During the past year as Citizens of the United States of America, we have observed all of the efforts to bring about reforms to a number of aspects of our economic, political, and social life that will impact our way of life as Americans with no hyphenations. In other words, we are Americans first with various ancestral backgrounds and nationality roots. In addition, we have witnessed attempts to change health care approaches, financial assistance to all citizens in dire need, an improved educational environment on all levels, and social reforms that literally dictate an ideology that is based on purely secular and humanistic reasonings. In all of these "reformations" by the federal government taking the "lead," we are becoming aware of our "loss in the private sector initiatives." Networking, partnering, and collaborating appear to be vanishing in the public-private relationships with an emphasis on "reforming" our economic and political ideologies with the current leadership in Washington, DC. Let the "Fed" take the lead seems to be the focus instead of finding ways to "transform" inequities among "grassroots" entities. Many "minorities" are claiming the platform and the "soapbox" to silence the "silent majority." As Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts recognize the multiple dimensional aspects of "positive endeavors" and a rebirth of a wisdom that inspired the Founders of Our Republic, the grassroots has come alive to use their critical and their creative learning skills to foster a long range successful approach to meeting the challenges of our contemporary cultural diversity.
We acknowledge that some persons prefer to be revolutionaries, cultlists, elitists, fundamentalists, traditionalists, extremists, "cowards," suicidal/brainwashed slaves, terrorists, and just plain "nobodies" in their adventures to change the minds, the hearts, and the wills of the American public. To see a transformation from being an addict to a sober person, to witness the addiction of a compulsive gambler to a responsible steward, to observe the withdrawal from chemical drugs to a positive lifestyle, to deal with a "road rager" to a responsible driver, and to deal with those who have "stressed out" with life to those who are managing their stress is an indication that some type of personal transformation is occurring over a period of time. Transforming a wasted living existence into a positive growth and development of the holisitic intelligences of any individual fosters a citizenry that is becoming free persons and a new identity worth living. To encourage any person to "transform" their total existence to a higher level of human existence brings about an "new attitude and a new person" who will have a positive impact on those struggling up and down the Ladder of Achievement on a daily basis.
For many individuals who have chosen to "transform" their approaches to life's challenges in living "The Beatitudes" in every day existence demands a commitment and a perseverance that will be beneficial in the long run for all of those desiring to make a new transformaton.
To be blessed by being poor in spirit means that the individual will be better stewards of all of life's gifts, which brings about a blessing -- the kingdom of Heaven. To be meek and to be oneself and to accept oneself is the freedom to possess the earth. For those who mourn for the challenges that life deals...yes, these persons will be comforted. For those who hunger and thirst for justice for all persons from conception to natural death, these persons will be eventually satisfied with the long range positive outcomes. For all of those who are merciful to others, these persons can expect to receive mercy in return. For all of those who respect the human body as a temple of God living within them, these persons will see God's creatures in a new transformed light. For those who are "peacemakers" for their neighbors, their city, their state, and their Country, these persons are really the true Children of God who recognize their brothers and sisters throughout the world. There will be times as a "transformer" that one will suffer persecution for justice' sake, these persons will gain a preparation for the Kingdom of Heaven. And yes, when men and women reproach and persecute a "transformer" with "smear, discredit, and destroy tactics," this "transformer" will have earned a reward in eternity with God's Kingdom. Will you continue to go along with those who are "pulling your strings" as a puppet or are you ready to make the "transformation" that will enhance your positive goals and objectives? You be the confident transformed person who will make A TRUE DIFFERENCE IN YOUR WORLD, IN YOUR FAMILY, IN YOUR WORK ENVIRONMENT, AND IN YOUR SOCIAL AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
In the October 2009 Mindszenty Report, a very disturbing discussion was revealed regarding the right to freedom of speech in the United States of America. The Fairness Doctrine has been attacked from many different directions. Congress sent President Ronald Reagan the Fairness in Broadcasting Act of 1987, which would have codified the doctrine into federal law. President Reagan vetoed the bill because he believed history has shown that the dangers of an overly timid or biased press cannot be averted through bureaucratic regulation, but only through the freedom and competition that the First Amendment sought to guarantee. Prior to the presidency of President Ronald Reagan, an FCC regulation called the Fairness Doctrine ruled the airwaves. In the early 1940s President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal had come under a lot of criticism. To STIFLE his critics he pushed the Federal Communications Commission for a rule that would bar radio, and later, television news commentators from slanting the news that might have a negative impact on the war effort.
