In your everyday adventures in your community, have you noticed the numerous workers who give 100 percent with their positive attitude in achieving their personal and company's goals? Do you admire the workers who go beyond the requirements of their jobs to create a positive environment for the customers as well as a positive image for their co-workers? Are you able to list the many examples of positive work-personship that exists in your neighborhoods and in your communities? As a consumer are your "voting" with your hard-earned resources for the workers who have made a solid commitment "to those who care enough to do their level best?" Your "votes" sustain the positive achievements of many Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts whose desire, dedication, and determination "put a stamp of approval" on a job well done. Let us celebrate this Labor Day Weekend 2010 by remembering all of those persons who have made a difference in your life because of their positive, 100 percent attitude about accomplishing an outstanding record of enjoying the dignity of work.
May the Ladder of Achievment for all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts be a shining reminder to all persons to step up to the next level of giving the very best and earning the continued respect from their "voting customers." May the hopes and dreams of all who have lost their enthusiasm because of economic ups and downs in the job market be an inspiration to "get up rather than to give up." When one door closes another door opens for the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts to show that the Spirit of America is renewed and transformed into a better America; and allow the glow of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship to expand and bring back the new technologies and the new work environment to the American Working Person who "cares enough to give the very best."