Saturday, May 26, 2012


On this Memorial Day Weekend, 2012, let us remember all of the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice of laying down their lives in wartime in different parts of the world so that we may enjoy the freedoms that were offered to us by the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.  All of these courageous men and women served their Country with honor, bravery, prudence, and trust.  Let us always remember to say a pray for each of these fallen soldiers who gave their lives in combat so that their fellow Americans may appreciate the "freedoms" won by a price.
Also, remember the families, friends, and fellow service men and women who were given another opportunity to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Let the mourning by the families for their loved ones be not in vain.  Apathy has no role in honoring the brave, nor does hypocrisy have any room in corridors in the public sector for ignoring the dignity, the respect,  and the sacredness for human life that needs to be re-ignited for all Americans.

War and the ravishes of war impact many persons for multiple years.  Visit the cemeteries throughout the United States and the rest of world to discover the marked and unmarked graves of those who fought for principles that meant being a true American.  For the many dollars that have been spent for war purposes and for those who profited from war zones, let these people take a moment to realize that human life is priceless and precious at all stages of human development.  In addition, for all of those wounded in mind, body, and spirit from the perils of war, let us remember these brave souls who have been forgotten by greedy and  insensitive public servants who continue to bring about the conditions that bring about unjust and unnecessary war in foreign lands for whatever economic and social reasons.  These brave and courageous men and women who have lost limbs, careers, self-esteem, and self-confidence need to be reminded that the American People do care about their holistic needs.  Behind the scenes, many retired service personnel have shared their special skills and talents in the private sector by their continual service to their respective communities in multiple civic organizations and faith-related communities.  

Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are proud to salute, honor, pray, and congratulate all living and deceased armed services' professionals who have "laid down their lives for their friends"...the American People.  May this Memorial Day Remembrance be a moment to say, "THANK YOU," for all of those persons "who cared enough to give their very best" for God and Country. Let this coming year be a Year to Transform our United States of America that honors the Traditions and accepts the challenges that a Free Country deserves and earns by a Spiritual Renewal of Love...Unconditional Love that acknowledges that IN GOD WE TRUST!

Eagles Killed by Windmills

Eagles Killed by Windmills

No marriage in Quebec

No marriage in Quebec

Hispanics on divorce

Hispanics on divorce

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


On Sunday, May 13, 2012, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts celebrate and honor all Mothers throughout the world and especially in the United States of America. Mothers are the FIRST TEACHERS of their children and the FIRST HOME for their  unborn babies. Mothers' FIRST CAREER is their multitasking in their chosen jobs; in their home environment; in their social interactions; in their multiple gifts of time, talents, and treasures; and in their innovative achievements in building a FAMILY unit.  Being a Mother is a chosen Career and an unselfish act for all those women who will to accept unconditionally this unprecedented responsibility and love choice.  We honor and respect all women whose nurturing attributes are offered when they adopt wanted children who become "orphaned."  Motherhood has a beginning without any end in sight regarding the love that they continually give their children at all stages of development and maturation.  Mothers are challenged on all fronts to give up this special career by those who have little understanding and wisdom of the nature of motherhood's responsibility and accountability.  The maternal hours are sometimes very long with little compensation from the secular world that overlooks the value and the dignity of motherhood as a waste of time, talents, and treasures.  

Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts salute and admire the dignity and the respect that is earned from every Mother who gives love unconditionally without any compensation in return.  May all Mothers, both living and deceased, be an exemplary model to their dedication, desire, determination, discipline, and dignity "who care enough to give their very best" to their families and extended families.  May the Spiritual Motherhood of Mary Immaculate be a spiritual inspiration for all Mothers who make a difference in this world ...a world that exploits the value of womanhood with questionable unethical choices.  HAPPY  MOTHERS' DAY to God's wonderful precious creation.

H-1B Visas Take American Jobs

H-1B Visas Take American Jobs