Saturday, March 26, 2011


As an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast where are you "Now" in your quest to maximize your total potential as a holistic human being? How "cool" are you in striving holistically in using your time, your talents, and your treasures to make a real difference in this challenging world in general and in your own environment? What makes you "boiling" to the 100 percent degree as an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast in "blooming where you are planted"? Is your enthusiasm cool, mediocre, or really hot? Where are you on the temperature gauge in striving to be the total you as you envision yourself to be?

Are you at "0 degrees" or "I don't want to" attitude in making your progress or regression in using your aptitudes to gain the acceptable altitude of your chosen career, lifestyle, or philosophy of life? Or are you at "10 degrees" or "I can't" negative attitude because you are fearful of making mistakes or taking risks? Or are you at the "20 degrees" or "I don't know how" temperature that is still frigid by all standards? Are you still frozen out at the "30 degrees" or "how can I do it?" excuse or plausible reason? However, you may be reaching to the warmer yet cool "40 degrees" or "if I only could" attitude waiting for the support of other Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts to give you a positive and rewarding example. From seeing others achieve their goals, you may be at the "50 degrees" spring weather climate or "perhaps I could" attitude. Now you are on your way because of your willing to take necessary risks and steps to move in the upper direction with the "60 degrees" or "I could if" given the training and the motivation from other Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who are totally motivated to be mentors in life. Next, your temperature rises to the "70 degrees" or "I believe I can" dimension of short term and long term goal settings. After you have experienced limited successes and successful failures, you warm up to the "80 degrees" or "I can" achieve this with desire, dedication, determination, discipline, diplomacy, and direction from proven Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts accomplishments. You become DRIVEN to make the change that will enhance your holistic intelligences beyond the mediocre and complacent. With the "90 degrees" or "I will" attitude your focus is now on achieving these challenges with the total human resources available to you in your chosen career and your chosen way of life. Yes, at the "100 degrees" or "I do" want to be all that my Creator wants me to be, cost what the challenges may cost in the short and long term. Remember that a positive attitude will change the degrees of your temperature gauge as you go from "I don't want to" to " I do."

Are you willing to make the "conversion" from where you are Now to the "hottest" achievement in your quest to be the total human being that you are expected and that you personally want to be with your time, your talents, and your treasures? Only you can make that decision with effective spiritual and professional guidance from experienced Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts! The time to start is NOW! Today is the tomorrow that you thought about yesterday!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Every year Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts pause to reflect on their mission to deepen their moral and ethical values that relates to their everyday human encounters in order to be a more vibrant leaven to their respective environments. The preamble for the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts is found in Sacred Scripture and in Tradition. Going from a negative approach to a more positive and pro-active approach requires a total understanding of the holistic intelligences that are impacted by their every day behaviors. Here is a listing of the norms of human behavior of the highest order:

Happy is the person who is poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Using their time, talents, and treasures for the stewardship of earthly and spiritual concerns results in the most effective way to be selfless while being endowed with attitudes, altitudes, and aptitudes.

Happy is the person who is meek for they will possess the earth. A person of principle is a person who is committed to their philosophy of life and recognizes irreconcilable differences and stands firm with their values and cultural life.

Happy is the person who mourns for they will be comforted. The Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are open to assist anyone, anywhere who is need of comfort in their time of need. In addition, mobilization of human power is utilized to restore the dignity of each person especially when all other human resources have been exhausted.

Happy is the person who is hungry and thirsty for justice for they will be satisfied. For all of the challenges that humankind is confronted with in every day life experiences, there are Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who step forward to represent the marginalized, the dependent, the uneducated, the unwanted, the disabled, the depressed, the handicapped, and the lonely.

Happy is the person who is merciful for they will obtain mercy. Having empathy for the sick, the elderly, the lost, the imprisoned, the chemically dependent, the apathetic, the ignorant, and the homeless creates an empowerment for the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts' sense of decency beyond reproach.

Happy is the person who is clean of heart for they will see God. To choose the positive approach in the most complicated matter means to seek the best choice for the human and spiritual growth of each individual. Keeping life simple is a good choice by respecting the sacredness of each human being from conception to natural death. Making decisions that affect the spiritual identity enhances the choices for the bodily concerns.

Happy is the person who is a peacemaker for they will be called children of God. With all of the conflicts throughout the world, the Achievement Ladder Enthusiast focuses on the common threads that brings all human beings under the Family of God for the right and correct reasons. "Let there be peace on earth and let that peace begin with ME."

Happy is the person who suffers persecution for justice sake for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. When others "smear, discredit, and destroy" the existence of another human being, the truth will eventually be determined by fair-minded and wisdom-oriented people. "He who is without sin among you let them be the first to throw a stone."

