Monday, July 27, 2009


In forming a networking alliance with Human Beings International Association, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are able to formulate a unique approach that will enhance the learning environments for all of its dedicated members. Realizing that the opportunities for each human being throughout the world is distinctly different and uniquely challenging, the networking, partnering, and collaborating efforts will encourage each human being to advance to the maximum of their human potential as their conditions permit. Although the freedoms to exercise their choices in every day life will vary from culture to culture, the common thread is that each human being is uniquely calibrated to focus on their holistic intelligence that they have inherited from genetics and from human experiences.

In reading the news and in listening to the media reports from various parts of the globe, the message is basically the same for all human beings. They are uniquely created by an Uncaused Cause, by a Intelligent Creator, by a Supreme Being, by a God of all gods, by a Lover of all love, and by an Eternal and Infinite Divine Presence that makes each human being very special in aptitudes, altitudes, and attitudes. Each human being is superior to the animal world that operates on instinct rather than rationally decisive ideas and actions. Although some scientists would have you believe that "cloning" of human beings is possible, the uniqueness of each human being is only complete when the Superior Being of the Universe gives that human being a soul that becomes the essence of that human being's existence.

Human beings are capable of having Ideals, Values, Ethics, Morals, and Spirituality that is not designed for the animal world as we know the animal world. To equate the animal world with the the value and dignity of the human being is fictional, mythical, and untrue. The balance in the Universe is dependent on the human being's decisions to manage the natural resources and the animal resources with the care that is expected and desired by the God of all gods. The mind, the heart, and the soul of each human being is unique and designed for good purpose from conception to natural death. The climb up and down the Achievement Ladder of Life is the challenge that each human being throughout the world is expected to progress one step at a time with the passage of time. Going from the negative approach to the more positive approach takes human ingenuity with the head, the heart, and the will to succeed in the lifelong travels in human existence.

The goals for each human being will depend on a number of factors in their unique environments that allow for positive progression. In a negative environment, the human being is thwarted by greed, injustices, social unrest, unstable human conditions, and inhumanity toward men and women that makes any progress an impossibility. Without divine intervention and human intervention inspired by the Higher Power, the human being's will to succeed is rewarded through perseverance, humility, peace efforts, meekness, and unconditional love towards all other human beings. The sacredness and the beauty of each individual human being is the very reason that each person exists for the Glory of the Divine Creator since each human being is made in the image and the likeness of God Almighty. Each human being has a common Father and a Creator who really loves unconditionally and seeks the best for each human being that has been created in the threefold formation: man, woman, and Creator. Let us continue to make changes that will allow each living human being an opportunity to live the life that the Divine Creator wants and desires for each of His creatures. "Love one another as I have loved you."
Now is your time to join in the development and in the growth of the Human Beings International Association by contributing your maximum potential in your lifelong challenges to make a difference in the world that needs each and every human beings' contributions through initiative, creativity, and thinking outside the box. "Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life. Guard it well!" (Proverbs 4:13)

Pope on Vacation: 'In His Mercy, God Shows True Power' - Catholic Online

Pope on Vacation: 'In His Mercy, God Shows True Power' - Catholic Online

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Friday, July 24, 2009


Many discerning adults especially retired adults should be alert to the fact that many medical statements from the providing medical professionals are incorrect and inaccurate. There have been many examples of invoices and statements that have backcharged patients for what insurance health carriers would not accept as a total claim. The claims are like going to a furniture store that has "List Prices" and then you are given your "Trade Discounts" for what insurance was contractually unwilling to absorb and to accept. Be willing to wait for the processed claims from your insurance health carrier before paying any balance that is incorrect and inaccurate and improperly coded by the health provider. This is one way that consumers of health providers are able to reduce unnecessary costs that are associated with any provision of heath benefits. If the health provider is an in network provider, then these claims will need to be adjusted to what the patient's legal responsibility really is. Look for the amount billed, the amount allowed, the amount paid, and the members' responsibility that is legally appropriate for the member to pay as a "co-pay."

In my personal experiences, there have been many mistakes that have been unknowingly overlooked by the "eyes" of the coding specialists at the medical facility where the patient received medical treatment. If the patient simply pays the amount on the medical statement, the patient will be "literally" pouring money down the drain. In one instance, my eyes caught a $600 overcharge on a medical statement that lacked details about the medical services. Having received the "Members Health Statement" from the Health Care Insurance Provider assisted me in determining the inaccuracies of the statement sent to me from the doctors' offices. In a few cases, my discovery helped the Health Care Provider to correct the coding that may have been completed by an inexperienced coder specialist. These corrections save the patients unnecessary health care expenses that have "skyrocketed over the years."

If you want real health care reform, the consumer may want to be more alert in receiving doctors' medical statements and quickly paying the amounts that are inaccurate, confusing, and incorrect. Be diligent about watching the costs that are cloudy and confusing. Let us help to keep the Health Care Providers in our Country be honest, diligent, and accurate in their passing on "balances" that are in the best interest of the patient. Let the patient decide what to pay health care providers after the insurance carriers have processed the numerous claims that may or may not be the correct amounts of the actual health care provider. Let the buyer beware! When you indicate "payment in full," that should indicate that you have done your homework in saving valuable health funds.

