls for punishment of US, Israel - U.s. - Catholic Online

Human Rights Commission calls for punishment of US, Israel - U.s. - Catholic Online

Texas says NO to international election monitors - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Texas says NO to international election monitors - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Guest Opinion: A New Campaign Low. Presidential Character and the Lena Dunham Advertisement - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Guest Opinion: A New Campaign Low. Presidential Character and the Lena Dunham Advertisement - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Hudson & Fournier: Catholic Countdown to Election 2012, Day 10: Consequences for Alphabetical Voter Guides - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Hudson & Fournier: Catholic Countdown to Election 2012, Day 10: Consequences for Alphabetical Voter Guides - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Time For Faithful Christians To Stand Together Against Error - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

Time For Faithful Christians To Stand Together Against Error - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

Hudson & Fournier: Catholic Countdown to Election 2012, Day 9. 'Catholics United' and the Code Language of Catholic Politics - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Hudson & Fournier: Catholic Countdown to Election 2012, Day 9. 'Catholics United' and the Code Language of Catholic Politics - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Phony letters telling Florida residents they are ineligible to vote under investigation - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Phony letters telling Florida residents they are ineligible to vote under investigation - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Leaked emails show Obama administration knew truth about Libya attacks - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Leaked emails show Obama administration knew truth about Libya attacks - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Terror attacks in Libya more sophisticated than previously thought - International - Catholic Online

Terror attacks in Libya more sophisticated than previously thought - International - Catholic Online

Foreclosure fallout hits 'communities of color' especially hard: $2 trillion - Business & Economics - Catholic Online

Foreclosure fallout hits 'communities of color' especially hard: $2 trillion - Business & Economics - Catholic Online

'I dreamt of becoming a mother. Now I feel like a murderer' - Marriage & Family - Home & Family - Catholic Online

'I dreamt of becoming a mother. Now I feel like a murderer' - Marriage & Family - Home & Family - Catholic Online

Ledbetter explained

Ledbetter explained

Libertarians against Obama

Libertarians against Obama

Don't Let Free Trade Wrap Itself in Reagan

Don't Let Free Trade Wrap Itself in Reagan

Smart Chicago professor will not vote for Obama

Smart Chicago professor will not vote for Obama

Monday, October 22, 2012

Father to-be without a face fears how his children will turn out - International - Catholic Online

Father to-be without a face fears how his children will turn out - International - Catholic Online

DOJ Lends Support to Planned Parenthood Lawsuit in AZ - U.s. - Catholic Online

DOJ Lends Support to Planned Parenthood Lawsuit in AZ - U.s. - Catholic Online

SATURDAY HOMILY: All of us are called to win souls for the Kingdom - Year Of Faith - Catholic Online

SATURDAY HOMILY: All of us are called to win souls for the Kingdom - Year Of Faith - Catholic Online

What is New About the New Evangelization and Who Needs It? - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

What is New About the New Evangelization and Who Needs It? - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

The Heart's Witness Against Muhammad: Serial and Simultaneous Polygamy - International - Catholic Online

The Heart's Witness Against Muhammad: Serial and Simultaneous Polygamy - International - Catholic Online

Memo shows Obama refused to increase security ahead of terror attacks - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Memo shows Obama refused to increase security ahead of terror attacks - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

SUNDAY HOMILY: The Call to Selfless Service - Year Of Faith - Catholic Online

SUNDAY HOMILY: The Call to Selfless Service - Year Of Faith - Catholic Online

Hudson & Fournier: Catholic Countdown to Election 2012, Day 16. Catholics Must Vote! - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Hudson & Fournier: Catholic Countdown to Election 2012, Day 16. Catholics Must Vote! - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Hudson & Fournier: Catholic Countdown to Election 2012, Day 16. Catholics Must Vote! - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Hudson & Fournier: Catholic Countdown to Election 2012, Day 16. Catholics Must Vote! - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Obama and Cecile Richard's Caricature of the American Woman - U.s. - Catholic Online

Obama and Cecile Richard's Caricature of the American Woman - U.s. - Catholic Online

MONDAY HOMILY: Strive to be rich in what matters to God - Year Of Faith - Catholic Online

MONDAY HOMILY: Strive to be rich in what matters to God - Year Of Faith - Catholic Online

Hudson & Fournier: Catholic Countdown to Election 2012, Day 15. Some Pastors Get Political - and Help Obama - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Hudson & Fournier: Catholic Countdown to Election 2012, Day 15. Some Pastors Get Political - and Help Obama - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Be Not Afraid: The Memorial Feast of Blessed John Paul II Reignites the Cry of the Faithful, Santo Subito! - U.s. - Catholic Online

Be Not Afraid: The Memorial Feast of Blessed John Paul II Reignites the Cry of the Faithful, Santo Subito! - U.s. - Catholic Online

Interview: Brenda Elliott -- Obama's Shocking Plans For the Next Four Years

Interview: Brenda Elliott -- Obama's Shocking Plans For the Next Four Years

Whining about unhappiness with choices

Whining about unhappiness with choices

Back to School, or Homeschool?

Back to School, or Homeschool?

