Thursday, March 15, 2012


Human life is a continuum from conception to natural death. The human choice is to give each unique human life an opportunity to reach their total human potential during their human existence. However, many innocent, unborn babies are considered as inconvenient, unexpected, and insignificant by those who make choices that appear to be innocent but are truly selfish and non-committal. Although human law may allow the death of an unborn baby prior to birth, the divine law supersedes those human laws since each human being is destined for immortality.

As an opportunity to "spiritually adopt" an innocent unborn baby prior to actual birth, individuals may pray for prospective parents and others who are considering the human law over the divine law. Elective abortions may kill the bodies of innocent unborn babies; but the souls of each unique person will continue into eternity as destined by divine providence. The late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen encouraged the spiritual adoption of an unborn child. This is done by praying that one particular but unknown child's life be spared elective abortion and be allowed to continue to live. To help accomplish this, each individual is recommended to say a daily prayer for a period of nine months.

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of elective abortion." The name that a person may give to their baby is their choice. During the earthly life this spiritually adopted child will be known only to God; but in the world to come, the hope is that the adopter will meet the souls that their prayers saved and spend eternal happiness with them.

From April 22, 2012 through January 22, 2013, you are encouraged to participate in this special spiritual adoption of an innocent unborn baby. "Jesus may your peace and your love embrace the hearts, minds, and souls of the family, friends, and loved ones who encourage these elective abortions and lead them all to your Sacred and Eucharistic Heart. Earn And Give Everyone Respect for a Change of Heart (E.A.G.E.R. for a Change of Heart) is the ongoing theme for this special nine month activity. For more information: Crusade for Life International, 11142 Osage Street, Northglenn, CO 80234, (720-977-9150).

Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts support this activity as a honor of respecting all human life from conception to natural death. Choose Life rather than Death!


To be an individual in a pluralistic society requires an honest assessment of one's special talents and skills that effectively benefit the common cause of the common good. Since there are many interpretations of individuality, the most precious gift is life itself, which is given by devoted parents of the individual and the Almighty Creator of every human life. To be oneself and to have self-esteem means accepting one's mission in life to be true to oneself and to others. To "ring true" is to be sincerely involved in living one's life to the maximum rather than to give in to mediocrity and apathy. To be "truly human and truly alive," as one author expressed, requires to take each day with all of its challenges and to grow as a person from conception to natural death. To persevere in one's lifelong learning endeavors, the individual accepts the negatives as well as the positives in maturing as a human being. Each human experience is a part of the puzzle that gives a person a total picture in the final analysis. Our time, our talents, and our treasures will vary from individual to individual. Whether you are super wealthy or extremely poor, a person's dignity as a human being requires respect in every aspect of human existence. Earning and Giving Respect to Everyone brings about a Change of Heart that could change the attitude toward human life itself. E.A.G.E.R. for a Change of Heart demands an unselfish approach of communication that gives and takes the uniqueness of each person.

Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts salute the many unsung heroes who persevere in their missions to bring respect and dignity to the homeless, the discarded, the outcasts, the handicapped, the dying, the unborn, the extreme poor, the multiple religious beliefs, the dependent, and all of those persons who have been misplaced and orphaned as a result of civil war and ethnic cleansing. Many devoted individuals are calling attention to the dictators who ignore the value of human life at every step of dependency. Thank you for all unsung heroes who make a difference in their environments by being the "leaven" that will change the negatives into a positive atmospheres in respecting human dignity and human worth. Each human being is priceless, and each human being is worth a value that transcends time prior to eternity. The Ides of March 2012 salutes the multiple number of unsung heroes who are making a difference by doing the ordinary tasks of serving other human beings with extraordinary and heroic significance. E.A.G.E.R. for a Change of Heart is a gift to all human beings.