"Like most liberals, President Barack Obama has been waging his own WAR ON WORDS since 2007 when he lobbied the FCC for more diversity in talk radio. President Obama knows that the easiest way for liberals to rectify the imbalance in the popular ratings of conservative TV and radio talk shows is to force them out of business through aggressive legislation."
"The Obama Administrations adds a new tactic called localism. Localism would require broadcasters to seek the input of community organizations in programming their stations. Such community boards would decide which talk show host was acceptable to the community and which ones offended the local standards. Stations must recruit leaders in the civic, religious, and non-profit sectors that regularly serve the needs of the community, particularly the needs of minority groups that are typically poorly served by the broadcasting industry as a whole." If this Hush Rush Bill plan becomes law, it will impose draconian fines of up to 100 percent of operating costs that will effectively silence liberals' most vociferous critics on radio and cable television. The FCC can pull the licenses of radio stations they deem as failing to meeting these public interest standards, which coincide with the goals of the Obama Administration. If that happens, the silence of conservative talk radio will be deafening. Christian radio stations and their programming will not be immune to localism regulations. The FCC will begin applying these regulations to their licenses as well."
"From a war OF words to a war On words, President Barack Obama plans to silence his critics by whatever means necessary to advance his socialist agenda." For the complete October 2009 Mindszenty Report go to www.mindszenty.org. "By their fruits you shall know them, and the TRUTH will set you FREE."
"Like most liberals, President Barack Obama has been waging his own WAR ON WORDS since 2007 when he lobbied the FCC for more diversity in talk radio. President Obama knows that the easiest way for liberals to rectify the imbalance in the popular ratings of conservative TV and radio talk shows is to force them out of business through aggressive legislation."
"The Obama Administrations adds a new tactic called localism. Localism would require broadcasters to seek the input of community organizations in programming their stations. Such community boards would decide which talk show host was acceptable to the community and which ones offended the local standards. Stations must recruit leaders in the civic, religious, and non-profit sectors that regularly serve the needs of the community, particularly the needs of minority groups that are typically poorly served by the broadcasting industry as a whole." If this Hush Rush Bill plan becomes law, it will impose draconian fines of up to 100 percent of operating costs that will effectively silence liberals' most vociferous critics on radio and cable television. The FCC can pull the licenses of radio stations they deem as failing to meeting these public interest standards, which coincide with the goals of the Obama Administration. If that happens, the silence of conservative talk radio will be deafening. Christian radio stations and their programming will not be immune to localism regulations. The FCC will begin applying these regulations to their licenses as well."
"From a war OF words to a war On words, President Barack Obama plans to silence his critics by whatever means necessary to advance his socialist agenda." For the complete October 2009 Mindszenty Report go to www.mindszenty.org. "By their fruits you shall know them, and the TRUTH will set you FREE."
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
For many centuries there have been warring factions throughout the world attacking the innocent victims caught up in a blood bath of conflicting ideologies, differing philosophies, intolerance of religious convictions, power-hungry dictators, greedy governmental officials, and contrary and misunderstood cultural diversities. Many of the wars that often lasted for multiple years were caused by individuals and groups who were warring from within their own personalities and communities. The "Hatfields" and the "McCoys" often had no real reason for the ongoing conflicts except for unfounded myths and total misunderstandings. Often communications breakdowns were initiated by persons who simply did not like the other person for their culture, their religious convictions, their social norms, their unique philosophies, their languages, their location and turf, and their many other unreasonable designs to commit genocide for no other reason except HATE. HATE PRODUCES HATE and NEGATIVITY BEGETS NEGATIVITY. Being labeled an INFIDEL because of a difference of opinion and religious commitment is certainly brings about bias, prejudice, hostility, violence, and eventually martyrdom for the cause.
In some economic and political environments the CRISIS OF HATE is encouraged to separate the various factions to be identified and suffer SMEAR, DISCREDIT, AND DESTROY tactics through the media attack and under a cover of respectability. People of PEACE find these challenges on their way to conquer their goals of obtaining the LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT with intense hostility and loneliness. Being PEACE MAKERS means that the Achievement Ladder Enthusiast will seek every opportunity to brings factions together to be open to one another and to rediscover the misunderstandings and the myths that have kept the WAR going for no apparent good reason. PEACE KEEPERS are those persons who attempt to continue the atmosphere of establishing the PEACE where once WAR was the only norm and way of life. Of course, there are those who are PACIFISTS who decide not to get involved in a fight that appears to have no good ending because of the warring factions and communities. In any WAR there are no WINNERS. There is suffering on all sides, and the divisions continue throughout history until HONEST PEACE EFFORTS are restored by PEACE LOVING persons and communities.
