Sunday, February 27, 2011


Now that we have arrived at the end of February, 2011, the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts recognize the "nobodys" of the world even though "everybody" seems to ignore their existence. Somebody will some day realize that the nobodys impact our day-to-day living in ways that anybody would normally relish and respect. The nobodys are everywhere whenever you are on the road, in the marketplace, in various community experiences, and in many strategic locations. Anyone who has the brains to recognize the nobodys will understand why our world encourages whoever is willing to take the proper leadership to allow everyone to be somebody. The nobodys are someone's friends, acquaintances, brothers, sisters, parents, colleagues, co-workers, and many other otherwise unknowns. Whatever is expected to be accomplished by anybody is usually successfully completed by the nobodys of this world. Wherever one finds Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, someone is acknowledged to discover the whoever wants no one to be anybody. However, no matter how much we may seek someone to lead the people in a transformed, positive direction there will be a nobody who will help anybody to be the someone that they really want to be as God intended them to be.... cost what it may!