Monday, October 15, 2012


Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts congratulate the multitude of men and women who quietly and humbly show respect for themselves and for their neighbors by doing the ordinary acts of kindness in an extraordinary manner.  These wonderful and heroic persons will seldom receive recognition by their friendly and positive acts of love expressed in many geographic areas.  Examples include the following:  children who care for their elderly parents, parents who care for your challenged children, law enforcement personnel who create a positive environment to reduce crime, health professionals who simply respect their patients and go above and beyond their duty, educators who make the time to bring about a learning environment for their students, entrepreneurs who create jobs and careers for millions of underemployed and unemployed persons, missionaries who provide the "leaven" in their environments by providing for the homeless and war- displaced refugees, and many more examples that you are willing and able to share.  These special individuals show that "people do not care what you know but how much you care."

Congratulations to all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who live "Respect" and "Give Respect" to the most vulnerable and to the most powerful persons in their daily love journey.  By their actions and by their efforts, people know and honor the respect that must be given to each and every person who lives on "Planet Earth." "What you do to the LEAST of My Brothers and Sisters, you do to ME."  Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts encourage all persons of GOOD WILL to reconsider their lifestyles and EARN RESPECT by giving RESPECT to your daily contacts. Respecting human life at every stage of development is worth the time, the talents, and the treasures of each valuable and unique human being "who cares enough to give the very best."
Your respectful SMILE will be the difference in another's reactions to receiving loving respect.

Faith Triumphs over Hardship in Paralympics

Faith Triumphs over Hardship in Paralympics

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pope Benedict XVI: May Al-Rab (not Allah) Bless You - International - Catholic Online

Pope Benedict XVI: May Al-Rab (not Allah) Bless You - International - Catholic Online

Why the unemployment number really is bogus - Business & Economics - Catholic Online

Why the unemployment number really is bogus - Business & Economics - Catholic Online

Pope's Homily: 50th Anniversary of Vatican II Calls for a Return to the Texts Within a Hermeneutic of Continuity - International - Catholic Online

Pope's Homily: 50th Anniversary of Vatican II Calls for a Return to the Texts Within a Hermeneutic of Continuity - International - Catholic Online

How Obama managed to scare Steve Wynn - Business & Economics - Catholic Online

How Obama managed to scare Steve Wynn - Business & Economics - Catholic Online

Jo Ann Nardelli of Pennsylvania: Catholic Democrat Leaves the Party Because 'Biden Sold Out' - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Jo Ann Nardelli of Pennsylvania: Catholic Democrat Leaves the Party Because 'Biden Sold Out' - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Bad Immigration Proposals

Bad Immigration Proposals

Single voters favor Obama

Single voters favor Obama

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How pious Catholics finance African wars - Green - Catholic Online

How pious Catholics finance African wars - Green - Catholic Online

Hudson and Fournier: Catholic Countdown to Election 2102, Day 28. Joy Allen and Morally Coherent Catholics - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Hudson and Fournier: Catholic Countdown to Election 2102, Day 28. Joy Allen and Morally Coherent Catholics - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Guest Opinion: The Obama Mandate is the Gravest Threat to Religious Freedom in 226 Years - U.s. - Catholic Online

Guest Opinion: The Obama Mandate is the Gravest Threat to Religious Freedom in 226 Years - U.s. - Catholic Online

14-year-old girl who spoke against Taliban struggles to survive after being shot - International - Catholic Online

14-year-old girl who spoke against Taliban struggles to survive after being shot - International - Catholic Online

Pew poll shows a dramatic reversal of fortune for Romney, Obama - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Pew poll shows a dramatic reversal of fortune for Romney, Obama - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

CBS' Lara Logan warns that Muslim jihadis are coming for us - International - Catholic Online

CBS' Lara Logan warns that Muslim jihadis are coming for us - International - Catholic Online

Early Voting Is a Bad Idea

Early Voting Is a Bad Idea

Monday, October 8, 2012

Columbus's Memorial in Washington

Columbus's Memorial in Washington


What would you say is your Key to your Future?  What type of Key are you?  You may be the Key that will move unlockable doors of someone's mind and heart.  You may be the Key that will gain access to someone's thoughts and behavior.  You may be the Key that will clear up a human problem that was once considered unsolvable.  You may be the Key that explains or gives useful information about persons, places, or things.  Your Key may be the only Key that will unlock a very difficult situation with people that you respect and love.  You may be the right Key to keep harmony rather than see discord or divisiveness continue in your community and your neighborhood relationships.  You may be the one Key person who will complete or adjust the picture in a Group Reunion.  You may be the Key to influence others through your great intensity of your feelings and convictions with the inner drive to make solutions for challenges.

As those Leaders who came before us, they were the Keys to what we may be experiencing today.  Taking for granted the heroic actions of historical icons, you may be apathetic rather than grateful for the cause and effect that these past leaders have accomplished by their positive attitudes.  You are the current and future Key leaders who with your unique personality and attitude will influence the thinking and the actions of others.  Since you are a unique person, only one of a kind, the sum total of all of your God-given talents needs to be used in your Key locations for the well being of others entrusted to your care.  Your Key presence in your sphere of influence will often affect more persons than you will ever realize.  The Key to your future is YOU.  You are the Key everyone is waiting for and anticipating to bring about a transformation.

"Yesterday is already a dream and tomorrow is only a vision but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a VISION OF HOPE."