Even when there are PEACE TALKS with warring neighbors, the ultimate decision on having TRUE PEACE will be with mutual understanding and mutual respect of all parties involved in the conflicts. Some PEACE healing will take many years to be effective for all those still having an INTERNAL WAR in their mind and heart brought on by many reasons including a spiritual battle that goes unresolved and unaffected. Where are the PEACE-LOVING DIPLOMATS that seem to be lost or unavailable or unwilling to bring about MUTUAL HOLISTIC PEACE? '"MAKE ME AN INSTRUMENT OF YOUR PEACE...." THE PRINCE OF PEACE, THE GOD OF PEACE is the ONLY WAY, the ONLY TRUTH, and the ONLY LIFE that will make LASTING PEACE A REALITY into ETERNITY. Let us welcome all PEACEMAKERS who seek the ultimate goal--HIS PEACE, HIS JOY, AND HIS LOVE...FOR NOW AND INTO ETERNITY!
In some economic and political environments the CRISIS OF HATE is encouraged to separate the various factions to be identified and suffer SMEAR, DISCREDIT, AND DESTROY tactics through the media attack and under a cover of respectability. People of PEACE find these challenges on their way to conquer their goals of obtaining the LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT with intense hostility and loneliness. Being PEACE MAKERS means that the Achievement Ladder Enthusiast will seek every opportunity to brings factions together to be open to one another and to rediscover the misunderstandings and the myths that have kept the WAR going for no apparent good reason. PEACE KEEPERS are those persons who attempt to continue the atmosphere of establishing the PEACE where once WAR was the only norm and way of life. Of course, there are those who are PACIFISTS who decide not to get involved in a fight that appears to have no good ending because of the warring factions and communities. In any WAR there are no WINNERS. There is suffering on all sides, and the divisions continue throughout history until HONEST PEACE EFFORTS are restored by PEACE LOVING persons and communities.
Even when there are PEACE TALKS with warring neighbors, the ultimate decision on having TRUE PEACE will be with mutual understanding and mutual respect of all parties involved in the conflicts. Some PEACE healing will take many years to be effective for all those still having an INTERNAL WAR in their mind and heart brought on by many reasons including a spiritual battle that goes unresolved and unaffected. Where are the PEACE-LOVING DIPLOMATS that seem to be lost or unavailable or unwilling to bring about MUTUAL HOLISTIC PEACE? '"MAKE ME AN INSTRUMENT OF YOUR PEACE...." THE PRINCE OF PEACE, THE GOD OF PEACE is the ONLY WAY, the ONLY TRUTH, and the ONLY LIFE that will make LASTING PEACE A REALITY into ETERNITY. Let us welcome all PEACEMAKERS who seek the ultimate goal--HIS PEACE, HIS JOY, AND HIS LOVE...FOR NOW AND INTO ETERNITY!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Recently, an international body of nobles presented their nominees for the Peace Prize; and to the amazement of all concerned throughout the world, the current President of the United States was rendered the prestigious peace prize award. In the political arena throughout the world, there are numerous persons who would be ineligible for such an award since their current agendas foster a climate of war among factions that have for centuries, years, and even days have been unable to agree on any effective peace formula for all concerned. Peace is often considered the absence of war; but there are many persons throughout the world who create a positive atmosphere for peace because of their lifestyles and their commitment to the Human Beings International Association goal of TRUE PEACE.
When one hears the news about tent cities, refugee camps, the homeless, genocide victims, the unemployed, the underemployed, the neglected, the ignored, the handicapped, the outcasts, the imprisoned, the tortured, the deceived, the illegal immigrants, the hungry, the human trafficers, the cancer patients, the non-celebrities, the dependent, and the nursing home neglected victims, the army of volunteers make a different without using any public funds or taxpayers' monies to accomplish the heroic efforts to relieve the forgotten. Among the many volunteers regarding the preceding situations are those who assist with their own time, talents, and treasures to comfort and to provide compassion for the most needy in all different circumstances.
How many doctors, nurses, and medical professionals give of their talents to provide for the indigent and the most needy in various communities throughout the world. There are missionaries who really care about the dignity and the sanctity of each human being no matter what their condition in life or their status in life. There are teachers who really make the opportunities for effective learning environments without being coerced to teach for tests and for lowering standards to meet the needs of all regardless of their unique talents for learning.