Special Report: Stop the Abortion Mandate! - Catholic Online

Special Report: Stop the Abortion Mandate! - Catholic Online

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009


For our Ides of July 2009 Achievement Ladder Recognition Award, we want to recognize a group of individuals who are the unsung heroes of summer, the children who are on vacation from their schools that they attend from late August to early June. These special persons who will some day be our leaders in various walks of life are observing the adults in their life. Some of the wonderful children are lacking a father figure in their lives because of the uncommitted men who prefer to waste their lives on selfishness rather than take responsibility for the children that they have fathered. Often other adults step up to fill the void left by unloving fathers by spending time with these precious children who are seeking guidance and support from the adult world. There are many mothers who work full time in many occupations and yet are willing to give the quality time that their children deserve. Many of these children are often assisted at quality day-care centers where loving care is often provided. In addition, children are given an opportunity to participate in community-sponsored activities to learn an avocation, hobby, or a sport that will occupy their time, their talents, and their unique treasures. Yes, these children are learning to climb up and down the Ladder of Achievement during their vacations with caring adults who really want the best for the future of America and their own communities. Children do not care what you know but how you care!

Even the spiral staircase that impacts the head, the will, and the heart of each unique child is a gift to those who are preparing gradually to be our future teachers, doctors, lawyers, plumbers, electricians, welders, computer systems professionals, health care providers, and many other career choices. Lifelong learning has already started for many of these children who are expected to grow up so fast too soon. Many children are unable to take advantage of being a child because of the multiple responsibilities that are being heaped upon them because of selfish and uncaring adults in their lives. Hopefully, these children will avoid judging all adults on the few that are making their lives a living hell. We do appreciate all of the adults who want to make a difference in the lives of children with the many sacrifices that they are willing to endure to bring love to children. Hopefully, more adults will realize that working with children takes LISTENING, LISTENING, LOVE, AND LOVE with the head and with the heart.
Thank you for all of the children who are living their joyful, spontaneous, loving attitude even in the event of disappointments from so many non-caring adults.
The children of today are our Ides of July 2009 Achievement Ladder Recognition Award Recipients. YOU DESERVE THE BEST TODAY...YOU ARE LOVED!

Friday, July 3, 2009


On this 4th of July, 2009, let us pause and reflect on the Country that our ancestors and our Founders of our Republic have given us as their legacy for future generations. Our Declaration of Independence in 1776 proclaimed the freedoms that we cherished as our new nation. We continued 1784 with the Constitution of United States of America and the Bill of Rights with the numerous amendments over the years. We have a PROUD HERITAGE and we have a PROMISING FUTURE. Each immigrant to our Country contributed in some way that made the difference for each and every one of us over the years. Each person brought a unique bundle of skills that took our Country from an agriculturally based market place to an information age and a service oriented society. With all of the new technologies that have been discovered through entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs since 1776, we have grown as a Country that has fought to preserve the freedoms that meant the most to each one of us. We eventually understood the cultural diversities that made us a "melting pot" of nationalities, races, unique skills, and spiritual diversities. We learned to respect and to be tolerant of the differences of doctrines, but we learned of the "common thread" that brought our Judeo-Christian heritiage from its founding formations to the present. "We hold these truths to be self-evident...that all men and women are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights and that among them are LIFE, LIBERTY, AND PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS."

Why are so many elected officials "watering down" our heritage with their bazaar proposals that would undermine our God-given freedoms and our respect for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Are we ready for a "revival of our traditions" and a "renewal of our spiritual development" that will once again stimulate the uniqueness of America? Our holistic intelligences are being attacked from within as well as from without by those who are "jealous" of the many-faceted talents of our American people. There are many greedy and selfish individuals and groups who really do not care about America and the American way of life. These individuals and groups want to destroy the very essence of what the Republic fought for over the years to retain at all costs. Today we have dedicated service personnel who put their lives on the line for the freedoms of our Country. These service men and women want to have the benefits of freedom not only for themselves and their families, but also for the many persons throughout the world who want to declare independence from tyranny in their various countries. Thank you, American Armed Services, for all that you do to fight for our freedoms to live in a free society with cultural diversity and religious respect and tolerance of differing doctrines.

Again, Happy 233rd Birthday, America. LET FREEDOM CONTINUE TO RING FOR ALL THE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. God has already blessed this wonderful Country of ours. Let us bless God for His guidance through the Holy Spirit to continue to grow in our multiple holistic intelligences. Let us continue to pray for the conversion of the United States of America to again recapture the SPIRIT OF 1776 as God intended for all of us.

We Hold These Truths: Our Dependence on God - Catholic Online

We Hold These Truths: Our Dependence on God - Catholic Online

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