Happy is the person when others reproach you and persecute you and speak falsely and say all manner of evil against you for My sake...." Stand up for what you really believe. Be not afraid, just believe! Seek first His Kingship over you...

May all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts use this 2011 Lenten Season to live the Ides of March and April with honor, dignity, and respect as children of God!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


What type of key are you? What is your definition of a key? In the dictionary there are as many as twenty-five (25) definitions of the word, "key." Here are some of the definitions: a metal instrument inserted into a lock to move its bolt; something that affords a means of access (key to happiness); something that affords a means of clarifying a problem; music - a tone or pitch as of voice; keynote - the main idea of a speech, program, thought, etc.; to regulate or adjust (actions, thoughts, speech, etc.) to a particular state or activity; and keystone - a voussoir at the summit of an arch - SOMETHING ON WHICH ASSOCIATED THINGS DEPEND.

You may be the key that will move the unlockable door of someone's mind and heart. You may be the only key that will gain access to someone's thoughts and behavior. You may be the key that will clear up a human problem that was once considered unsolveable. You may be the key that explains or gives useful information about persons, places, or things. Your key may be the only key that will unlock a very difficult situation with people that you respect and love. You may be the right key to keep harmony rather than see discord continue in community and neighborhood relations. You may the one key person who will complete or adjust the picture in a group activity. You may be keyed-uped to influence others through your great intensity of feeling or the inner drive to do something.

You are the future key leaders who with your unique personality and conduct will influence the thinking and the actions of others. Since you are a unique person, only one of a kind, the sum total of all your God-given talents needs to be used in your key locations for the well being of others entrusted to your care. Your key presence in your sphere of influence will often affect more persons than you will ever realize. What you do does make a key difference. The key to your future is you. You are the key everyone is waiting for.

"Yesterday is already a dream and tomorrow is only a vision but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope."

What is the key to your Ladder of Achievement?
0% - I won't try.
10% - I can't do it.
20% - I don't know how to do it.
30% - I wish I could try it.
40% - What is it?
50% - I think I might.
60% - I might try.
70% - I think I can.
80% - I can do it.
90% - I will do it.
100% - I did it!

YOU HOLD THE KEY TO UNLOCKING THE RUNGS OF YOUR LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT. May all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts realize the power of their keys to unlock the treasures of their lifelong learning dreams and ambitions and be the difference in unlocking the visions and dreams of their family, friends, and community. In God we Trust!


Achievement Ladder Enthusiast Leaders are those who with their unique person and conduct influence the thinking and the actions of others because they orient, guide, and direct. Every situation and every environment have Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who are the main influence on what happens in that situation. These A.L.E. Leaders may not have positions of power. They may not give orders. But just by the kind of A.L.E.Leaders they are, THEY INFLUENCE OTHERS. Their ideas carry weight; their decisions influence the decisions of others.

As Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, WE ARE ALL LEADERS because we influence someone or have influence in something. As A.L.E. Leaders, our ideas, our judgments, and our goals have a profound impact on more persons than we will ever realize. REMEMBER, WE ARE ALL ACHIEVEMENT LADDER LEADERS--EXPECTED TO BE A LIVING WITNESS FOR OUR COMMUNITY.

Since we are unique persons, only one of a kind, the sum total of all of our God-given talents needs to be used in the environments for the well-being of others entrusted to our care. Your involvement in your sphere of influence will often affect more persons than you will every realize. The impact of a cement block thrown from a high bridge into the water will create an obvious splash and will give off a sizeable ripple. However, if you threw a pebble from that same bridge into the water, the splash may not be as spectacular, but you will still generate a ripple.

As Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, we need to be constantly aware of what's happening in our day-to-day activities, and the effect that our personalities have or that should have on those unique opportunities. WHAT WE DO DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE. To be an effective Achievement Ladder Enthusiast Leader, we should be aware of some of the natural qualities expected of A.L.E. Leaders. These qualities include the spirit of initiative, the ability to take risks, the mature sense of responsibility, a personal authenticity, and a generosity that is truly selfless.

An Achievement Ladder Enthusiast Leader would do well to ponder the following verse entitled, ONLY ONE LIFE.

"It only takes one smile to offer welcome and blessed is the person who will share it. It only takes one moment to be helpful and blessed be the person who will spare it. It only takes one word to lend real comfort and blessed be the person who will speak it. It only takes one truth to light the darkness and blessed be the person who will seek it. It only takes one joy to lift a spirit and blessed be the person who will give it. It only takes one life to make a difference and blessed be the person who will live it."

As a parting conclusion for all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts Leaders, remember the following response from a genuine A.LE. Leader:

"Here's to it and to it again. If you don't do it when you get to it, you will never get to it to do it again."