Each person who offers their time, talents, and treasures without any compensation of any type to assist the poor, the downtrodden, the "nobodies," the weak, the insensitive, the coerced suicide prone terrorists, and the domestically maltreated spouses and their children offer a HOPE than transcends this world and offers a glimmer of TRUE LOVE for the unloved, the abandoned, and the disenchanted. Seeking PEACE of mind, body, and soul for each individual in a world that has yet to define the word and true meaning of PEACE...especially inner PEACE that transcends the natural order of things.
We congratulate all of the persons who have really made PEACE possible in their environments because they air, care, share, and bear the burdens of those who are our brothers and sisters in the divine plan of creation. These wonderful persons live the peaceful lives that impact the world in a way that escapes the wealthy, the status seekers, the elitists, the celebrities, and those who adore the world, the flesh, and the demonic pleasures of their fantasy world. The true Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who GIVE of their aptitudes in order to soar to the highest altitude with their maximum positive attitude to achieve are the TRUE PEACE LOVERS AND CONTRIBUTORS OF WORLD PEACE. They take their encouragement from other PEACE LOVERS such as St. Francis of Assisi with the following verses:
"Lord, make me an instrument of YOUR PEACE.
Where there is hatred, let me sow LOVE.
Where there is injury, PARDON.
Where there is doubt, FAITH.
Where there is despair, HOPE.
Where there is darkness, LIGHT.
Where there is sadness, JOY.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as TO CONSOLE; to be understood as to UNDERSTAND; to be LOVED as to LOVE;
for it is in GIVING that we receive, and it is in pardoning that we are PARDONED,
and it is in dying that we are born to ETERNAL LIFE."
We congratulate all of the Ides of October 2009 Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts recipients in being recognized with the EXEMPLARY PEACE AWARD FOR 2009!
When one hears the news about tent cities, refugee camps, the homeless, genocide victims, the unemployed, the underemployed, the neglected, the ignored, the handicapped, the outcasts, the imprisoned, the tortured, the deceived, the illegal immigrants, the hungry, the human trafficers, the cancer patients, the non-celebrities, the dependent, and the nursing home neglected victims, the army of volunteers make a different without using any public funds or taxpayers' monies to accomplish the heroic efforts to relieve the forgotten. Among the many volunteers regarding the preceding situations are those who assist with their own time, talents, and treasures to comfort and to provide compassion for the most needy in all different circumstances.
How many doctors, nurses, and medical professionals give of their talents to provide for the indigent and the most needy in various communities throughout the world. There are missionaries who really care about the dignity and the sanctity of each human being no matter what their condition in life or their status in life. There are teachers who really make the opportunities for effective learning environments without being coerced to teach for tests and for lowering standards to meet the needs of all regardless of their unique talents for learning.
Each person who offers their time, talents, and treasures without any compensation of any type to assist the poor, the downtrodden, the "nobodies," the weak, the insensitive, the coerced suicide prone terrorists, and the domestically maltreated spouses and their children offer a HOPE than transcends this world and offers a glimmer of TRUE LOVE for the unloved, the abandoned, and the disenchanted. Seeking PEACE of mind, body, and soul for each individual in a world that has yet to define the word and true meaning of PEACE...especially inner PEACE that transcends the natural order of things.
We congratulate all of the persons who have really made PEACE possible in their environments because they air, care, share, and bear the burdens of those who are our brothers and sisters in the divine plan of creation. These wonderful persons live the peaceful lives that impact the world in a way that escapes the wealthy, the status seekers, the elitists, the celebrities, and those who adore the world, the flesh, and the demonic pleasures of their fantasy world. The true Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who GIVE of their aptitudes in order to soar to the highest altitude with their maximum positive attitude to achieve are the TRUE PEACE LOVERS AND CONTRIBUTORS OF WORLD PEACE. They take their encouragement from other PEACE LOVERS such as St. Francis of Assisi with the following verses:
"Lord, make me an instrument of YOUR PEACE.
Where there is hatred, let me sow LOVE.
Where there is injury, PARDON.
Where there is doubt, FAITH.
Where there is despair, HOPE.
Where there is darkness, LIGHT.
Where there is sadness, JOY.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as TO CONSOLE; to be understood as to UNDERSTAND; to be LOVED as to LOVE;
for it is in GIVING that we receive, and it is in pardoning that we are PARDONED,
and it is in dying that we are born to ETERNAL LIFE."
