Saturday, June 16, 2012


Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts honor and respect Dads' Day 2012.  For many of us who have had the privilege of a Dad who really cared; let us remember that Dad and the glorious memories that are preserved in our hearts.  There are many characteristics that Dads exemplify for their children:  patience, humor, respect, honor, active listener, hero, multiple skilled, happy, honest, sincere, humble, etc.  You may want to list many other  ordinary and extraordinary talents that Dads give with their committed love to their families.  Dads respect their spouses without any reserve; and their ordinary daily examples make a difference for the children who observe these honorable Dads.  Dads remember that human life is a continuum from conception to natural death.  Thank you, Dads, who chose life and love for your children. 

Although we witness Fathers in the headlines who portray a negative appearance, these Fathers overlooked what Dads are expected to be and to become.  Taking responsibility for their own choices, Fathers earn the respect from their spouses and their children; and, as a result, earn the right to be a Dad who exemplifies the Heavenly Father by being a Just Man, not just a man.
On one of my many Dads' Day gifts, my children gave me a coffee mug that stated:  "Anyone can be a Father, but it takes a special someone to be a Dad."  Today would have been my Dad's 101st birthday.  He was a Gentle Man and a Loving Dad.  He mirrored the Heavenly Dad, Abba, who cared enough to be the very best....for better,  for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death took him to his eternal reward about 12 years ago.  Thanks Mom and Dad for the gifts of life and love;  it is great to be alive and feeling free and to have everyone in our family expressing their honor and respect for the Dads who earned the right to be called a Dad!

Happy Dads' Day 2012 to all Dads living and deceased from the many sons and daughters who had the fortune of having a loving and devoted Dad in their lives.  Thank You!

Black girls no playing lacrosse

Black girls no playing lacrosse

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Margeaux Graham's Story Continues: American Legion Responds, Still Refuses to Allow Her to Attend Mass - U.s. - Catholic Online

Margeaux Graham's Story Continues: American Legion Responds, Still Refuses to Allow Her to Attend Mass - U.s. - Catholic Online

Catholic Teen Defends Her Right to Attend Mass: Margeaux Graham Chooses Faith Over Honors - U.s. - Catholic Online

Catholic Teen Defends Her Right to Attend Mass: Margeaux Graham Chooses Faith Over Honors - U.s. - Catholic Online

Which Way for America? Dedicate June to the Sacred Heart of Jesus or 'LGBT Pride'? - U.s. - Catholic Online

Which Way for America? Dedicate June to the Sacred Heart of Jesus or 'LGBT Pride'? - U.s. - Catholic Online

Homosexuality, Marriage, Family, and the Truth: What Would Love Really Do? - U.s. - Catholic Online

Homosexuality, Marriage, Family, and the Truth: What Would Love Really Do? - U.s. - Catholic Online

Interview: Steven Hayward – Presidential Report Card: From Wilson to Obama

Interview: Steven Hayward – Presidential Report Card: From Wilson to Obama

School Censors Lee Greenwood's Famous Song

School Censors Lee Greenwood's Famous Song

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Links owners mark 25 years in Florida