We congratulate all of the Ides of October 2009 Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts recipients in being recognized with the EXEMPLARY PEACE AWARD FOR 2009!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
For many persons who listen to commercials appealing to animal rights enthusiasts for financial support in order to reduce the cruelty to animals throughout the world, one may take from these commercials that animals seem to have more priority in the world than "homo sapiens." With all the fuss about respect for animals of all types and dimensions, the understanding notions are that as human beings we should be better stewards of our environments involving the proper care of these God-given animals. However, the line is drawn when the domestic animals under human stewardship appear to be getting better and superior treatment even above human beings. Cruelty to animals of any nature is inappropriate behavior and unjust treatment. If persons who own domestic animals are incapable or unable to effectively and efficiently care for the well-being of animals, these persons should avoid any ownership of domestic animals on a common sense basis rather than being covered by human laws. There have been too many cases in the news that seem to emphasize the adoption of domestic animals without really identifying whether these prospective owners have any intent on giving these animals proper care and safe environments. Using animals for "unethical" purposes by the owners should also be identified when warranted to avoid cruelty of any sort.
The amazing observation by achievement ladder enthusiasts is that often human beings at all stages of development are often subjected to cruelty that is unfit for human beings. There are some individuals who are unable to care for the most dependent and the most vulnerable in their care and are often neglected by their caregivers. There are human laws that say that "viability" is the notable aspect to give an unborn embryo or fetus the right to be identified as a human being. Others will argue that when the "cord is cut" that the human being is now recognized. Obviously, these persons who make such judgments have overlooked their study of Biology 101 or Human Anatomy and Physiology 101. To give respect for the sanctity and beauty of human life starts at the first moment of fertilization/conception and continues on until natural death. The respect that we given to human beings in any civilized society recognizes that human life of body and soul marks the respect that we have for such a society.
When humans create their own laws contrary to natural law and divine law, the cause and effect of these decisions will haunt that society until that society ceases to exist. In addition, when these same societies pay more respect to domestic animals than human beings, the results of a human relations collapse from within will soon be apparent socially, economically, politically, aesthetically, morally, ethically, and spiritually. Domestic animals are not family members in the true sense of the term in a traditional setting. Domestic animals have their place and their role in an individual's life at all stages of development. Making domestic animals look and dress like humans is often fashionable among the elite and the sophisticated social setting. Thinking that domestic animals can "think" is going above and beyond what any Veterinary and Animal Science courses would indicate. Yes, domestic animals act on instinct and natural responses as an animal are expected.
Let one get a better perspective on the nature of domestic animals and the nature of human beings who are capable of making choices with reasoning and will power. Rising above the animalistic tendencies of human beings to the human level and to the divine level are the cardinal designs of a every human being. The Human Beings International Association in concert with the achievement ladder enthusiasts choose to be the holistic intelligences that are exceptionally special to all other human beings living on planet earth. Giving respect to one another as a human being in multi-dimensional ways is very different than giving respect for a domestic animal who seek positive attention of their respectful owners through their use of instinctive ways. A living human being needs to be aware of the unique difference between domestic animals and human beings as is intended and designed by the Creator of this Universe. Yes, give and offer respect to both the human being and the domestic animal with a positive attitude toward both. In our climb up and down the Ladder of Achievement of Life, we will be challenged by those who distort the reality of any truth; and we will be encouraged to discern the responsibility of stewardship in all of its aspects of living a life worth living in harmony with all Creation.
The amazing observation by achievement ladder enthusiasts is that often human beings at all stages of development are often subjected to cruelty that is unfit for human beings. There are some individuals who are unable to care for the most dependent and the most vulnerable in their care and are often neglected by their caregivers. There are human laws that say that "viability" is the notable aspect to give an unborn embryo or fetus the right to be identified as a human being. Others will argue that when the "cord is cut" that the human being is now recognized. Obviously, these persons who make such judgments have overlooked their study of Biology 101 or Human Anatomy and Physiology 101. To give respect for the sanctity and beauty of human life starts at the first moment of fertilization/conception and continues on until natural death. The respect that we given to human beings in any civilized society recognizes that human life of body and soul marks the respect that we have for such a society.
When humans create their own laws contrary to natural law and divine law, the cause and effect of these decisions will haunt that society until that society ceases to exist. In addition, when these same societies pay more respect to domestic animals than human beings, the results of a human relations collapse from within will soon be apparent socially, economically, politically, aesthetically, morally, ethically, and spiritually. Domestic animals are not family members in the true sense of the term in a traditional setting. Domestic animals have their place and their role in an individual's life at all stages of development. Making domestic animals look and dress like humans is often fashionable among the elite and the sophisticated social setting. Thinking that domestic animals can "think" is going above and beyond what any Veterinary and Animal Science courses would indicate. Yes, domestic animals act on instinct and natural responses as an animal are expected.
Let one get a better perspective on the nature of domestic animals and the nature of human beings who are capable of making choices with reasoning and will power. Rising above the animalistic tendencies of human beings to the human level and to the divine level are the cardinal designs of a every human being. The Human Beings International Association in concert with the achievement ladder enthusiasts choose to be the holistic intelligences that are exceptionally special to all other human beings living on planet earth. Giving respect to one another as a human being in multi-dimensional ways is very different than giving respect for a domestic animal who seek positive attention of their respectful owners through their use of instinctive ways. A living human being needs to be aware of the unique difference between domestic animals and human beings as is intended and designed by the Creator of this Universe. Yes, give and offer respect to both the human being and the domestic animal with a positive attitude toward both. In our climb up and down the Ladder of Achievement of Life, we will be challenged by those who distort the reality of any truth; and we will be encouraged to discern the responsibility of stewardship in all of its aspects of living a life worth living in harmony with all Creation.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
For all of the persons who are striving to make headway everyday on their pursuit of the Ladder of Achievement in their lives, there is one dimension that is often overlooked in this adventure. For each daily challenge that a person receives, that person is almost expected to "go it alone" as though these persons were on a deserted island. Survival of the fittest seems to dominate the attitude of many persons who ignore and overlook the interpersonal role to encourage others to strive to be the best in whatever "theater of endeavor" that they are engaged. Even in team sports and theater productions, the sense is "break a leg" without any obvious support mechanism that may assist in achieving the goals.
Even with the "Bad News Bears" mentality, the individuals who are attempting to find themselves and to be productive are given very little encouragement from their team members and their coaches until a CRISIS occurs to decide the fate of the outcome. However, if each individual realized that he/she is a part of the entire process and that each person is unique, then the opportunities abound for the thinking "outside the box" rather than be stymied by hesitancy, ignorance, apathy, or any other notion of negativity. To start at the zero percent of "don't want to do this" and then to arrive at the 60 percent of "I might," expects that someone or something may have had a "hand" in turning around a negative attitude to a positive attitude that a person winds their way on the spiral case of the Ladder of Achievement as often as one experiences in a lighthouse climb to the very top of the Light House.
Many years ago, my opportunity to climb the stairs of a lofty Lighthouse became quite a challenge for me personally. In starting up the narrow staircase, my inclination was to stop before going even further. However, my inner drive or my internal locus of control spurred me on to continue to the climb to the very top of the Light House. In my 360 degree vision at the top, my fear of heights was slightly overcome because of this personal achievement. My determination and desire to climb these 300 or so steps was inspired by the spouse who positively encouraged me to accept the challenge to the top. My hardest climb was returning down the spiral staircase because of its narrow space to eventually reach the bottom of the Light House. Yes, my adventure was that this may be my last chance to even attempt the climb because of the arthritis in my knees. Success breeds success. But often that success comes from supporting family, friends, and team members who know how difficult the climb is up and down the daily Ladder of Achievement.
In the Human Beings International Association's preamble and ethical code of conduct, the encouragement from people who have experienced the adventures of a Tour de France, an Iron Person experience, a marathon completion, a calamity caused by nature, a downsized economy, an indifferent political environment, a homelessness, an underemployed or unemployed dilemma, a death of a loved one, and many other uncontrollable occurrences makes all the world of difference when attempting to turn around one's life for the better. We need each other in life's Ladder of Achievement to be truly successful. When we start to say, "I think I can" at 70 percent of the way, to the 80 percent "I can," to the "I will at 90 percent," and eventually "We did it, we accomplished this" at 100 percent, we realize that in life's journey we need all of the "nobodies" that really care about our successful travels along the way of life's challenging journeys. How many Oscar and Emmy winners THANK THE PERSONS who gave them the opportunities and the encouragement to continue their ventures.
When we are GIVERS of encouraging words and actions, we are GIVING LIFE to an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast who is humbled about the TRUTH of their actual growth and development. Will you be the SMILE, the PAT ON THE BACK, the HUG, the POSITIVE ATTITUDE, the MORALE, the "WARM FUZZY," and the ULTIMATE POSITIVE COACH, FRIEND, and CONFIDANT who really CARES for the sacredness and the uniqueness of each ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIAST in their life? WHAT YOU DO FOR ANOTHER DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN A WORLD THAT IS SHY ON GIVING LOVE for any human reason. Today is the tomorrow that we thought about yesterday. Make each day count on your continual journey up and down the Achievement Ladder and be humble enough to accept the LOVE that POSITIVE environments offer to you.
Even with the "Bad News Bears" mentality, the individuals who are attempting to find themselves and to be productive are given very little encouragement from their team members and their coaches until a CRISIS occurs to decide the fate of the outcome. However, if each individual realized that he/she is a part of the entire process and that each person is unique, then the opportunities abound for the thinking "outside the box" rather than be stymied by hesitancy, ignorance, apathy, or any other notion of negativity. To start at the zero percent of "don't want to do this" and then to arrive at the 60 percent of "I might," expects that someone or something may have had a "hand" in turning around a negative attitude to a positive attitude that a person winds their way on the spiral case of the Ladder of Achievement as often as one experiences in a lighthouse climb to the very top of the Light House.
Many years ago, my opportunity to climb the stairs of a lofty Lighthouse became quite a challenge for me personally. In starting up the narrow staircase, my inclination was to stop before going even further. However, my inner drive or my internal locus of control spurred me on to continue to the climb to the very top of the Light House. In my 360 degree vision at the top, my fear of heights was slightly overcome because of this personal achievement. My determination and desire to climb these 300 or so steps was inspired by the spouse who positively encouraged me to accept the challenge to the top. My hardest climb was returning down the spiral staircase because of its narrow space to eventually reach the bottom of the Light House. Yes, my adventure was that this may be my last chance to even attempt the climb because of the arthritis in my knees. Success breeds success. But often that success comes from supporting family, friends, and team members who know how difficult the climb is up and down the daily Ladder of Achievement.
In the Human Beings International Association's preamble and ethical code of conduct, the encouragement from people who have experienced the adventures of a Tour de France, an Iron Person experience, a marathon completion, a calamity caused by nature, a downsized economy, an indifferent political environment, a homelessness, an underemployed or unemployed dilemma, a death of a loved one, and many other uncontrollable occurrences makes all the world of difference when attempting to turn around one's life for the better. We need each other in life's Ladder of Achievement to be truly successful. When we start to say, "I think I can" at 70 percent of the way, to the 80 percent "I can," to the "I will at 90 percent," and eventually "We did it, we accomplished this" at 100 percent, we realize that in life's journey we need all of the "nobodies" that really care about our successful travels along the way of life's challenging journeys. How many Oscar and Emmy winners THANK THE PERSONS who gave them the opportunities and the encouragement to continue their ventures.
When we are GIVERS of encouraging words and actions, we are GIVING LIFE to an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast who is humbled about the TRUTH of their actual growth and development. Will you be the SMILE, the PAT ON THE BACK, the HUG, the POSITIVE ATTITUDE, the MORALE, the "WARM FUZZY," and the ULTIMATE POSITIVE COACH, FRIEND, and CONFIDANT who really CARES for the sacredness and the uniqueness of each ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIAST in their life? WHAT YOU DO FOR ANOTHER DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN A WORLD THAT IS SHY ON GIVING LOVE for any human reason. Today is the tomorrow that we thought about yesterday. Make each day count on your continual journey up and down the Achievement Ladder and be humble enough to accept the LOVE that POSITIVE environments offer to you.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
For all active members of the Human Beings International Association, the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts applaud and honor October, 2009, as a remembrance of the Multiple Respect Life Issues Month. Throughout the world, we witness an ongoing slaughter and horrific abuse of innocent human lives in the womb, in small defenseless children, in young teens, and in mature adults. About 90 percent of the civil rights violations occur to women and the rest to men. Why does this exist in our modern world and in a world sensitive to the instance communications that want answers NOW! We have observed indifferences, apathy, ignorance, and wholesale exploitation of young children and young teens with pornography, slave trading, human trafficing, chemical/drug addictions, and neglect of the basic needs for these precious human beings. Greed, animal sexual indulgence, inconvenience, selfishness, and a host of other reasons are responsible for the disrespect for men and women throughout the world and for the most vulnerable, the children of all ages.
Domestic Violence Awareness is observed every October as a reminder to have self-respect as well as respect for men and women who are created in the image and likeness of their Creator, God. When we physically, emotionally, or morally deprive the basic human rights of others especially of women, we are creating an injustice that cries to Heaven for vengeance and for reasonable explanations. Honor your Father and your Mother and respect for your innocent children have to be a priority that exists in all of our interpersonal relationships with the complementary efforts of man and woman. The Family is still the basic unit in society; and the Family brings together men and women who have unconditional love for the members of the Family and of their respective spouses. There is NO GOOD HUMAN REASON ON EARTH that allows for any domestic violence situation. Getting good counseling and spiritual assistance will bring the relations from the "animal level" to the "human level" and eventually to the "divine level."
Breast Cancer Awareness Month reminds each and every man and woman to take care of their God-given physical attributes with total respect. In a world that is overwhelmed with sexual advertisements emphasizing certain parts of the human anatomy, the precious respect that should be demanded is overshadowed by movies, television shows, and entertainment in general. Modesty is a lost word for many who exploit the human anatomy for unethical and immoral reasons. God does not make junk! The human body is beautiful and unique for each person. Let us learn to better respect the holistic intelligences of the woman and the man who have been made in the image of their Creator, God.
Respect Life Month also reminds us to honor and to give homage to the sacredness of each human being from the first moment of conception until natural death. To have human laws that are contrary to divine law is a disgrace to the people who allow these unjust human laws to be used to destroy innocent human life at all stages of development while ignoring the basic science evidence to the contrary. To have more than fifty million unborn babies killed by elective abortion since 1973 is a civil rights violation that has gone unpunished and ignored because a HUMAN LAW was passed by the highest court in the land to make killing unborn babies LEGAL! IN EVERY ELECTIVE ABORTION A BABY DIES! That is fact and well documented. Let us as a world that belongs to the Human Beings International Association encourage and defend the civil rights of the human being from conception to natural death as a matter of conscience and as a patriot act of heroism.
With the month of October devoted to the Mother of God, the Mother of Mercy, and the Mother of the Rosary under the title of OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY, let us remember to pray and meditate on the mysteries of the Rosary that reminds us of the Joyful, the Luminous, the Sorrowful, and the Glorious moments in the lives of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph--A FAMILY. The Rosary is based on Scriptural passages and a reminder that the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ is alive and well today through His active and practicing Catholic Christians throughout the world. "I will be with you all days until the end of time." The Rosary is our best weapon in the arsenal to deal with the world, the flesh, and the devil. "Lovely Lady dressed in blue teach us how to pray. God was just your little boy and you know the Way." Prayer power is the most powerful means to bring human beings together for a united cause and a community effort to grow in God's Love.
Domestic Violence Awareness is observed every October as a reminder to have self-respect as well as respect for men and women who are created in the image and likeness of their Creator, God. When we physically, emotionally, or morally deprive the basic human rights of others especially of women, we are creating an injustice that cries to Heaven for vengeance and for reasonable explanations. Honor your Father and your Mother and respect for your innocent children have to be a priority that exists in all of our interpersonal relationships with the complementary efforts of man and woman. The Family is still the basic unit in society; and the Family brings together men and women who have unconditional love for the members of the Family and of their respective spouses. There is NO GOOD HUMAN REASON ON EARTH that allows for any domestic violence situation. Getting good counseling and spiritual assistance will bring the relations from the "animal level" to the "human level" and eventually to the "divine level."
Breast Cancer Awareness Month reminds each and every man and woman to take care of their God-given physical attributes with total respect. In a world that is overwhelmed with sexual advertisements emphasizing certain parts of the human anatomy, the precious respect that should be demanded is overshadowed by movies, television shows, and entertainment in general. Modesty is a lost word for many who exploit the human anatomy for unethical and immoral reasons. God does not make junk! The human body is beautiful and unique for each person. Let us learn to better respect the holistic intelligences of the woman and the man who have been made in the image of their Creator, God.
Respect Life Month also reminds us to honor and to give homage to the sacredness of each human being from the first moment of conception until natural death. To have human laws that are contrary to divine law is a disgrace to the people who allow these unjust human laws to be used to destroy innocent human life at all stages of development while ignoring the basic science evidence to the contrary. To have more than fifty million unborn babies killed by elective abortion since 1973 is a civil rights violation that has gone unpunished and ignored because a HUMAN LAW was passed by the highest court in the land to make killing unborn babies LEGAL! IN EVERY ELECTIVE ABORTION A BABY DIES! That is fact and well documented. Let us as a world that belongs to the Human Beings International Association encourage and defend the civil rights of the human being from conception to natural death as a matter of conscience and as a patriot act of heroism.
With the month of October devoted to the Mother of God, the Mother of Mercy, and the Mother of the Rosary under the title of OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY, let us remember to pray and meditate on the mysteries of the Rosary that reminds us of the Joyful, the Luminous, the Sorrowful, and the Glorious moments in the lives of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph--A FAMILY. The Rosary is based on Scriptural passages and a reminder that the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ is alive and well today through His active and practicing Catholic Christians throughout the world. "I will be with you all days until the end of time." The Rosary is our best weapon in the arsenal to deal with the world, the flesh, and the devil. "Lovely Lady dressed in blue teach us how to pray. God was just your little boy and you know the Way." Prayer power is the most powerful means to bring human beings together for a united cause and a community effort to grow in God's Love.
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